Originally posted by Pierre
I was rather hoping you'd of come to the conclusion by now, but since you haven't, let yourself ponder this. If the men are spreading it through hetrosexual contact in Africa to all the women and babies, then how are the men getting it? The babies who get it rarely reach a maturity age to have their own children. Women have a very difficult time giving it to men as compared to men giving it to other men or women.
Surely, even someone as yourself can clearly see that these men are spreading it amongst themselves. There simply isn't any other way to get aids except for them being part time homos. Now, whether you want to rely on statistics to mention that or not is your own naive choice. You can't rely on the UN to give you facts without wondering what else they didn't tell you or they didn't bother to ask. Fornicators aren't known for being truthful people, so of course the guys will pretend not to know where they get it from. Aids is primarily a homo disease. That's Bob's quote in the past he's used many times. And reality proves he's correct.
The men in Africa are getting AIDS primarily from female sex trade workers.
Please outline the specific problems you have the W.H.O. statisitics.
The bulk of the second half of your first paragraph indicates you do not understand how to use epidemiology to identify the features of the disease.
Bob Enyart, to my knowledge, is not an epidemiologist so he should probably try to refrain from describing diseases. Further to my knowledge, he is not involved in the diagnosis or treatment of infectious diseases. How a lay person chooses to think about disease is fine with me. However when they begin to make proclamations about the nature of a disease that are incorrect or maybe harmful then they should be accountable for their words.
AIDS is a syndrome characterized severe immune deficiency. It is caused by a virus. This virus can be transmitted through intimate contact with body fluids, including blood, saliva and semen. Many human behaviours carry significant risk of acquisition (including occupational behaviours-- I'm a surgeon) because of the resultant bodily fluid exposure. Certainly homosexual behaviour is a risky behaviour, but worldwide epidemiology suggests that calling AIDS a homosexual disease is naive. ( I have already posted the statistics)