AIDS is a gay disease just as cancer is a smoker's disease.
Thursday December 11th, 2003. This is show #243.
Thursday December 11th, 2003. This is show #243.
According to Don Wildman's "American Family Association Journal" out this month, 1 in 7 homosexuals have HIV/AIDS according to a study in the Seattle area.
Originally posted by Jefferson
AIDS is a gay disease just as cancer is a smoker's disease.
Thursday December 11th, 2003. This is show #243.
Would it benefit smokers to deny it? To say to smokers, "lung cancer is not a smoker's disease." Would that help them? No. It would put them either further denial or give them a false sense of hope. And so how about this question: Is AIDS a homosexual disease?"
Originally posted by wiseman
If only it were as simple as viruses being the agents of morality. Which sexual rule did the children who have AIDS (by way of vertical transmission) violate?
Originally posted by Agent Smith
The children didn't violate the rules. The birth parents violated the rules and their children are paying for it.
Did you really need to ask a riduculous question like that?
Originally posted by Nineveh
Here in America our stats are different. The latest report from Seatle has 1 in 7 homo men infected. I did the math from the latest CDC studies released at the time, it breaks down to 1 in 20 nationally.
Maybe people who donate infected blood should be held accountable for the innocent people who are infected.
Originally posted by wiseman
Look carefully at the stats presented by the CDC
in 2002 here's the breakdown of new HIV infections in America:
11,701 male to male sexual contact
2757 males injection drug use
3234 males heterosexual contact
164 males other (hemophilia, transfusion, perinatal)
1418 females injection drug use
5949 females sexual contact
136 females (other)
This yields a total of 13,658 cases of non male to male sexual contact. In other words less than 1/2 the cases are among homosexual men.
Originally posted by Mustard Seed
Aids afflicts the adulterous as well as others. Your attempt to pin it down like this is wrong.
I believe it can be used at as methood of punishing the wicked but to pin it to just those with homosexual tendancies is WRONG.