ECT All Things Are Lawful For Me


EE, I see you giving thanks to those who go against obedience to Christ.

Do you really think that we should ignore the fact that we have to be saved by obeying God?

Judas went around casting out demons and healing people.

But what caused him to not be saved?

He did not obey and repent of his sins.

Jesus Himself said that the pre-dispensation to the DBR gospel to Gentiles... which was the House of Israel gospel... was to be FREELY GIVEN. This places you in error on both accounts. You do not distinguish between the "Body of Moses" and the " Members of Christ", nor do I see you theologically capable of doing so for now... but even if you blend the Gospels, which results in error... you can see Jesus heals and forgives... FREELY! You are stealing from God by trying to CHARGE anything for SALVATION! You are giving Jesus a kiss that is Betrayal!

God help your soul that is ill clutched!

God's Truth

New member
Jesus Himself said that the pre-dispensation to the DBR gospel to Gentiles... which was the House of Israel gospel... was to be FREELY GIVEN. This places you in error on both accounts. You do not distinguish between the "Body of Moses" and the " Members of Christ", nor do I see you theologically capable of doing so for now... but even if you blend the Gospels, which results in error... you can see Jesus heals and forgives... FREELY! You are stealing from God by trying to CHARGE anything for SALVATION! You are giving Jesus a kiss that is Betrayal!

God help your soul that is ill clutched!

There is only one body.

God's Truth

New member
Notice that EE is going against me in a rant but does not have truth.

It is one thing to go in a rant, but another to go in a rant for falseness.

Judas was a thief THE WHOLE time he was with Jesus.

He did NOT repent of his sins.

It was as if he was one of them, but he was not.

What made the difference?

Repentance is what makes the difference.

Repent or perish.

God says it! Do it!


Notice that EE is going against me in a rant but does not have truth.

It is one thing to go in a rant, but another to go in a rant for falseness.

Judas was a thief THE WHOLE time he was with Jesus.

He did NOT repent of his sins.

It was as if he was one of them, but he was not.

What made the difference?

Repentance is what makes the difference.

Repent or perish.

God says it! Do it!

I don't have truth... TRUTH has me! He clutches me tight!

God's Truth

New member
Know ye not that a leopard you are... Know ye not that there is only ONE without spot or blemish?

You do not understand the scripture about the leopard.

Repent of your sins or perish.

That is what Jesus says.

Will you obey that or not?

Will you keep going against those words or not?


You do not understand the scripture about the leopard.

Repent of your sins or perish.

That is what Jesus says.

Will you obey that or not?

Will you keep going against those words or not?

Site is the Devil's tool... Faith is our Site. Let (Him) ... Open your Eyes... Shut your Eyes!


Repent or perish.

What say you?

Shut your Carnal eyes! Repent!

Let Jesus Open your Spiritual Eyes! Believe!

Do you not know that carnal site is unbelief! Do you not know who first embraced Carnal site? Why would you who thirst for Christ look through the EYES of EVIL?

What say you?

God's Truth

New member
Shut your Carnal eyes! Repent!

Let Jesus Open your Spiritual Eyes! Believe!

Do you not know that carnal site is unbelief! Do you not know who first embraced Carnal site? Why would you who thirst for Christ look through the EYES of EVIL?

What say you?

Do you not know that if Judas would have repented of being a thief, he would not have suffered betrayal to the Truth?


Do you not know that if Judas would have repented of being a thief, he would not have suffered betrayal to the Truth?

I have tried... may the planters plant, those who sew, sew and He who is Water spring forth from within you.

In Love of Christ, may the soil be plowed!

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