Abortion. The United States of America.


New member
I believe you are saying that I can only give my permission or consent for medical procedures involving my own body.
That is correct. And it means that you cannot tell anyone else what they can do regarding their own bodies, or medical procedures they may or may not choose to have. And it is really that simple: it is wrong of you to try to stop a woman's medical consent regarding her own body.



That is correct. And it means that you cannot tell anyone else what they can do regarding their own bodies, or medical procedures they may or may not choose to have. And it is really that simple: it is wrong of you to try to stop a woman's medical consent regarding her own body.


A woman's child is not her body. I wouldn't say that a woman should be allowed to do all the things that are allowed of her in a hospital in terms of consent. You should never give your consent for murder. Neither should a woman. As for your wife, do not make the decision to murder her child or allow her to do so. No one should be allowed to do that.

You may be unmarried as am I.

1 Corinthians 7:32 NASB - But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord;


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New member
A woman's child is not her body. I wouldn't say that a woman should be allowed to do all the things that are allowed of her in a hospital in terms of consent. You should never give your consent for murder.
And the foetus can give consent for itself? And when the foetus is about to become the cause of the womans' death, you would still ask the foetus what it thinks then? That would be ridiculous, of course, and yet some countries just say what you are saying, and so women die. There is no good reason for you to advocate for a foetus that has no viability outside the uterus. You seem to think your opinion matters when it is a private decision for someone else.



And the foetus can give consent for itself? And when the foetus is about to become the cause of the womans' death, you would still ask the foetus what it thinks then? That would be ridiculous, of course, and yet some countries just say what you are saying, and so women die. There is no good reason for you to advocate for a foetus that has no viability outside the uterus. You seem to think your opinion matters when it is a private decision for someone else.


No. That is not it at all. I think you are saying that if the child cannot speak for itself from the womb then we ourselves must defend its life. Otherwise you are guilty of murder along with the murderer. If you give your consent you have hired a murderer.




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And the foetus can give consent for itself? And when the foetus is about to become the cause of the womans' death, you would still ask the foetus what it thinks then? That would be ridiculous, of course, and yet some countries just say what you are saying, and so women die. There is no good reason for you to advocate for a foetus that has no viability outside the uterus. You seem to think your opinion matters when it is a private decision for someone else.


What About the Life of the Mother?
The personhood campaign cares as much for the mom as for the baby, so why no “life” exception? The doctor’s goal should be to save mom and the baby, if possible, but never to kill the mother to save the baby, nor to kill the child to save the mother. With a tubal pregnancy for example we cannot save the child and we must remove the embryo to save the mother. Sadly then the baby dies. Society’s attempt to justify killing the unborn leads to absurdities like the exception in the partial birth abortion ban. In reality, when a delivery is needed to save mom, the doctor shouldn’t stop caring for the mother just long enough to kill the baby. The PBA ban itself has no authority to save a single child because the abortionist simply uses a variation of PBA or some other late-term technique to kill the baby. However, the very idea of delaying the saving of a mom in order to stop midway to kill the baby is such an obvious cruelty and deception that it exposes the hard-heartedness of those who argue for such exceptions. An “exception” is a euphemism for deliberately killing a baby. That’s why personhood is changing what it means to be pro-life.

- http://americanrtl.org/personhood-talking-points

The goal should be to save both mother and baby, not save the mother and kill the baby, or kill the mother and save the baby.

If your goal is to save mother by killing baby, it's murder. If your goal is to save baby by killing mother, it's murder. But if your goal is to keep both alive as long as is possible, yet one or both die, then it's not murder, but a tragedy, but you have not committed murder.



What About the Life of the Mother?
The personhood campaign cares as much for the mom as for the baby, so why no “life” exception? The doctor’s goal should be to save mom and the baby, if possible, but never to kill the mother to save the baby, nor to kill the child to save the mother. With a tubal pregnancy for example we cannot save the child and we must remove the embryo to save the mother. Sadly then the baby dies. Society’s attempt to justify killing the unborn leads to absurdities like the exception in the partial birth abortion ban. In reality, when a delivery is needed to save mom, the doctor shouldn’t stop caring for the mother just long enough to kill the baby. The PBA ban itself has no authority to save a single child because the abortionist simply uses a variation of PBA or some other late-term technique to kill the baby. However, the very idea of delaying the saving of a mom in order to stop midway to kill the baby is such an obvious cruelty and deception that it exposes the hard-heartedness of those who argue for such exceptions. An “exception” is a euphemism for deliberately killing a baby. That’s why personhood is changing what it means to be pro-life.

- http://americanrtl.org/personhood-talking-points

The goal should be to save both mother and baby, not save the mother and kill the baby, or kill the mother and save the baby.

If your goal is to save mother by killing baby, it's murder. If your goal is to save baby by killing mother, it's murder. But if your goal is to keep both alive as long as is possible, yet one or both die, then it's not murder, but a tragedy, but you have not committed murder.

Is it true that now you cannot answer if this is you? I understand that it is not. Your quote must be attributable to the webpage that can be arrived at by following the link.
You quoted, apparently,
With a tubal pregnancy for example we cannot save the child and we must remove the embryo to save the mother.


New member
No. That is not it at all. I think you are saying that if the child cannot speak for itself from the womb then we ourselves must defend its life. Otherwise you are guilty of murder along with the murderer. If you give your consent you have hired a murderer.


I think there is some irony that a person with an affiliation to Judaism would spend such an effort to save the life of a male foetus, then have its genitals mutilated when it is born. You don't think so much about the rights of a child then, do you.

No hiring murderers of 'children' for you, only people who commit grievous bodily assault.



New member
Denying reality is usually a symptom of rejecting God. Do you reject God, Stuart?
It is me accusing you of denying reality. Does Numbers 5:11-31 represent the reality of your god?
Is the fetus living/alive or is the fetus not living/alive?
Which foetus are we discussing? One that is live, healthy and at the centre of a planned pregnancy where the woman is looking forward to motherhood and feels confidence she can give the newborn the best opportunities for a rich new life? Or is it one that continues to live inside a woman who is suffering from an ectopic pregnancy? One that has died and will eventually kill the pregnant woman if left in place? One that is alive but suffering from severe deformities that will cause it a shortened life with numerous debilitating medical conditions? Or is it a live foetus that arose accidentally but which will rob the pregnant woman of an opportunity to fulfil her life ambition to get ahead with a dream she had for a better life?

Is the foetus causing the woman to develop heart and vascular diseases, blood clots, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, obesity, epilepsy, migraine, disturbances of brain circulation, kidney diseases, rheumatic disorders, psychiatric problems, bronchial asthma or cancer, all possible risks of pregnancy?
A woman is not loving when she kills her own child. That's called murder.
I disagree. Abortion could be a very loving thing to do. Just like assisted dying for people in severe pain with a terminal illness could be a loving thing to do. A problem with so much moronic 'pro-life' rhetoric is that it is often promoted by religious zealots who appear good at counting the quantity of life but know little about the value of life.

Stuu: The death of the woman is a tragedy,
This is not in debate.
Well, in Ireland and Gibraltar, as just two examples, there have been abortion laws that are so restrictive it has led to death of many pregnant women. I think you should be clear: although you are full of emotive language, you do actually support abortion, right? So if one abortion is OK, then why aren't all abortions OK?
And calling the death of a person "a statistic" is inherently dehumanizing.
And being a sperm cell, or an egg cell, or a zygote is not being a human in any meaningful sense, unless you are an extremist. And being an embryo is the same. And your attitude is dehumanising to pregnant women in need of an abortion, whether the reason for that need is something for which you approve or don't approve. And as I said earlier, why should a woman have to ask your opinion first?
How does something non-living suddenly become a living breathing human being?
Egg cells are living, and so are sperm cells, but that's still a really good question, and I'm not an expert, but I have heard an expert describe it as the slow turning up of a dimmer switch, with no clear point of distinction. Obviously birth is the time at which the breathing of air starts, but even then there is still much development to be done before the senses work properly.

Back during pregnancy there is none of the brain apparatus in place needed for consciousness until about 5 to 6 months in, and it takes another 1 to 2 months for EEG rhythms to start that integrate the functions of the neurons. From then until birth, the foetus remains sedated in one of two kinds of sleep, kept there by particular chemicals and a low oxygen concentration.
A baby is a baby regardless of length of existence. From the moment of conception the fetus is a human baby, a person, and the taking of innocent life (because all babies are innocent of sin and crime) is murder.
What, because you say so? There is no good biology to support your emotive language. And your theology looks a bit suspect as well. I take it you don't believe in original sin, in which case what was the execution of Jesus supposed to be about?
But what about the baby's claim to his own body?
It's not capable of expressing that. Now, what about the mother's claim to her own body?
I'll ask you the same thing you asked me, if I were to come to your house, and chop you up and take your body parts out of your house, would that, according to your statement above, not be murder?
It would indeed, as drowning a newborn baby would also be murder. What is your point?
You're reliant on your house for your survival, so what's the difference, does the house get to choose whether you get to stay in it?
Now you are being ridiculous, although I considered your position ridiculous earlier on...

Stuu: But anyway, as I say, it's not about stopping foetuses from dying: only a tiny fraction of foetus deaths are due to abortion.
Tell that to the 2.3 babies killed (on average) in abortions every minute.
Tell that to the 137 babies killed in an abortion every hour.
Tell that to the 2900 babies killed in abortions every day.
Tell that to the nearly 57 MILLION babies killed in abortions since 1973.
And what were the reasons for those abortions? Were they reasons that are 'not in debate', like saving the life of a woman?

And what about the rate of natural abortion, where you can calculate that from fertilisation to birth, 90% of fertilised eggs never make it to birth. That is a natural rate of abortion that is about five times the rate of artificial abortion. If you were really concerned, you would shout in CAPITAL letters that men with blood type A should not have sex with women of blood type B because it results in higher rates of spontaneous abortion, some of which could be prevented.

Every fertilised egg contains a unique genetic combination, never tried before. A large proportion of those genetic combinations are not viable. So what is the difference between a woman deciding on an artificial abortion of a foetus that is severely deformed, and a natural loss of one?

Stuu: This is really all about the power of the religious to keep people in their places, and especially to keep women in relative poverty and enslavement to their reproductive cycles in a way that suits the males of the religious establishment.
You're starting to sound like a conspiracist, or at least a feminist. Men and women are not equal.
Legally, in your country, they are. That is exactly what I was writing about, your religious sexism. Did you mean to say that men and women are not the same?

And the subjugation of women in all of the Abrahamic religions is not a conspiracy??
If a woman doesn't want to have a child, then she shouldn't have sex. If a woman is raped, you don't punish the child for the sins of the father, you punish the father, and love the child.
So a woman who didn't want to have a child, and didn't want to have sex, but is raped, still has to have the child. And you don't count that as a punishment? It's actually enslavement.
If a woman doesn't want a family, then she shouldn't get married or have sex.
You know all about the quantity of life, but nothing about its quality.
To make everyone equal, you have to take away their freedoms. To make everyone free, you have to reject that everyone is equal (except under the law).
Huh? What freedom would you lose in order to achieve equality?
If there is no God, then there is nothing wrong with abortion. However, since there is a God, abortion is wrong because it's a baby, and it's always wrong to kill a baby because children are made in God's image, and God said "do not kill the innocent."
Have you read that tract from Numbers yet? Or have you thought about the deaths of the Amalakite foetuses being carried by the women ordered to death, supposedly by your god?
Planned Parenthood supports China's one-child policy. You know what the Chinese government does to women who get pregnant with a second child who don't qualify to have one under that policy? They forcibly take the woman and kill the baby in the womb. That's a backwards country. It's backwards thinking to think that it's ok for a mother to want to kill her child because the pregnancy is an "inconvenience."
I agree that is backwards, whether or not the intention to control population growth was honest or cynical. But what is the difference between your religiously-motivated need to try and take decisions away from women you don't know, and the Chinese government's ideologically-motivated need to take away decisions from women it doesn't know?
Reality is that abortion is wrong because it's a baby, and it's always wrong to intentionally kill a baby.
And I hope I have shown you that this is such a sloppy claim that it does you no favours to repeat it. It's the cry of those who can't understand much about the complexities of being a human, but then I suspect your religion does not set you up very well for understanding humanity: that's not very important to you I imagine.

If you want to understand your fellow humans I recommend putting down the bible and picking up the works of Shakespeare. He understood humanity.
Realitoy is that God says do not kill the innocent, and taking the life of an unborn person violates that command.
And read the first three commandments, then the rest. Not taking a life comes a long way down that fictional list, so no wonder the abortions are allowed to be caused by the god, but not by the robots, er I mean humans.



I think there is some irony that a person with an affiliation to Judaism would spend such an effort to save the life of a male foetus, then have its genitals mutilated when it is born. You don't think so much about the rights of a child then, do you.

No hiring murderers of 'children' for you, only people who commit grievous bodily assault.



Today is Shishi, 12-22.

I do not know what you are talking about. So, not at all.




New member
I do not know what you are talking about.

Are you asking if I would circumcise on the eighth day?
So you do know what I am talking about. Are you a member of a community that would abuse a newborn boy by mutilating its genitals without its consent, for non-medical reasons?

Why is circumcision not left until the man involved is capable of making his own decision, say at 18 years of age? Why would you insist on committing such child abuse?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That is correct. And it means that you cannot tell anyone else what they can do regarding their own bodies, or medical procedures they may or may not choose to have. And it is really that simple: it is wrong of you to try to stop a woman's medical consent regarding her own body.

you cannot tell anyone else what they can do regarding their own bodies,

Sure, we can-we do it all the time. You don't have the right to strap bombs to yourself, and blow up yourself, your body, in the midst of other people, like at a stadium, or send your body, in a plane, into a tower. I'm not legally permitted to expose myself, and there are laws against public urination, drug use, a prostitute "using her own body," trespassing, loitering, using your voice, part of your body, to scream "fire" in the crowded theater......all of which involves a choice to do something with one’s own body.The laws are in place because they protect the rights and interests of others whose personal freedoms they directly, or indirectly violate. I cannot use my foot to kick someone in the b..,,s-it is part of my body.



New member
Sure, we can-we do it all the time. You don't have the right to strap bombs to yourself, and blow up yourself, your body, in the midst of other people, like at a stadium, or send your body, in a plane, into a tower. I'm not legally permitted to expose myself, and there are laws against public urination, drug use, a prostitute "using her own body," trespassing, loitering, using your voice, part of your body, to scream "fire" in the crowded theater......all of which involves a choice to do something with one’s own body.The laws are in place because they protect the rights and interests of others whose personal freedoms they directly, or indirectly violate. I cannot use my foot to kick someone in the b..,,s-it is part of my body.

If you think about it, which I would recommend strongly, the only relevant example in your list is that of prostitution. And in my country and some others, prostitution has been decriminalised to improve health outcomes for those who choose to work in that industry.

You have the right to medical consent over your body. Apparently you would deny that to others. I won't ask you for your liver if I ever need one, I'll just pop round and take it, because medical consent isn't important to you.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If you think about it, which I would recommend strongly,

And I'd strongly recommend you grow a brain, Scarecrow, and know your own "argument," condescending one:

you cannot tell anyone else what they can do regarding their own bodies,

Sure we can tell, as we, as in the government who represent us, can tell others, through laws,what others cannot do with their bodies, so your objection...

the only relevant example in your list is .....

...is an objection not that we/the government cannot tell others what we can do with our bodies, your objection is that you do not like any possible prohibition against a particular restraint against one using their body, i.e., a woman re. abortion.

I suggest you sharpen up your skills in presenting an argument, rationally, instead of emotionally.


So you do know what I am talking about. Are you a member of a community that would abuse a newborn boy by mutilating its genitals without its consent, for non-medical reasons?

Why is circumcision not left until the man involved is capable of making his own decision, say at 18 years of age? Why would you insist on committing such child abuse?



Good questions Stuart.

I do not view circumcision as abusing a newborn boy by mutilating its genitals without its consent, for non-medical reasons (even). Certainly a grown man can be circumcised. But that is not the commandment, whereby parents circumcise (have their son circumcised) on the eighth day following his birth, found in the Torah. Some people say it is more painful as an adult or for a man, but the detail or details of any pain involved for circumcision on the eighth day can be learned about or studied as well should that be relevant to you for any parental circumstance you find yourself in or otherwise as a man or a Rabbi or other person practicing circumcision. I am against mutilation unequivocally. I am not against circumcision.




New member
And I'd strongly recommend you grow a brain, Scarecrow, and know your own "argument," condescending one:

Sure we can tell, as we, as in the government who represent us, can tell others, through laws,what others cannot do with their bodies, so your objection...

...is an objection not that we/the government cannot tell others what we can do with our bodies, your objection is that you do not like any possible prohibition against a particular restraint against one using their body, i.e., a woman re. abortion.

I suggest you sharpen up your skills in presenting an argument, rationally, instead of emotionally.
Ok, I'll do the thinking for you then, since you seem a bit resistant: this is a question of medical consent, which is the specific case of you deciding what happens to your body, not what you do with your body that might affect other people.

The only example in your list that didn't involve protecting other people from the decisions you make regarding your own body was prostitution. I'm sure you will make some fact-free argument about foetuses being people, but this is a unique case where only one party can possibly express an opinion, and in any case foetuses cannot hold opinions. So we have to place trust in the pregnant woman to make decisions in her own best interest, which may also be in the best interest of the foetus, or not. That cannot be up to you, it must be up to her. It is her body, not yours, and you should agree with the principle that she decides, whether or not you agree with the decision to continue with the pregnancy or not.

So, since you seem to be shouting by underlining, instead of shouting by capitalising like JudgeRightly does, perhaps you could consider and reply without shouting, and by challenging me to actually think.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ok, I'll do the thinking for you then, since you seem a bit resistant: this is a question of medical consent, which is the specific case of you deciding what happens to your body, not what you do with your body that might affect other people.

The only example in your list that didn't involve protecting other people from the decisions you make regarding your own body was prostitution. I'm sure you will make some fact-free argument about foetuses being people, but this is a unique case where only one party can possibly express an opinion, and in any case foetuses cannot hold opinions. So we have to place trust in the pregnant woman to make decisions in her own best interest, which may also be in the best interest of the foetus, or not. That cannot be up to you, it must be up to her. It is her body, not yours, and you should agree with the principle that she decides, whether or not you agree with the decision to continue with the pregnancy or not.

So, since you seem to be shouting by underlining, instead of shouting by capitalising like JudgeRightly does, perhaps you could consider and reply without shouting, and by challenging me to actually thing.


I will slow it down for you....Take a deep breath, Hop Sing, as you are creating a moving target. That is slick, real slick...slick as an eel, sliding down a drain pipe. The above, part of your "argument"(loosely employed here), I was not addressing.I addressed this part of your argument:

you cannot tell anyone else what they can do regarding their own bodies,

I responded, picking you apart, leaving you on the mat, bloodied, with little birds circling your head:

Sure we can tell, as we, as in the government who represent us, can tell others, through laws,what others cannot do with their bodies, so your objection...
the only relevant example in your list is .....
...is an objection not that we/the government cannot tell others what we can do with our bodies, your objection is that you do not like any possible prohibition against a particular restraint against one using their body, i.e., a woman re. abortion.



New member

Good questions Stuart.

I do not view circumcision as abusing a newborn boy by mutilating its genitals without its consent, for non-medical reasons (even). Certainly a grown man can be circumcised. But that is not the commandment, whereby parents circumcise (have their son circumcised) on the eighth day following his birth, found in the Torah. Some people say it is more painful as an adult or for a man, but the detail or details of any pain involved for circumcision on the eighth day can be learned about or studied as well should that be relevant to you for any parental circumstance you find yourself in or otherwise as a man or a Rabbi or other person practicing circumcision. I am against mutilation unequivocally. I am not against circumcision.


I see. Well, given how often newborn babies get herpes infections from the lips of a rabbi, or how often complications lead to long-term permanent damage and sometimes death, I'll put you down as a supporter of child abuse, since there is no good reason to be slicing off bits of children's genitals that will have sexual function. You should be ashamed of your nasty religious practices. The rabbis should be in jail.

I can tell you this as a person who is not a victim of circumcision, hearing the experiences of those who have been. The circumcised are missing out!

This is another matter of medical consent that you seem to want to deny other people. What if that young boy decides later in life to reject fascist Judaism? He is mutilated for life. Of course it's harder for them to complain because you got in early, like all religions' approach to abusing children.



New member
I will slow it down for you....Take a deep breath, Hop Sing, as you are creating a moving target. That is slick, real slick...slick as an eel, sliding down a drain pipe. The above, part of your "argument"(loosely employed here), I was not addressing.I addressed this part of your argument:

I responded, picking you apart, leaving you on the mat, bloodied, with little birds circling your head:

I see you have given up on reasoned argument now. QED nothing.

You are right to. Appeal to religious dogma is not a principle you should apply to other people who do not share your religion.
