Abortion. The United States of America.



Today, beginning with evening, night, through morning, day, is Revi'i (Fourth), 12-20. It is now evening, night.

I was listening to the radio. Previously I heard that abortion is against the law. Apparently some people now do not know that, this. It sounds like there is more than one place, location, in the United States of America, now dealing with abortion. Apparently people are not saying that it is against the law, illegal. This is a difference. Before I knew and what I heard was the same. That is, that abortion is against the law. Why would anyone then say anything different?



Bradley D

Well-known member
It is a State government (Alabama) that passed a State constitutional amendment against abortion. The Federal government allows abortions. So there will be some court battles over that.


It is a State government (Alabama) that passed a State constitutional amendment against abortion. The Federal government allows abortions. So there will be some court battles over that.


When was that?

I am a Citizen of the United States of America. I am a resident of Tacoma, Washington. I belong to Israel. I am Torah Observant or I observe Torah Law or Torah law. I am therefore against abortion more than just knowing (that) it is wrong. We have God's Law to back it (this) up (that abortion is wrong). And we observe God's Law. We observe God's Law already. And in observing God's Law we know that abortion is wrong. This is helpful in case there was any uncertainty or lack of clarity. I urge everyone to study God's Law. Study the Torah. God's law is my study all the day, my study and meditation both day and night. I do not know what you are talking about with the Federal Government. I think you are saying that there is State Government and Federal Government. State Government would pertain to the State. Like Washington State. Federal Government would pertain to what? I do not trust what you are saying. Neither do I know it to be true.




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When was that?

I am a Citizen of the United States of America. I am a resident of Tacoma, Washington. I belong to Israel. I am Torah Observant or I observe Torah Law or Torah law. I am therefore against abortion more than just knowing (that) it is wrong. We have God's Law to back it (this) up (that abortion is wrong). And we observe God's Law. We observe God's Law already. And in observing God's Law we know that abortion is wrong. This is helpful in case there was any uncertainty or lack of clarity. I urge everyone to study God's Law. Study the Torah. God's law is my study all the day, my study and meditation both day and night. I do not know what you are talking about with the Federal Government. I think you are saying that there is State Government and Federal Government. State Government would pertain to the State. Like Washington State. Federal Government would pertain to what? I do not trust what you are saying. Neither do I know it to be true.




Abortion is wrong because God said that if a baby is harmed in the womb, life for life, injury for injury.



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Today is Revi'i, 12-20. It is morning, day.

Shalom. Peace. May God bless you.

If two people have (did have, had) sex, and they were not married when they did, Torah Law spells out or lays out what should happen.


The Bible says this about sexual immorality:

“If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die—the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall put away the evil from Israel.“If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her,then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor’s wife; so you shall put away the evil from among you.“But if a man finds a betrothed young woman in the countryside, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die.But you shall do nothing to the young woman; there is in the young woman no sin deserving of death, for just as when a man rises against his neighbor and kills him, even so is this matter.For he found her in the countryside, and the betrothed young woman cried out, but there was no one to save her.“If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out,then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her; he shall not be permitted to divorce her all his days. - Deuteronomy 22:22-29 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy22:22-29&version=NKJV


The Bible says this about sexual immorality:

“If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die—the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall put away the evil from Israel.“If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her,then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor’s wife; so you shall put away the evil from among you.“But if a man finds a betrothed young woman in the countryside, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die.But you shall do nothing to the young woman; there is in the young woman no sin deserving of death, for just as when a man rises against his neighbor and kills him, even so is this matter.For he found her in the countryside, and the betrothed young woman cried out, but there was no one to save her.“If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out,then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her; he shall not be permitted to divorce her all his days. - Deuteronomy 22:22-29 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy22:22-29&version=NKJV



New member

When was that?

I am a Citizen of the United States of America. I am a resident of Tacoma, Washington. I belong to Israel. I am Torah Observant or I observe Torah Law or Torah law. I am therefore against abortion more than just knowing (that) it is wrong. We have God's Law to back it (this) up (that abortion is wrong). And we observe God's Law. We observe God's Law already. And in observing God's Law we know that abortion is wrong. This is helpful in case there was any uncertainty or lack of clarity. I urge everyone to study God's Law. Study the Torah. God's law is my study all the day, my study and meditation both day and night. I do not know what you are talking about with the Federal Government. I think you are saying that there is State Government and Federal Government. State Government would pertain to the State. Like Washington State. Federal Government would pertain to what? I do not trust what you are saying. Neither do I know it to be true.


The answers are simple then:

a) don't have an abortion yourself, that's your right

b) don't step on women's rights to medical consent, to decide what happens to their own bodies



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The answers are simple then:

a) don't have an abortion yourself, that's your right

b) don't step on women's rights to medical consent, to decide what happens to their own bodies


So if it's a woman's body, what's the thing growing inside her womb? Its genetic makeup is different than her own... Is it a tumor? Oh, no, wait, it's a baby. So in essence you're saying the baby doesn't have a right to his or her own body, and doesn't even get the right to a fair trial before you kill it?



The answers are simple then:

a) don't have an abortion yourself, that's your right

b) don't step on women's rights to medical consent, to decide what happens to their own bodies




Today is Revi'i, 12-20. It is morning, day.

I am a man. I cannot have an abortion. If I were married and had sex my wife would not be allowed to have an abortion. But because of God's Law, Torah, I should not have to say this.

A baby, or a life leading to and following conception, is not to be destroyed, killed, murdered. I do not know what you mean by medical, but this is not consent for something to be done to a woman's own body.




New member
So if it's a woman's body, what's the thing growing inside her womb? Its genetic makeup is different than her own... Is it a tumor? Oh, no, wait, it's a baby. So in essence you're saying the baby doesn't have a right to his or her own body, and doesn't even get the right to a fair trial before you kill it?

The only relevant concern is that of a woman's medical consent. Your opinion is irrelevant. If you don't believe in medical consent, then if I ever need a liver transplant I'll pop around to your place and take yours from you.



New member


Today is Revi'i, 12-20. It is morning, day.

I am a man. I cannot have an abortion. If I were married and had sex my wife would not be allowed to have an abortion. But because of God's Law, Torah, I should not have to say this.

A baby, or a life leading to and following conception, is not to be destroyed, killed, murdered. I do not know what you mean by medical, but this is not consent for something to be done to a woman's own body.


It sure is medical consent. As you say, it's not your body so what is it to do with you? I don't have to ask your permission to have an appendectomy, why does anyone need your permission for any medical procedure, unless it involves your body?



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The only relevant concern is that of a woman's medical consent. Your opinion is irrelevant. If you don't believe in medical consent, then if I ever need a liver transplant I'll pop around to your place and take yours from you.

So the baby does not have the right to his own body, got it. You're effectively saying that innocent children can be killed because the mother says so. Murderer.


New member
So the baby does not have the right to his own body, got it. You're effectively saying that innocent children can be killed because the mother says so. Murderer.
This argument you have having with reality actually has little to do with death. The things that die or live are foetuses and women, and what a foetus is exactly depends on what term the pregnancy is in. The woman is always a fully living, breathing, loving human being, the foetus is not. The death of the woman is a tragedy, the death of the foetus is a statistic.

It is a different matter with a late-term abortion because the ethical argument always should include the possibility that the foetus could become a child that can survive outside the womb. But while the foetus is reliant on the pregnant woman's body for its survival, she is the only one with any right to make any decisions.

But anyway, as I say, it's not about stopping foetuses from dying: only a tiny fraction of foetus deaths are due to abortion. This is really all about the power of the religious to keep people in their places, and especially to keep women in relative poverty and enslavement to their reproductive cycles in a way that suits the males of the religious establishment.

Even with the most enlightened views and greatest advocacy for the rights of women to decide when and if they have families, and how they do that in relation to the other goals they set for themselves, there are still problems with equality.

The fascist religionists who try to run everyone else's lives to their poorly thought-out ancient ethical systems, suited as they are to patriarchial control and denial of the rights of half the population, need to stop and think about how things would be if it was men getting pregnant and dying because it was them forced into backstreet abortions in backward countries. You wouldn't be calling it murder of children then: that language would not have ever been taught to you.



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This argument you have having with reality actually has little to do with death.

Denying reality is usually a symptom of rejecting God. Do you reject God, Stuart?

The things that die or live are foetuses and women, and what a foetus is exactly depends on what term the pregnancy is in.

Is the fetus living/alive or is the fetus not living/alive?

The woman is always a fully living, breathing, loving human being,

A woman is not loving when she kills her own child. That's called murder.

the foetus is not.

Not living? Ok. I'll keep that in mind.

The death of the woman is a tragedy,

This is not in debate.

the death of the foetus is a statistic.

But you just said that the fetus isn't living. How can something that's not living die? Death implies that something was once living.

And calling the death of a person "a statistic" is inherently dehumanizing.

It is a different matter with a late-term abortion because the ethical argument always should include the possibility that the foetus could become a child

How does something non-living suddenly become a living breathing human being?

that can survive outside the womb.

A baby is a baby regardless of length of existence. From the moment of conception the fetus is a human baby, a person, and the taking of innocent life (because all babies are innocent of sin and crime) is murder.

But while the foetus is reliant on the pregnant woman's body for its survival, she is the only one with any right to make any decisions.

But what about the baby's claim to his own body?

I'll ask you the same thing you asked me, if I were to come to your house, and chop you up and take your body parts out of your house, would that, according to your statement above, not be murder?

You're reliant on your house for your survival, so what's the difference, does the house get to choose whether you get to stay in it?

But anyway, as I say, it's not about stopping foetuses from dying: only a tiny fraction of foetus deaths are due to abortion.

Tell that to the 2.3 babies killed (on average) in abortions every minute.
Tell that to the 137 babies killed in an abortion every hour.
Tell that to the 2900 babies killed in abortions every day.
Tell that to the nearly 57 MILLION babies killed in abortions since 1973.

Calling any death of a person "insignificant" is inherently dehumanizing.

This is really all about the power of the religious to keep people in their places, and especially to keep women in relative poverty and enslavement to their reproductive cycles in a way that suits the males of the religious establishment.

You're starting to sound like a conspiracist, or at least a feminist. Men and women are not equal.

If a woman doesn't want to have a child, then she shouldn't have sex.

If a woman is raped, you don't punish the child for the sins of the father, you punish the father, and love the child.

Even with the most enlightened views and greatest advocacy for the rights of women to decide when and if they have families,

If a woman doesn't want a family, then she shouldn't get married or have sex.

and how they do that in relation to the other goals they set for themselves, there are still problems with equality.

To make everyone equal, you have to take away their freedoms. To make everyone free, you have to reject that everyone is equal (except under the law).

The fascist religionists who try to run everyone else's lives to their poorly thought-out ancient ethical systems, suited as they are to patriarchial control

Yup, definitely a feminist. You've done drank the koolaid, son.

If there is no God, then there is nothing wrong with abortion.

However, since there is a God, abortion is wrong because it's a baby, and it's always wrong to kill a baby because children are made in God's image, and God said "do not kill the innocent."

and denial of the rights of half the population,

No one has the right to kill a baby, no matter how old or young.

need to stop and think about how things would be if it was men getting pregnant

Except that men can't get pregnant, so it's a moot point.

and dying because it was them forced into backstreet abortions in backward countries.

Planned Parenthood supports China's one-child policy. You know what the Chinese government does to women who get pregnant with a second child who don't qualify to have one under that policy? They forcibly take the woman and kill the baby in the womb.

That's a backwards country. It's backwards thinking to think that it's ok for a mother to want to kill her child because the pregnancy is an "inconvenience."

Abortion is wrong everywhere. That is an absolute truth.

You wouldn't be calling it murder of children then: that language would not have ever been taught to you.


Making this argument shows how far gone you are from reality.

Reality is that women were made to have children, men were not.

Reality is that abortion is wrong because it's a baby, and it's always wrong to intentionally kill a baby.

Reality is that God says do not kill the innocent, and taking the life of an unborn person violates that command.


Hall of Fame
I was listening to the radio. Previously I heard that abortion is against the law. Apparently some people now do not know that, this. It sounds like there is more than one place, location, in the United States of America, now dealing with abortion. Apparently people are not saying that it is against the law, illegal. This is a difference. Before I knew and what I heard was the same. That is, that abortion is against the law. Why would anyone then say anything different?



Because the question is being answered literally, rather than religiously. While I agree that abortion should NOT be legal, in the US (as well as other countries), woman are *legally* allowed to abort (kill their unborn baby).


It sure is medical consent. As you say, it's not your body so what is it to do with you? I don't have to ask your permission to have an appendectomy, why does anyone need your permission for any medical procedure, unless it involves your body?



Today is Chamishi, 12-21.

I do not know what medical consent is. What I was asking though was about the medical. I am a Jew, Jewish. I grew up Christian. I do not know about things that are medical or medical things. I guess that would be the medical field. But I do not know what to think about all things medical. The philosophy of medicine is not something that I am familiar with. Also, I do not know what things a person would need consent for. As for medical consent I do not know what it is.

As for a woman's body not being my body, of course. But what you need to recognize is that right and wrong, though a man's body and a woman's body are different, is not dependant upon sex, gender. There are things that a man should never do and things that a woman should never do. One thing that a man should never do is let or allow his wife to have an abortion. If he does he is consenting to murder. That is a crime. And it is punishable.

I believe you are saying that I can only give my permission or consent for medical procedures involving my own body. I am not married so I can't speak for anyone else. But I do have an interest in preserving life and preserving the life or lives of others. If I do not speak up I am guilty of an offense, a crime, against humanity, each individual involved, and a crime against God. So you see how what I can do involves more than me, similar to how you are trying to influence me in a negative way against or contrary to God's Law, even though I am not related to you.




Because the question is being answered literally, rather than religiously. While I agree that abortion should NOT be legal, in the US (as well as other countries), woman are *legally* allowed to abort (kill their unborn baby).


Today is Chamishi, 12-21.

Not according to God's Law, for which there is punishment, and which is a higher law or a law that not everyone knows about or is aware of. Many people simply live their lives with the understanding that they can take the life of others, of the innocent, or that the life that is in them (a mother or would be mother) can be snuffed out as if it were merely a part of her (the mother's the woman's) body. There are arguments against this in the interest of full disclosure for which the facts and words of different court cases have figured in, which together reveal the fact of what happens when a woman or a husband and wife abort their child. What happens in the baby is killed. An innocent life is taken. And it is murder. If the baby has done nothing wrong, nothing worthy of or punishable with death, why kill it? It is grotesque.

I am glad that you agree that abortion should not be legal. But according to God's Law, Torah, it already is not legal. That is, it is against God's Law. Illegal. And the Law of the United States of America has and should reflect this.

