New member
Have you heard of mononucleosis?
It's called the kissing disease.
Can you guess why?
Now you've heard of AIDS.
It's called the homosexual disease.
Can you guess why?
I don't think it's called the homosexual disease. My copy of the Evolution of Infectious Disease pegs it as HIV, and the statistics that have been posted over and over still show the highest rate of infection in the heterosexual population. And lots of people get mono without kissing anyone.
I think what your statement actually suggests is that diseases are opportunistic in spreading to new hosts, so any situation that involves close contact and vector exchanges is an ideal transmission mechanism. It's part of what makes a rather good example of evolutionary biology in action, as it it happens.
Are you prepared to start calling SARS the "traveller's disease"? Or Cholera the "poor sewage treatment disease"? I'm interested in knowing why STDs bend you out of shape so particularly. After all, they're the only ones directly linked with a specific sin, but they're generally not the biggest killers. Even HIV isn't yet as big a killer as influenza, nor is it ever likely to be.
As far as sins go, I can't but help notice that when I have visited 3rd world countries, I still see tobacco ads for products like Marlboro that don't have any health warnings, but looking over the duty free counter at Heathrow yesterday the UK versions were plastered in dire threats printed as boldly as you like.
Four million deaths world wide due to smoking, if I recall rightly and If the WHO forecasts are correct, smoking could become the world's biggest killer over the next 20 years, causing more deaths than HIV, tuberculosis, road accidents, murder and suicide put together. .
So how about it Tye? We know that the Board of Philip Morris are fully aware of the lethality and addictiveness of their product. Check it out on their own site if you like:
Cigarette Smoking and Disease in Smokers
Philip Morris USA agrees with the overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other serious diseases in smokers. Smokers are far more likely to develop serious diseases, like lung cancer, than non-smokers. There is no safe cigarette.
Philip Morris USA agrees with the overwhelming medical and scientific consensus that cigarette smoking is addictive. It can be very difficult to quit smoking, but this should not deter smokers who want to quit from trying to do so.
Nevertheless, they are selling it to South Americans, Africans, and Indians as a stylish lifestyle choice while neglecting to mention to them what they readily admit to us.
Isn't that a sin, Tye? Doesn't that make them criminals? Aren't they deliberately killing million people overseas? Why aren't you all bent out of shape about that?