I stumbled onto something that might be germain to the discussion at hand...
Representatives of this new off-shoot, the "Lord Our Righteous*ness Church" (formerly called "Life Supports") are traveling all over North America. They have already sent missionaries overseas. Their sole targets are Seventh-day Adventist believers. Wherever they go, the agents of LOR amass the wealth of captured Adventists and train new converts to be additional Lorite group leaders.
You will learn in this study how they are devastating Seventh-day Adventist homes, as they take away with them wives, husbands, and chil*dren. Read these brief Informa*tion sheets carefully. Any day now, they may come to your lo*cal community, and you or several of your loved ones may be next. This is the closest thing to Adventist Moonyism to enter among us. Although it is the sheerest fanaticism, faithful Advent believers are routinely caught in the net during the very first meeting they attend. Captivated, brainwashed, they then submit to orders by men who brazenly call themselves god.
Originally entitled "Life Supports, " this organization recently officially adopted the name, "The Church, the Lord Our Righteousness. " Therefore, throughout this study, we will refer to their organization as LOR, and to them as Lorites, since, as you will learn later in this study, they have very little to do with our precious Lord.
Wayne Bent was an Adventist minister for 12 years. All or most of his pastorates were in the Southeastern California Conference. At some point in his work, he obtained a master's degree in religion from Loma Linda University. While pastoring in Colton, California, he developed a seminar which he called "Life Supports." After his wife left him, Bent left the Adventist ministry and began working full time on his seminars. Eventually, church leaders in Southeastern California Conference asked him to stop holding seminars in their churches. Something about what he was doing bothered them. Later recalling the incident, Bent comments, "The rejection of Bent's message is the rejection of God. Therefore God has rejected the denomination. "
Those who know him well, say that Wayne Bent has been strongly influenced by certain associates to carry his original messages to their present most terrible extremes. The first influential one was David Mead, and he has worked closely with him for the past several years. At first, Bent conducted all of the seminars, and then David Mead joined him and began holding them also. At some point in their work, we now know that Bent and Mead took special New Age courses with a focus on EST. Then, John Whitcomb joined them. Even down to the present time, it is recognized that Wayne Bent is at the top of LOR, with David Mead second in command, and John Whitcomb in third place. Ranking close behind them is Richard Roos. Roos, with his wife Bonny, were formerly Adventist missionaries in Africa. Among the top leaders only Bent and Roos, to our knowledge, were ever in denominational ministerial work.
Bent first met Mead and Whitcomb while at the Colton Church. Later, when refused permission by the Southeastern California Conference to continue to hold life Supports Seminars under their auspices (and therefore in their church buildings), the group started holding separate meetings at High Grove. This was a United Methodist Church that they rented in that area.
From the beginning, David Mead had the concept of "Follow me or get out," and gradually this pressure-tactic took control of the entire group. Still later, af*ter John Whitcomb and Richard Roos joined their teaching staff, they moved their headquarters to Sand point, Idaho, where they are today.
One of the first concepts taught was that of "the gift. " ("Would you like to have victory? You can have it right now. Christ offers you total sinlessness for*ever more through me, beginning at this moment, if you will but accept it and ac*knowledge me, and my group as your spiritual master. You will never again sin, and never again need Christ, or the Inspired Word for any guidance or help. ") "The gift of instantaneous sin*lessness" continues to remain the must fundamental of points in their first-night presentation, during which they entrap innocent Adventists.
Seems it's going around these days...