Originally posted by Tye Porter
It is only important that you understand that it is a homosexual virus that began as such, even though now it is into the normal/mainstream population.
Originally posted by wiseman
As a practicing physician I am pretty certain that I don't need a layperson telling me what I need to understand about infectious diseases. What the average person needs to know is that just because you are not homosexual does not mean that you are at no risk of contracting this disease...
Originally posted by Tye Porter
Yes, Yes, Yes I understand that today, the homosexual "disease" can be contracted by even normal people.
But you seem to misunderstand what the average person is.
The average person is a Christian wo/man.
Not engaging in fornication.
Drugs and needles.
What's that?
We're still at risk through blood transfusions?
Then by all means, please Mr. Practicing Physician, do your job correctly and screen out the "bad blood" so that the normal/average peopla are at a lower risk because of the lack of vigilance in the medical field.
If I don't engage in the perverse lifestyles choices such as homosexuality, prostitution and drug use, I have a significantly lower risk of contracting that homosexual "disease", correct?
Originally posted by wiseman
First you say:
I am still puzzled at your insistence that this is a homosexual disease... This is an irresponsible comment to make given that the most common mode of transmission world wide is through promiscuous heterosexual contact.
Then you say:
That you personally do not engage in any of the immoral risk factors is commendable and no doubt reduces risk to a level probably close to zero.
You answered your own question.
Oh, by the way I like your new font choice this year, its easier to read![]()
Thank you, Sir.
Descendent of baboons.Originally posted by Jefferson
Gerald said:Descendent of baboons.
(Just thought I'd get a shot in. Nothing personal...)
I am still puzzled at your insistence that this is a homosexual disease... This is an irresponsible comment to make given that the most common mode of transmission world wide is through promiscuous heterosexual contact
Berean Todd said:The fact that 2-5% of the population (that portion of it which is homosexual) accounts for nearly half of all AIDS cases worldwide pretty much makes for a simple conclusion. Yes, non-homoseuals contract the disease (primarily through promiscuity and whore-mongering), but it is still basically a homosexual disease.
wiseman said:What are the criteria you use to define the characteristics of a disease? Why do you choose these criteria?:think:
Tye Porter said:Did you READ this post?
wiseman said:I did... but it appears you may have read my question too quickly
My question was more general i.e. what criteria do you use to define the features of a disease? Please note: criteria is plural. Please note "a disease" not specifically AIDS. I was hoping by establishing global criteria applicable to any disease I could illustrate why calling AIDS a homosexual disease is not helpful. As I am sure you can appreciate if you identify defining features of disease you make the treatment of it more readily obvious or the corollary can obscure the treatment if ill defined.
You gave an example that speaks to mode of transmission (although you gave one example of transmission for HIV).
So yes, mode of transmission is one critrerion used to define the features of disease. In the case of HIV/AIDS the mode of transmission is intimate contact with bodily fluids (blood, semen, saliva). So, one defining feature of the disease is that it is primarily sexually transmitted. Is it only homosexually transmitted? NO. Do homosexuals get it -- yes they can, because they are often very promiscuous which increases their exposure risk. Is it helpful to restrict the definition to homosexuals -- I'm not convinced. I do recognize that homosexual activity is a risk factor (this should be evident from my previous posts)
Can you generate any other criteria?
Tye Porter said:
Well, if we eliminate fornication, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality and blood transfusions, we've pretty much narrowed our risk of contracting the virus.
You said that blood transfusions are 1 in 500,000 and even that is not a sure thing.
Have you heard of mononucleosis?
It's called the kissing disease.
Can you guess why?
Now you've heard of AIDS.
It's called the homosexual disease.
Can you guess why?
wiseman said:But how this is helpful in maintaining the high standard of health care people now expect in the developed world, is outside of my understanding.
Berean Todd said:It's really simple w-man, since we see here that there is major risk involved with homosexual behavior, and in light of other evidences and proofs, one would hope that we could discourage our quickly disintigrating society from participating in such dangerous behavior.
Just as we discourage smoking because it causes throat and lung cancer (even though there are those who have both without being smokers themselves), so too we should discourage the dangerous, high risk behaviorism involved with homosexuality.
Gerald said:Descendent of baboons.
(Just thought I'd get a shot in. Nothing personal...)
No, I'm posting an insult; I don't really believe that Jefferson is descended from baboons...Tye Porter said:Thing is, Gerald, Jefferson is stating an empiracle fact whereas you're stating a religious point of view!![]()