Animal Sacrifices Found in the Old Testament ?


I guess you cant disern what the letter kills means to those scriptures you want interpreted literally, its called revelation not intellectual dogma that uses the letter to kill the spiritial meaning. Until you get luke 17:20-21 the outward meaning will veil your mind.

The letter kills is THE LAW. We can't love enough, do enough or be enough to inherit eternity. You have been deceived to discount the Bible as valid and important.

It's more than just "allegory".


Well-known member
You speak like an unsaved Jew.

1Pe 1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Your quote says, "not redeemed with corruptible things", such as physical blood, which means that because of your carnal mindset there is no way you have been crucified with Messiah because you only see it as a literal physical one-time event that happened in history some two thousand years ago. Neither can you consume his flesh, nor can you drink his blood, because you see those things as purely physical. What will you do if he returns in "glorified resurrected form"? You apparently also do not believe his words when he says that the heavens and the earth shall pass away but his words shall not pass away: if he returns the way you imagine it in the machinations of your vain imagination then you will be required to eat his "glorified resurrected flesh" if you want to have life in you, (according to John 6). You are teaching theoretical cannibalism; and I only say theoretical because I know it is not going to happen the way you imagine in your cannibalistic carnal mind.


Well-known member
The letter kills is THE LAW. We can't love enough, do enough or be enough to inherit eternity. You have been deceived to discount the Bible as valid and important.

It's more than just "allegory".

Thats what you do by missing the spiritual intent of the message, its veiled to you because you haven't experienced it yet or you wouldn't think God needed to kill animals when its meaning is the behavior of the carnal mind that needs to be sacrificed in the temple of God which you have yet to grasp where that is located.


Well-known member
Thats what you do by missing the spiritual intent of the message, its veiled to you because you haven't experienced it yet or you wouldn't think God needed to kill animals when its meaning is the behavior of the carnal mind that needs to be sacrificed in the temple of God which you have yet to grasp where that is located.

Yep, the carnal mind is a beast nature, and there are four "generations" to its nature which become increasingly more terrible with each "generation". For the same reason many herein speak with the mouths of lions, (for the heart is given over to the first beast of man and what comes forth from the mouth proceeds from the heart in the doctrine of the Master whom they reject). And the final fourth generation beast of the man will not pass until all is fulfilled: each in his or her own appointed times, times appointed by the Father who alone knows the day and the hour, (and none shall be alone in his appointed times). The signs are all around them but they are not able to recognize the foliage of their own Assyrian fig-branches, ("Now LEARN, (HEAR), ye the parable of the fig-tree", O ye Assyrian fig-branches, lol).

Lazy afternoon

Your quote says, "not redeemed with corruptible things", such as physical blood, which means that because of your carnal mindset there is no way you have been crucified with Messiah because you only see it as a literal physical one-time event that happened in history some two thousand years ago. Neither can you consume his flesh, nor can you drink his blood, because you see those things as purely physical. What will you do if he returns in "glorified resurrected form"? You apparently also do not believe his words when he says that the heavens and the earth shall pass away but his words shall not pass away: if he returns the way you imagine it in the machinations of your vain imagination then you will be required to eat his "glorified resurrected flesh" if you want to have life in you, (according to John 6). You are teaching theoretical cannibalism; and I only say theoretical because I know it is not going to happen the way you imagine in your cannibalistic carnal mind.

1Pe 1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:


Well-known member
1Pe 1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Yep, as I just explained, true in my doctrine and true of myself: but apparently not true for you.


Thats what you do by missing the spiritual intent of the message, its veiled to you because you haven't experienced it yet or you wouldn't think God needed to kill animals when its meaning is the behavior of the carnal mind that needs to be sacrificed in the temple of God which you have yet to grasp where that is located.

The wicked thief on the cross told Jesus to "Save Himself". This is you.


Yep, as I just explained, true in my doctrine and true of myself: but apparently not true for you.

You even call the Torah a lie with your deception. You are outside of ALL scripture and you call all liars that quote that Atonment is true. You make up account that is PilyTheist by suggesting that the Son is a Mormon type "Son of Spirit" that is interjected into the adult body of Jesus and then flees at death.

You twist scripture to glorify yourself and your salvationless ideas of LAW exaltation.

You couldn't exegete on the book of Galatians all the way through in sequential order without lying about what it says.

You Daqq are a false teacher that calls many false.

Shame on [MENTION=18157]marhig[/MENTION] for backing your lies and self exaltation!!!


1Pe 1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

We disagree on Jesus in many ways... but in these matters of Daqqs blasphemous denial of the perfection of the "Son of Man" and "Son of God"... and the Atonement His death and Ressurection bring forth... I back you up and commend your standing against Daqqs poetic insults!!!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I guess you cant disern what the letter kills means to those scriptures you want interpreted literally, its called revelation not intellectual dogma that uses the letter to kill the spiritial meaning. Until you get luke 17:20-21 the outward meaning will veil your mind.

If the following verse which demonstrated that the LORD ordered animal sacrifices is not to be taken literally then it must have another meaning:

"An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee"

What meaning do you place on it if it isn't supposed to be taken literally?

Don't let us down and show us how wise you are!


Well-known member
If the following verse which demonstrated that the LORD ordered animal sacrifices is not to be taken literally then it must have another meaning:

"An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee"

What meaning do you place on it if it isn't supposed to be taken literally?

Don't let us down and show us how wise you are!

So you think God who is spirit whose sons would also be spirits/seeds living in temporal vessels feeds them carnal food or Spiritual substance to germinate? And uses fire and water like the physical man does? the fire/water/blood etc... used by the spirit is spiritual unless you think Jesus who spoke spiritual words baptized with literal fire which is what you should believe seeing you can't imagine the terms used by the carnal symbology which are shadows and types of what Jerry?
Plus if Jesus told you that the kingdom was inside you as well as Paul spoke of the same principle concerning where Gods spirit dwells in man and you still cant fathom the spiritual application then you are unreachable until you have an encounter with living God asleep inside you Galatians 1:12.


Well-known member
The wicked thief on the cross told Jesus to "Save Himself". This is you.

More wood, hay, and stubble from the sons of Hagar who are still inbondage to shadows, symbols, and types, instead of the freedom and liberty they hide from the carnal mind, but once the younger sibling is born/awake the carnal food no longer satisfies. Galatians 4:20-28 is about these two types of interpretations and the nourishment they provide each man 1Cor 15:44-45, who has an ear to hear what sayesth the Spirit? not you or Jerry yet.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
So you think God who is spirit whose sons would also be spirits/seeds living in temporal vessels feeds them carnal food or Spiritual substance to germinate?

What's wrong, big shot? Are you not able to give me the meaning of the following verse?:

"An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee"

What meaning do you place on it if it isn't supposed to be taken literally?

You are good at lecturing others when it comes to their interpretation of verses but when given the chance to actually show us that you actually understand what the Scriptures say you run and hide!

You talk big but that is all you are--a big talker!


Well-known member
The wicked thief on the cross told Jesus to "Save Himself". This is you.
Nope that's you! Save yourself and save us also!

But the other thief said "do you not fear God? You and I deserve to die, but this man has done nothing wrong" he knew Jesus didn't deserve to die. And it was him who was saved!

We deserve to die (to self) because we are sinners, and as we are put to death by the Spirit, we are also raised with Christ, we die so that the life of Christ can be seen in and through us.

So instead of Jesus dying for you to live, how about you dying for Jesus to live?

He was dead to self and he lived for us and, to bare witness to the truth, to bring us a new and living way. And we are saved by his life!


Well-known member
You even call the Torah a lie with your deception. You are outside of ALL scripture and you call all liars that quote that Atonment is true. You make up account that is PilyTheist by suggesting that the Son is a Mormon type "Son of Spirit" that is interjected into the adult body of Jesus and then flees at death.

You twist scripture to glorify yourself and your salvationless ideas of LAW exaltation.

You couldn't exegete on the book of Galatians all the way through in sequential order without lying about what it says.

You Daqq are a false teacher that calls many false.

Shame on @marhig for backing your lies and self exaltation!!!

Lol, you have seven times three fingers point back at you. :)

But as I said to your new-found friend, LA, according to the scripture and my doctrine I do believe exactly what that passage says and believe I am redeemed with non-corruptible blood, which is Spirit because it is the Testimony-Word of Messiah, even the blood of Elohim who is Spirit. You however claim to be redeemed with the physical corruptible blood of a physical man; and therefore you can neither eat his flesh nor drink his blood because you do not have either of those things: and even if you did, that would make you a cannibal. Your carnal, fleshly, physical mindset and vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers has utterly deceived you.

You speak like an unsaved Jew.

1Pe 1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Your quote says, "not redeemed with corruptible things", such as physical blood, which means that because of your carnal mindset there is no way you have been crucified with Messiah because you only see it as a literal physical one-time event that happened in history some two thousand years ago. Neither can you consume his flesh, nor can you drink his blood, because you see those things as purely physical. What will you do if he returns in "glorified resurrected form"? You apparently also do not believe his words when he says that the heavens and the earth shall pass away but his words shall not pass away: if he returns the way you imagine it in the machinations of your vain imagination then you will be required to eat his "glorified resurrected flesh" if you want to have life in you, (according to John 6). You are teaching theoretical cannibalism; and I only say theoretical because I know it is not going to happen the way you imagine in your cannibalistic carnal mind.

And what was the robotic response from your fellow cultist?
Repeat the passage again because the mind-swiped data banks were empty:

1Pe 1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;
1Pe 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

Yep, as I just explained, true in my doctrine and true of myself: but apparently not true for you.

Here it is again in hopes that you fully understand: according to the scripture and my doctrine I do believe exactly what that passage says and believe I am redeemed with non-corruptible blood, which is Spirit because it is the Testimony-Word of Messiah, even the blood of Elohim who is Spirit. You however claim to be redeemed with the physical corruptible blood of a physical man; and therefore you can neither eat his flesh nor drink his blood because you do not have either of those things: and even if you did, that would make you a cannibal. Your carnal, fleshly, physical mindset and vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers has utterly deceived you.

Lazy afternoon

Here it is again in hopes that you fully understand: according to the scripture and my doctrine I do believe exactly what that passage says and believe I am redeemed with non-corruptible blood, which is Spirit because it is the Testimony-Word of Messiah, even the blood of Elohim who is Spirit.

Then how did Christ die? You believe like GT.

Nay, Christ's shed blood was that of a righteous man who was without blemish, which you deny.

Rom 5:19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

You however claim to be redeemed with the physical corruptible blood of a physical man; and therefore you can neither eat his flesh nor drink his blood because you do not have either of those things: and even if you did, that would make you a cannibal. Your carnal, fleshly, physical mindset and vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers has utterly deceived you.

Telling lies about other people only proves you are not living in the truth.

You are claiming that your eating of spiritual things is somehow the atonement.

You are not really a true believer because you deny that God made a man in His image to dwell in.



Well-known member
You are claiming that your eating of spiritual things is somehow the atonement.

At least you finally understood something I said, and it has been said from the scripture, for that is the teaching of the Master and from the Torah. You must take up your own stake and follow the Master; and you must apply the blood of the Lamb to your own house, both inside and out, even to the door posts and the lintel-header of your own house: but you have no way to do those things by the false way in which you believe and walk according to your belly. Do you not realize that to walk according to the flesh is to walk according to the belly just as the serpent was cursed to do from the very beginning? Do you not realize that Esau man sold his birthright for a bowl of soup to feed his belly? Do you not realize that means his belly was his god? "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated", for Esau man, your old man nature, walks according to the slow belly of a Nile dragon, "O Egypt, great of flesh!" You cannot eat spirit with your mouth but can only speak spirit out of your mouth, (whether for the good or whether for the evil). You can only eat and drink spiritual things with your eyes and ears because in those ways the Word enters into you and goes into your heart and mind.

Take heed therefore how you hear what you hear, lol, (Luke 8:18).

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
We deserve to die (to self) because we are sinners...

So the word "die" in this verse is just referring to dying to self?:

"The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him"

Did all of those who sinned die to self? If not, why not?


Well-known member
What's wrong, big shot? Are you not able to give me the meaning of the following verse?:

"An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee"

What meaning do you place on it if it isn't supposed to be taken literally?

You are good at lecturing others when it comes to their interpretation of verses but when given the chance to actually show us that you actually understand what the Scriptures say you run and hide!

You talk big but that is all you are--a big talker!

If you cant except luke 17:20-21 then nothing i say will open your eyes, revelation is the only cure for blindness Galatians 1:12.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
If you cant except luke 17:20-21 then nothing i say will open your eyes, revelation is the only cure for blindness Galatians 1:12.

All you are doing is giving an excuse for your refusal to give us your interpretation of the meaning of the words of the LORD here:

"An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee" (Ex.20:24).​

You talk big but that is all you are--a big talker!