Bless them uncles!Yep, I had two dear Uncles just like him. In fact, the rest of my bunch didn't fall far from the tree.
Bless them uncles!Yep, I had two dear Uncles just like him. In fact, the rest of my bunch didn't fall far from the tree.
They don't get it at all.Hyperbole must be over Danoh's head. I recognized it immediately (his 5th avenue joke), and most regular folks laughed with him. If it'd been a snake it've bit him.![]()
Are you really that dumb that you cannot figure out what he meant by that?
The meaning behind that is that Hillary is so utterly evil that even if Trump murdered someone he would still be high above what she had fallen to.
That's one of the main reasons Trump knew he had a good chance of winning, because Hillary was hated so much.
You're just plain off base here. This was during the primaries. Trump was comparing the loyalty of his supporters to that of Jeb's and Rubio's.
Donald Trump Says He Could 'Shoot Somebody' Without Losing Votes
You just don't get him, Danoh.
There ya go again.
You have not idea whatsoever how much I know about Donald Trump.
But you will jump to conclusion and claim that as a victory,
Another recurring pattern of yours.
So is yours.
Because Danoh says so.
You beat all, you know that.
Grab a tissue.
Throw in another little nicey wisey before you smack me again like the gentleman you are not.
Amusing - you of all people calling anyone a bigot :chuckle:You are obviously as informed about whatever you have read on Trump as some on here ever prove they are about the Scripture such just might actually be very familiar with, and yet somehow clueless about the Apostle Paul's distinct Apostlship.
Like their kind, you Trump supporters have done and do the same with whatever you read or hear about the vile individual: Trump.
As WOZ just now proved once more - you read YOUR OWN obviously desperately desired; bigoted narrative "into the passages."
You've fooled yourselves well.
So well, that anyone pointing it out you automatically conclude is your enemy.
Typical trait in the self-deluded.
..... The meaning behind that is that Hillary is so utterly evil that even if Trump murdered someone he would still be high above what she had fallen to.
That's one of the main reasons Trump knew he had a good chance of winning, because Hillary was hated so much.
Amusing - you of all people calling anyone a bigot :chuckle:
"Tambora" has "unwittingly" unveiled the strategy that "The Donald" and his motley crew of "deplorables" are now being forced to resurrect Hillary as the centre-piece of their "alternative" talking points - all designed to divert our attention away from the real issues!
The more dilemmas, of his own making, that this President faces, the greater the need to create a "bogeywoman" that is "so utterly evil" and "hated" as to make their candidate appear "high above what she had fallen to!"
The only way to combat this tactic is to refuse to take the "bait," instead of going down this "rabbit hole" exercise discipline and remain on topic - give Donald J. Trump all the attention he deserves!
And there you have it folks.![]()
"Tambora" has "unwittingly" unveiled the strategy that "The Donald" and his motley crew of "deplorables" are now being forced to resurrect Hillary as the centre-piece of their "alternative" talking points - all designed to divert our attention away from the real issues!
The more dilemmas, of his own making, that this President faces, the greater the need to create a "bogeywoman" that is "so utterly evil" and "hated" as to make their candidate appear "high above what she had fallen to!"
The only way to combat this tactic is to refuse to take the "bait," instead of going down this "rabbit hole" exercise discipline and remain on topic - give Donald J. Trump all the attention he deserves!
And there it is again, folks.Ever read any biographies on Trump written before he was ever running for office?
Each describes that vey same pattern of his, as a pattern repeatedly recurring throughout his life-long corrupt business life.
At the same time, the rise of the Alt-Trump sense of reality remains a fascinating one to observe.
It is ever a continually growing pattern "the course of this world" (Eph. 2) has ever been on, and one that was described long ago - one that would in the end have its greatest short lived glory, once more, in the following...
In the distinction between those opposed to such individuals...
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
And those only supposedly so..
2 Thessalonians 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Viewed thru that dual lens, the rise of the self-deluded and their own, one more ever rationalized, life-long corrupt, supposed saviour, despite their claims that Christ is their moral compass, is not in the least bit, surprising.
And there it is again, folks.
All about Trump.
Don't bring up Clinton.
For one that claims to notice patterns, Danoh uses his same tired double-standard over and over.
I will because you don't.Bring up Clinton all you want on my thread
And you are an idiot for concluding that.My point is all you ever do when it comes to your actual moral compass - the life-long corrupt, admitted sexual Predator Trump - is prove he is your actual moral compass.
He needs to be brought up.Bring up Clinton all you want on here.
Me either.Again, I'm not the hypocrite who bars people from a thread and then posts on that individual's threads some nonsense about fair play - you are; hypocrite.
Yeah, but the popular vote.
On top of her support of a rapist.