a whore for the republican party


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you can't trust the polls
here are the reasons
most are now using cell phones
most do not have the patience to participate in polls
those who do participate are angry
those who do participate lie
what do they lie about?
being a republican
voting in primaries
the only way to address these problems
to use voter registration records
they show who votes in primaries
which party
this approach is not taken because it takes too much time and money


New member
There's a difference between the Republican party platform (words on paper) and what Republicans actually do.

The platform, last time I checked, is mostly okay.

The people, on the other hand, are heathens and pagans who will gladly exchange a dead baby for a dollar.

When you vote, you vote for the person, not the platform. Your vote is a sin.


Well-known member
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There's a difference between the Republican party platform (words on paper) and what Republicans actually do.

The platform, last time I checked, is mostly okay..

did you check the platform of the democratic party?

they support the killing of babies


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So do Republicans!

Excuse Chrys, he actually thinks that the RINO's will actually fight abortion, even though many RINO's are for it, the RINO's had both houses & the presidency & did nothing but, he carries their banner proudly in spite of their blatant inaction on the issue. He is a true believer. :juggle:


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trump is setting himself up for an independent run
it may not be necessary

he has damaged the republican party so much
no republican can win the white house in 2016


It seems from the outside that a primaries vote for Trump is already a vote for a Democrat president.
It seems to me the media are showing only republications cause they make more money off clowns that want to be funny. Soon things won't be funny anymore and the Democrats will need to run America. Once America comes to common sense, the Democrats will be the only choice


New member
It seems to me the media are showing only republications cause they make more money off clowns that want to be funny. Soon things won't be funny anymore and the Democrats will need to run America. Once America comes to common sense, the Democrats will be the only choice

I get the impression that Americans as a whole are moving towards a more compassionate politics, so the more extreme the GOP becomes, to appeal to its core vote, the more it will just push them out of power for a generation.


I get the impression that Americans as a whole are moving towards a more compassionate politics, so the more extreme the GOP becomes, to appeal to its core vote, the more it will just push them out of power for a generation.
They want a u turn to something new. Vote for trump if you want something unpredictable.


New member
that is a lie

you can't be that stupid

Then why did George W. Bush select radical pro-abort Alberto Gonzales to be the Attorney General? I can give many more examples.

I understand the desire to win, but winning is pointless if your team is just going to do what your enemies want.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Then why did George W. Bush select radical pro-abort Alberto Gonzales to be the Attorney General? I can give many more examples.

I understand the desire to win, but winning is pointless if your team is just going to do what your enemies want.

the democratic party supports abortion
that is the truth