An exclusively Catholic doctrine on justification? Not on TOL

God's Truth

New member
Silence, woman. Go teach your children. Do you have children?

What are you doing on the computer acting like a tough guy? Go do yard work, make some money? How about go hunt for some food? You are a fraidy cat. All you are doing is trying to insult people and demean them. What kind of man tries to demean women? I know you wouldn't do that if you were physically in front of me.


Well-known member
What are you doing on the computer acting like a tough woman? Go do yard work, make some money? How about go cook for some food? You are a fraidy cat. All you are doing is trying to insult people and demean them. What kind of woman tries to demean men? I know you wouldn't do that if you were physically in front of me.


Well-known member
You turn the grace of God into law by insisting you have to obey until death, or burn. But you don't obey most of what Christ said.

Go sweep.

God's Truth

New member
What are you doing on the computer acting like a tough woman? Go do yard work, make some money? How about go cook for some food? You are a fraidy cat. All you are doing is trying to insult people and demean them. What kind of woman tries to demean men? I know you wouldn't do that if you were physically in front of me.

Just like a little fraidy cat hiding while mocking people.


Well-known member
GT, I'm not the only one you've semi-threatened like that. You've told other people we wouldn't dare rebuke you if we heard you in person preaching what you do here.

Seriously...why would anyone be afraid of you?

God's Truth

New member
GT, I'm not the only one you've semi-threatened like that. You've told other people we wouldn't dare rebuke you if we heard you in person preaching what you do here.

Seriously...why would anyone be afraid of you?

If you are a man, learn how to act like a man.

You are trying to demean people while you feel safe behind your computer.


Well-known member
If you are a man, learn how to act like a man.

You are trying to demean people while you feel safe behind your computer.

Ah, you didn't answer the question. Try this one. Do you agree with this?

"Justification comes about by means of faith in Christ, and in a life of good works lived in response to God's invitation to believe. "

Do you agree with that?


Well-known member
A person has to repent of their sins. Are you suggesting they knowingly keep some sins when they come to Jesus to be saved?

That's what I asked you. Can a person repent of ALL sin, generally, and have ALL sins forgiven in one shot, and then confess only because they still sin in the flesh but God doesn't hold those again them (because they're forgiven)?


Does the person have to keep repenting each sin by each sin, not missing even one, for the rest of their lives, else those sins won't be forgiven and they'll go to the Lake of Fire?

Which one do you believe?

God's Truth

New member
That's what I asked you. Can a person repent of ALL sin, generally, and have ALL sins forgiven in one shot, and then confess only because they still sin in the flesh but God doesn't hold those again them (because they're forgiven)?


Does the person have to keep repenting each sin by each sin, not missing even one, for the rest of their lives, else those sins won't be forgiven and they'll go to the Lake of Fire?

Which one do you believe?

I don't go by either way, at least not the way you explain it.

A person is to repent of their sins when they want to be saved.

They should know that they will die to doing those sins and live to please Jesus.

God's Truth

New member
Fair enough.

And to you, 'repent' means 'stop sinning,' correct?

What do they do later when they do commit sin?

Repent means you have every intention not to sin.

After one is saved, they are to live to please God, and if they do sin, they can receive forgiveness and mercy.