About Death...


Well-known member
We only see death from our earthly perspective. That is the person has no more earthly worries or concerns or pains or anything earthly. The dead face often looks peaceful. We assume from this that they are at rest, they are reunited with loved ones, they are looking down on us, they are even helping us. Its assumed they maybe playing their favourite game or drinking with their buddies. There are some theories around about existence after death, reincarnation and nirvana. All these assumptions about death are misleading speculations! The true insight about death and its consequences is found in the Bible.

There is no immediate life after death. Life after death comes from being raised from the dead.

The dead are not alive, they are dead.


New member
Exactly. All the false comforts people assume to enjoy after death are pipe dreams. After death judgement. What huge surprises for billions of fools.


Perhaps, after death there's mere nothingness. Do you cling to visions of an afterlife by way of avoiding fear from the prospect of nothingness?


Nope. Actually, I have no worries, it feels great !!! Ephesians 1:13 KJV -

Then why cling to your existence through death...conveniently eliminating the painful (mortal) existential contingencies? (Whilst maintaining the pleasurable ones...of course.)

Sounds like wish-fulfilling, fear avoidance. Yes?


New member
Nothingness is what happens when we die - we are then "asleep" in Christ until He returns

When a man closes his eyes for the last time. His body "sleeps" but the spirit and soul leave time and enter eternity. The souls of the wicked are kept in the lock up (hell) until judgement.

There is no nothingness in eternity. Also, eternity is not "subject" to time, but man looks at all things through the measure of time. That is where a lot of confusion sits. If eternity were subject to time then the Eternal Almighty would be subject and that is impossible.


When a man closes his eyes for the last time. His body "sleeps" but the spirit and soul leave time and enter eternity. The souls of the wicked are kept in the lock up (hell) until judgement.

How are they deemed wicked prior to judgement?

Peeking behind the curtain Truster?!


New member
How are they deemed wicked prior to judgement?

Yes, we're painfully limited beings. Is this where the persistent desire for an unlimited meta-being with no such inhibiting limitations....derives from?

Everyone is born wicked and unless they are saved they die in their sin.

I had no such desire. In fact I hated everything holy before I was saved.


Everyone is born wicked and unless they are saved they die in their sin.

So, the ones saved are demarcated to go to eternity and those stuck in hell are the unsaved ones...I get it.

So, what is judgement reserved for?

I had no such desire. In fact I hated everything holy before I was saved.

Apparently you desire such at present.


Then why cling to your existence through death...conveniently eliminating the painful (mortal) existential contingencies? (Whilst maintaining the pleasurable ones...of course.)

Sounds like wish-fulfilling, fear avoidance. Yes?

he has self claimed salvation.

He doesn't know what Jesus teaches. He says he follows Paul, not Jesus. And Jesus' teachings are just for Jews and not for gentiles.

This is what MADs believers claim.

They are coo coos.