

Don't you see?

That's why pro-lifers aren't arguing for the right to life for born people. It's not due to convenience or because being pro-life is shallow or disingenuous. It's because born people already have the right to live.

All the more reason to supply your time, effort and taxes in continuation of that right...else the shallow political acusation's a just one.

Eagles Wings

New member
Then it seems your willfully ignorant to the concept of choice in this regard.
Send me a PM if you chance a detailed enlightenment.
I wouldn't take the time to PM you, quip.

Many of us have spent countless hours discussing choice, sanctity of life, etc., on this forum and elsewhere.

There is nothing so rewarding as looking into the eyes of a scared woman and telling her she has another choice, other than killing her own flesh and blood.

To your detriment and mine as well, choice that leads one to believe they can kill a preborn child, has brought destruction upon this land, and languishing pain to millions.


I wouldn't take the time to PM you, quip.

Many of us have spent countless hours discussing choice, sanctity of life, etc., on this forum and elsewhere.

There is nothing so rewarding as looking into the eyes of a scared woman and telling her she has another choice, other than killing her own flesh and blood.

To your detriment and mine as well, choice that leads one to believe they can kill a preborn child, has brought destruction upon this land, and languishing pain to millions.

Suit yourself.


How would the abortion save her?
abortions are performed daily to save the mother's life. I've no idea of the various medical reasons why. Yet, that's entirely irrelevent to your moral stance against allowing a woman to save her own life via abortion. Can you even defend this stance?

Also, how about your example of an immoral abortion?

Justify yours first.


Well-known member
Not following.

You said the pro-life stance is disingenuous because pro-lifers seem only focused on outlawing the killing of unborn children.

But that's because terminating the lives of born people is already illegal. Why would I want to change that?


I can't - I didn't provide one. You asked me if I could come up with an example of a moral abortion. I said that I could not.

So, if you wish to discuss a specific example - provide one.

Idid! :idunno: ....to save the life of the mother. :doh:

You're being evasive.