a whore for the republican party


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
everybody got the memo yesterday
they are all tying what trump said to the republican party
to all the candidates
that includes
harry reid
the white house spokesman


New member
trump will put hillary in the white house

Trump has 20% in the polls of the 25% registered Republicans (5% of Americans). And that is probably mostly people who have little intention of actually voting giving the finger to the pollsters.

Trump won't even make the top three in the primaries, let alone get through to mess up the general election.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump has 20% in the polls of the 25% registered Republicans (5% of Americans). And that is probably mostly people who have little intention of actually voting giving the finger to the pollsters.

Trump won't even make the top three in the primaries, let alone get through to mess up the general election.

they don't poll registered republicans

they just dial random numbers
ask people who lie


New member
that is a lie
you must be a liar

you can't be that stupid

I won't go back and forth with you. I hope you seriously consider what Jesus would do when it comes to voting. I know you consider it a serious issue so I hope you give it serious thought.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I won't go back and forth with you. I hope you seriously consider what Jesus would do when it comes to voting. I know you consider it a serious issue so I hope you give it serious thought.

what do you think Jesus would do?


New member
trump will put hillary in the white house

i totally agree

for all anyone knows, this is how the super rich (& powerful) planned things

I'm not one to yell Conspiracy! at every turn but good grief

I dont trust anyone who makes more than $500,000 a year, and i tend not to trust anyone who makes significantly less

not that $$ is the only reason i am leery of certain candidates, but you know, it bothers me that some people have enough money to buy just about anything. Can someone buy the presidency?

this country is so corrupt, it would seem we all know t he answer, or the quite-likely answer or whatever



New member
that is a lie
you must be a liar

you can't be that stupid

you know, a lot of Rs do support abortion (by not doing anything about it, not even speaking out against it)

i dont like to be all negative about Fox News, but you know, they very rarely do any story about abortion

these days all they seem to want to talk about is terrorism, how awful the pres is, and racism

not much of anything else, it seems, although terrorism is an understandable topic



Well-known member
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chrys, do you still think Bush can win the primary?

here are my predictions

trump will not win a single primary
jeb will move up in the 2nd and 3rd primary
the 4th primary may be his first win

cruz will get iowa
rubio or christie will take new hampshire


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
here are my predictions

trump will not win a single primary
jeb will move up in the 2nd and 3rd primary
the 4th primary may be his first win

cruz will get iowa
rubio or christie will take new hampshire

And here is mine:

Jeb will not only not win a single primary but, will not admit defeat despite single digit numbers until after super Tuesday. Give it up, nobody will vote for Jeb or any other RINO, in fact the RINO's are going to have their butts shellacked with every crappy candidate they have put out there. What is more troubling is that in the RNC's fear that a Trump, Cruz, Fiorina, or Carson could actually win are now planning in secret how they will attempt to steal the nomination from the duly picked favorite, which you know will deep six any chance for a republican presidency and the RINO's like you would rather lose than support the legitimate nominee.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
trump is setting himself up for an independent run
it may not be necessary

he has damaged the republican party so much
no republican can win the white house in 2016

The Republican brand was destroyed the day Mitch McConnell & Boehner resigned the power of the purse to this president. They haven't the will to lead, nor have they done the will of the voters that put them there. Why do you think Trump is even viable Chrys? Who do you think the voters are mad at? Not Obama, they know what they got with that inept ideologue, they are mad at the current crop of republican losers in both houses, the RNC for ignoring them and forcing crappy candidates like Jeb Bush upon them every election. They deserve to lose, they are no longer even a legitimate party, certainly not anything resembling conservatism. This loss, if it comes lays squarely on the shoulders of the RNC establishment which has become progressive liberal light and chased their base away. It sure as heck is not Trumps fault that the RINO's are destroying the party...Rand Paul commented on it, and how the RINO's are attempting to screw the voters, if they go through with these shenanigans they deserve to lose the white house & both houses for deceiving the base.

Paul said the establishment has to realize that across the country Republican voters are unhappy with GOP leaders in Washington. “And they’re sick and tired of it,” he said. “So if they see their will thwarted through the primary process, I think you’re gonna find that there’ll be a war declared or there’ll be a war that the establishment has decided to declare on the grassroots, and it’s gonna be a real problem.”

And another comment from Ben Carson...

In a statement released by his campaign early Friday, Carson said GOP leaders should continue having similar meetings if they want to destroy the party, which he threatened to leave. “If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party,” he said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/...convention-destroy-party-216703#ixzz3u5BmaZKV

The RNC establishment is torpedoing their own party for the sake of the status quo...Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles can see that Chrys, they don't care about their voter base they care about their power base but, sadly this move will surely lose them both.
Last edited:


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Hall of Fame

GOP could have a contested convention.

It is the holy grail of political geekery, wished-for every four years, and exceedingly rare: a contested political convention. In the past few decades, this has been mostly a fantasy, but this year, many in the GOP are taking that prospect very seriously. At a Washington, DC, dinner on Monday at which more than 20 Republican establishment figures gathered to talk fundraising and other party business, the topic arose toward the end of the evening, according to sources who attended the meeting, which was first reported by the Washington Post.

The math behind a deadlocked convention is simple: If three or more Republican candidates are still competitive in the presidential race beyond March 15, as seems increasingly possible, it will be difficult to avoid a situation in which no candidate accumulates over 50 percent of delegates, so multiple ballots could be needed to select the Republican nominee in Cleveland next summer. The working assumption is that one of those candidates will be Donald Trump—which has brought considerable focus to the establishment mind.

A brokered convention hasn’t occurred in American politics for more than sixty years. The last one was on the Democratic side, in 1952. Adlai Stevenson, then governor of Illinois, had no intention of being the nominee when he walked into the Chicago convention hall that year; he was drafted as a compromise candidate when two senators—one from Georgia, the other from Tennessee—failed to rally enough backers. It took three ballots before Stevenson stood behind the dais and, immediately after accepting the nomination, declared, “I should have preferred to hear those words uttered by a stronger, a wiser, a better man than myself.”

It’s perhaps no coincidence that 1952 was also the first year political conventions were broadcast on television, beaming intra-party brawls into the living rooms of general election voters nationwide. The complex drama may have been an electoral drag: Stevenson was trounced by Republican Dwight Eisenhower that November. (The last time Republicans had a multi-ballot convention, in 1948, they too lost the general election).

In the years since, conventions have been, increasingly, scripted and stage-managed extravaganzas—less a venue for party business and more a pep rally for the nominee presumptive.

This year, the equation has been rewritten. Trump's persistent strength and sky-high negatives, coupled with the inability thus far of the mainstream Republicans to coalesce around a single candidate, and a series of rule changes that encouraged more states to award their delegates proportionally, make it easier than ever to imagine a contested-convention scenario. And given the GOP’s turmoil over the possibility of Trump-the-nominee, Cleveland could very well become the establishment’s last stand, a place where they can wield their influence—and where they actually may have an advantage.

“I think that the candidates are all aware of this and they’re all planning up to a certain level for it,” Vin Weber, a Jeb Bush ally and former adviser to Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign, said in an interview conducted before he attended the Monday RNC dinner.

Like others in the party, Weber said it's too early in the race to predict a nomination stalemate, but admits that the state of the GOP race incentivizes campaigns to plan for a long and arduous delegate fight.

“I think the dynamics are being set up perfectly for it to happen for the first time in over a generation,” said Michael Steele, former head of the Republican National Committee. “Every candidate on the ballot will get a piece of something,” Steele continued, describing states that will vote before March 15. “It may not be a big piece, but it will be a piece and, accumulated over a six-week period, where we’ll have well over 50 percent of the delegates being chosen, you’ve written a recipe for a brokered convention.”

The reason a contested convention is possible this cycle isn’t only the dynamics of the field, with its problematic front-runner and several establishment contestants splitting votes. The GOP itself inadvertently cleared the way with a newly condensed GOP primary calendar, which could give candidates less time to break away from the pack, and new GOP rules that force every state (with the exception of South Carolina) voting before March 15 to award their delegates proportionally. In the end, more than 60 percent of states around the country will divide up their delegates between more than one presidential contender.

The new rules were drawn up following Mitt Romney’s protracted 2012 primary race, which party leaders believe damaged his chances in the general election. Wanting to give their 2016 standard-bearer an open, fair, but smoother, runway to the convention, the RNC shrunk its primary calendar by nearly two months, limited the number of Republican debates, and encouraged more states who want early primary dates to dole out their delegates proportionally, which gives lesser-known candidates a better shot at competing in the compressed nomination fight.

To some, the speculation about a contested convention is nothing more than a quadrennial daydream, given further fuel by Trump. “It's mathematically possible, it's just not very likely,” said John Sununu, an adviser of John Kasich’s campaign.

But campaigns are treating it as a real possibility. Mark Stephenson, former data chief for Scott Walker’s campaign, who had began mapping out the delegate calendar before Walker suspended his campaign in September, said other candidates are already looking for ways to pick up delegates in proportional states, congressional district by congressional district, without necessarily having to win the full statewide vote.



New member
Hall of Fame
here are my predictions

trump will not win a single primary
jeb will move up in the 2nd and 3rd primary
the 4th primary may be his first win

cruz will get iowa
rubio or christie will take new hampshire

I hope you're right about Trump not winning a single primary. I don't think I can make that prediction right now though.

This primary schedule is stupid. They should all be on the same day.


New member
Hall of Fame
The Republican brand was destroyed the day Mitch McConnell & Boehner resigned the power of the purse to this president. They haven't the will to lead, nor have they done the will of the voters that put them there.
What specifics are you thinking of when you say that?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
What specifics are you thinking of when you say that?

Really if you have to ask you need to read more Kmo. :nono:




Republican leadership (or the lack thereof) is destroying the party from within, not Trump, not Cruz, not any other candidate. The base is done with the establishment attempting to control who they want to lead them.