You're [TH] just beating a straw man.
You seem to have no idea....
You're [TH] just beating a straw man.
I know of people who live on the welfare system, and yet they are very capable persons.
And yet your one anecdotal example does not represent the entire population of the US.
Says who? You're forgetting that if the government wasn't taxing everyone so much in order to fund such welfare programs that everyone would be able to make more money when they have a job. A 5% personal increase (income) tax is more than enough to fund the entire government when it performs only it's just functions.
Jesus Himself said that the poor will always be with us. We're not going to be able to change that. But did you know that the poor in America, because our standard of living is better than most of the rest of the world, live better than the middle class in Europe.
It doesn't represent the entirety of the UK either but as a general rule of thumb it holds up. You're a lot better off in work in the main than you are on standard benefits.
Says common sense. Take away any aid for people out of jobs, both capable and incapable of work and you up the poverty rate. What exactly are these people supposed to live on apart from charitable whim?
You would actually and willingly add to that number and your latter is just something you pulled out of a hat somewhere.
So why not encourage people to get jobs instead of sitting around doing nothing?
You make it seem like people are incapable of doing anything other than what they're already doing. I'm telling you that people are resourceful, that people can learn how to do different things. You see people as mouths to feed, I see them as workers who can provide for themselves and for others.
Again, people who, instead of being fed hand-to-mouth on the installment plan have very little to incentivize themselves to better themselves, whereas people who are hungry will do work to eat, to provide for themselves, and to increase their standard of living.
Also, as I've said many times, here and in other threads, it is not the government's role or responsibility to take care of it's citizens, only to protect them and provide infrastructure for them. Therefore, the government should not even attempt to take care of its citizens. The role of charity belongs to the individual, or at most, the church.
Why on earth would you be so arrogant as to presume those on benefits aren't already being encouraged to find work or in turn that they're "sitting around doing nothing"? Many unemployed people make stringent efforts to find work and part of the 'jobseeker agreement' over here is to be able to prove you're making efforts to find work in order to be entitled to unemployment benefits. You should really educate yourself before making ignorant platitudes like this.
Not at all and I'm really not sure how you're seeing that from anything I've wrote.
Some people are incapable of work through debilitation/illness etc and there's a different set of entitlements available for those whose condition renders them unfit for work in both the long and the short term. I've never once argued that people in general can't learn new things or improve/transfer already existing skills either. I see people as people, simple as that. There's no disconnect with supporting a system that provides for people while out of work along with programs that people can avail themselves of to improve their chances of gaining employment.
You've clearly never lived on any sort of benefits have you?
Aside from the fact that many areas have a significant dearth of jobs it can be difficult enough for people to get by on the little they have.
You seem to think that most people are just lazy or happy enough to exist on subsistence 'living' which says more about you than it does those you seem to so glibly judge.
You can say it as many times as you like, we don't live under a theocratic government and any government in an 'enlightened' day and age makes provision for the poor.
What conservatives fail to realize about welfare is that it is not inherently an encouragement for people to be lazy. In fact, it is quite the opposite in ideal circumstances- the state isn't inclined to just freely give benefits with no effort on their part to provide for their selves.
The problem are the agendas at hand, in which women and blacks- and especially black women- are bullying the system with claims of prejudice and inequality to keep them afloat.
Ultimately, nobody is doing anything good about welfare because conservatives have a false perception of it and liberals are winging these agendas which make welfare an issue.
The families and the church should take care of those who cannot work. Not the government. By having the government take care of them, it enables the families to not take care of their own, because they think that the government can take care of them. It's just like with the lunch (and even breakfast programs in the government-run schools. Liberals say, "parents aren't feeding their children well enough for lunch, so let's institute a program where the schools will provide lunch," and guess what happens? The parents stop sending lunches with their kids, because they are aware that the school will feed them. Then the liberals say that "Oh, the children are coming to school hungry, so let's start a program where the schools will provide breakfast," and guess what happens. The parents stop feeding their kids breakfast, because they are aware that the school will give their children breakfast.
What makes you think that the welfare programs are any different? Because they're not. By instituting these programs, you've enabled the families of the people who are on such programs to stop caring about them, destroying what keeps the family together. You have made it far easier for a woman to live with a paycheck and children than for her to live with a man who can provide for her and her children. You have made it far easier for a family to put their parents in government-run assisted living homes, which are prisons for the elderly, instead of the families caring for the people who raised them. You have made it so that the parents don't even raise their own children anymore, they rely on the government to raise them for them.
The entire issue boils down to this:
People need each other. When you take away that need, you remove the glue that holds relationships together. For example, what typically happens when a married man or woman wins the lottery? The couple typically ends up separated over the money. Back in the Book of Genesis, God cursed the ground, why? Because He knew that in order to keep a man and woman together, they would need each other. The man would need a woman to help him as he worked, and in return, he would work to support her.
When the government steps in and takes people's money to support the ones who are poor, it removes that need, so that the person who is on the program no longer needs his family, he can rely on the government to take care of him. Welfare has especially destroyed the black community in America. Let me ask you something, Arthur, when you drive through a bad neighborhood, and you see all the run-down houses of a community that has a welfare program, which do you think came first? A run-down house? Or a welfare check?
This is where I get that from. From your previous post:
"Says common sense. Take away any aid for people out of jobs, both capable and incapable of work and you up the poverty rate. What exactly are these people supposed to live on apart from charitable whim?"
As I explained above, the people who cannot work need their families to take care of them, not the government.
No, but I have had to rely on family to provide for me when I was unemployed for 3 months, and I daresay it was far better for me to be prompted day in and day out by family to find a job than for me to have lived alone, because I know that had I lived alone, I would probably still be unemployed.
That can be fixed by getting rid of minimum wage.
When I see people at the corner of an intersection with a sign saying "need money, God bless" written on them, I don't think "Oh, that poor person." I think "That person, instead of standing there, holding up a sign so that gullible people will give him a dollar or two, could instead be out looking for a job." Yet the "beggars" (and I put that in quotes because of how many of them are just being deceitful) make more in one day than someone working an honest job for a week. And again, that could be fixed by getting rid of the "minimum wage."
Once again, I do not advocate a "theocratic government," as that will be implemented when Christ returns. Any and all governments in an 'enlightened' day and age do not have the right nor the responsibility to make provisions for the poor. makes you seemingly think that everyone has a family that cares? Or ones that could financially support anyone within it indefinitely without any support themselves? You're a master of the glib soundbite JR but you're not remotely in touch with the reality of a lot of people's lives. You'd far sooner judge people from afar through blinkers. You patently have no idea whatsoever as to what it's like to live on the bottom end of the scale and one can only hope that a few more years might reduce those a bit. Otherwise you're gonna sound like the main character out of 'A Christmas Carol' - prior to conversion so to speak...
Oh please, you're using lottery analogies as to why couples stay together or separate? Seriously? This is just nothing more than yet another soundbite borne out of nothing but subjective opinion and religious bias.
"At this festive season of the year, Mr Scrooge, ... it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir."
"Are there no prisons?"
"Plenty of prisons..."
"And the Union workhouses." demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?"
"Both very busy, sir..."
"Those who are badly off must go there."
"Many can't go there; and many would rather die."
"If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."
Then you need to learn to read a bit better then as nothing about that suggests as you inferred and I've given you a detailed explanation as to why your 'thinking' there was off in my previous.
See my above in turn.
Well, nice for you that you had a family that cared and took care of your needs. Not everybody else does and your latter says more about you than anyone else you so easily judge in a similar position. Many people don't have family, live on their own and still make the effort to find work while subsisting on benefits. You need to start taking some of those judgmental blinkers off dude.
Ridiculously simplistic.
Hey, according to some here, begging is a form of "work" anyway, so who are you to pompously sit in judgement of those who engage in it? Have you any idea what kind of abuse homeless people face a lot of the time for begging? Do you think these people do it for a laugh, especially in winter? Are you really so callously ignorant on these matters?
Yes, they do, they have and they enact that.
Just listen to it. My response is contained within.Seriously, you're just gonna link to Bob Enyart as if that constitutes a "response"?
Just listen to it. My response is contained within.
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Yet American citizens "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..."
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
Who should we blame for not holding our politicians up to those founding principles and not protecting our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
As listed in the proposed constitution I posted.
This is where the Constitution went wrong. The government derives its just power from God, not the people.
So, anarchy? Rebellion? Overthrowing the government? God never gave the authority to the people to overthrow their unjust government.
God does, however, give authority, even the responsibility, to the people to engage in civil disobedience against unjust or wrongful amendments to the law.
All authority flows downhill from God, to governments, to the church, to the family. It DOES NOT flow uphill from the people.
In our current government, we blame the people, who God says that the majority are evil. However, it's not people that are the problem, it's bad government and bad law that bring about such wickedness. So we also blame the government.
In a Biblically based government, which is a Constitutional Monarchy, if the King were to enact law that went against God, we would blame the King for such acts. However, as the King is the supreme judge of the land, no court has the authority to try the King, he awaits the judgement of God.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet American citizens "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..."
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Borrowing off of an already great document are you? Where's your originality?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
You're reading it wrong: Rights come from God, the governed appoint people to represent them so that those rights are enforced.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
You do realize that in your type of government barbarians like Adolf Hitler would stay in power?
I can see it now: Sit-ins outside the Ovens at Auschwitz and Buchenwald. BTW, how's that civil disobedience working when it comes to the death of 60 million unborn babies at the hands of abortionists?
There are plenty of passages and verses in the Bible showing the proper role of civil government as well as how people are supposed to deal with evil.
Quote; Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
Yet the 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of men (which you named above) requires that those institutions take action, not sit back idly hoping that God will intervene.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarior
Who should we blame for not holding our politicians up to those founding principles and not protecting our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Government consists of people, even in your monarchy. Good God-fearing people electing and then holding government officials accountable for their actions is what at one time made America great.
Everyone awaits the judgement of God. Yet you're willing to give someone who rules against the wishes of God a free pass?
I had a huge reply to this, and then stupid ol' me hit cancel instead of reply (I blame inconsistent button layouts between sites!)... I will attempt to recreate my reply when I get home tonight.
So, anarchy? Rebellion? Overthrowing the government? God never gave the authority to the people to overthrow their unjust government.
God does, however, give authority, even the responsibility, to the people to engage in civil disobedience against unjust or wrongful amendments to the law.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government,
You do realize that in your type of government barbarians like Adolf Hitler would stay in power?
I can see it now: Sit-ins outside the Ovens at Auschwitz and Buchenwald. BTW, how's that civil disobedience working when it comes to the death of 60 million unborn babies at the hands of abortionists?
There are plenty of passages and verses in the Bible showing the proper role of civil government as well as how people are supposed to deal with evil.
Quote; Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
Yet the 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of men (which you named above) requires that those institutions take action, not sit back idly hoping that God will intervene.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarior
Who should we blame for not holding our politicians up to those founding principles and not protecting our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Government consists of people, even in your monarchy.
Good God-fearing people electing and then holding government officials accountable for their actions is what at one time made America great.
Everyone awaits the judgement of God.
Yet you're willing to give someone who rules against the wishes of God a free pass?