air post one

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I think there may be some interference with the "air posts" and that's why it isn't making sense. We must be missing every third word or static on a bad radio frequency.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
is your benzedrine? no .. nothings missing ... er .. actually .. a few links might be ... SYNAPSES .. i fire off synapses in the wrong order .. so .. things dont come out straight ... i was braindead... all that just means folks dont really get an idea of what the hek im on about . kinda like they didnt understand the zombies in the city until right at the very end... locked out, numb, not up to speed. ... its just the way things are. humanity needs to be able to put names to things. its only biblical i say to you. like adam with a goat. so when i dont make sense im just being unbiblical... i thought id pegged you an idiots dream ... and once impressed as a nutcase its dang near impossible to shake such a stereotype. not that the reputation has suffered much thus far ... tunnel vision from the outsider screen ... mind you .. i share in the problems. y'see i share that all too human trait that says people should be like me. when theyre on a different wavelength i try and cram it onto one i kinda understand. youll sympathise when i tell you this dont really work... i never understood the frequency ... so people come to think others will act a certain way which only serves to reinforce the behaviour .. you wore our expectations like an armoured suit matter how much you try and change by reading what other people have done .. ive studied your cartoons radio music tv movies magazines ... youll eventually just come up with a line that doesnt fit your analogy .. sometimes embarrasingly so .. richard said withdrawal in disgusts not the same as apathy ... so .. what can i do .. i grin and bear it .. it is my lot in life.... a smile cartoon ... but then once you start something like that other people tend to try the same tactics back right at ya ... tooth for a tooth ... which does nothing for anyone. how about i be me and you be you? ... you said that irony was that shackles of youth ... makes me want to throw up when im forced to be something that im not.... you wore a shirt of violent green ... so ill just continue in much the same vein. probably wont get much in the way of votes for the next election . but then hey .. i havent got the 50 posts to be eligible yet anyways ... butterfly decal rearview mirror dogging the scene


New member
stipe said:

some care might be advised when asking questions like that. especially in this thread. this thread is an introduction to a new poster on TOL. its done a pretty good job of doing that already. its uncertain how much longer it can last though.

the new poster poses questions at times that are poorly phrased or located. these questions are generally always aimed at the posters own feet. when a question is posed such as:theres just as likely to be a response of nothing as a discouse on the posters existentialism. that is purely a result of the poster assuming the shared trait of preferring to endanger ones own progress rather than endangering anothers.

it should have become instantly obvious though that the cat is not dead and it is in fact responding to said question. perhaps pandoras box should have remained closed or perhaps this is for the best. one should never know until after the event.

Why are you here?

can you even answer that honestly? the question raises such issues base like employment and social contributions. or for others it might raise issues like what sport you play. and no, baseball is not a sport. this thread has already covered that issue. .. this question would obviously be pointlessly asked of any green jumping insects.

is the new poster here because he is being paid?
does the poster do anything because he is being paid?
what would the poster do regardless of how much he might be paid?

it raises issues more esoteric like philosophical musings and moral obligation.

is the poster here because of an authoratative decree*?
does the poster respond to authority?
what course would the poster take when faced with the challenge that comes when reality clashes with ideals?

an answer to these questions is a life long process. i do not think you wish to have that process played out in an online forum**. an online forum is only a small part of that which is reality. everything in moderation - and yes, that includes moderation.

if i was strapped to a chair and forced to watch bad cinema untill i answered the original question concisely, i might respond thus:

"I have decyphered the hieroglyphics."
If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
March 20

V Day

went to see v for vendetta today..

brilliiant name for a film ... if next time i cant think of what to call my movie im going to call it something like that... makes life a bit simpler... we could have had:

A for American Pie.
B for the Sunset.
enough C for to put a hole in the world.
the D4.
E for Evolution
U for Un for Given
V for The Fifth Element
W for Its a Wonderful Life

or W for the Watchowskis go 2 from 4? pretty good film this. someone obviously watched the matrix and then the films that claimed to be sequels to the matrix and saw how very wrong they went and decided to make another film like the matrix again. hopefully they dont make the V for Vendetta sequels .. because afterall .. what the hell are they going to name them? VI for Vendetta on Ice?

i think not

Hugo Weaving does a good job of getting himself replicated all over again. he makes a great character hidden behind a mask all film. his great unmasking was very. well. done. and any film that relies on tchchchaiskovskies 1812 overdone name is got to be good in my book.

couple of things wrong with this film. ...


uh. cant think of any. it bashed george bush and the USA and had a guy in a cape beating people up. .. uh .. there could have been more beating ups?

what is up with three films featuring chicks as leads kicking butt all coming out at the same time? im going to see two of them. as a matter of fact who wants to start the rumour that VForVendetta was a girl too...?

G for Goodbye for Now.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
no no no no ... thats here.

this is a plagarised, cut and paste introduction analogue .. and a load of bollocks ..

.. i thought id done it to death, but people keep replying like they dont know whats going on for some reason .. cant fathom it....

tell you what. i'll see you all in the civilised world of the forums proper .. howsthat? and we'll leave this thing to the dinosaurs.

someone have a last word and then thats it. ok?


The last word will be mine: stop posting irrelevant nonsense and links peppered to sites with viruses or we will lock the proverbial city gates against you.

Clear enough?
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