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1: There is so much stupid logic out there, and why do people fall for it. Because of ignorance. They assume that if someone claims that they are a preacher, they must be. God only asks us to believe in His Word as the scripture has said
2.) God tells us we dont even have to think beyond what is written.
But satan is always there trying to pervert the truth. The Word says the only truth is the Word as it is written. Sanctified is the washing of water by the Word(verses).
3.) Stupid conversations will consume your thinking. The only concern that a real believer has is, "Do I believe what is written in the Word of God? So read and prove that you do believe it the way it is written.
4.) and nothing in the old testament can help you believe the new testament where Christ is. The only thing the old testament can do is cause you to stumble or fall from grace. And you cant find the true God in the old testament or the true Christ.
5.) don't be taken in by fancy words or human wisdom and logic. It is deceiving. Is your faith in what someone told you or in what is written?
You said a lot of things. I will do my best to address them all.
1.) where does God say "only believe in his word" the scriptures?
2.) where does it say that the only truth and Word is the written Word?
3.) what is plainly written is in opposition of many of your points. No where in Scripture does it say believe only the written word. Or that only the written Word has authority.
4.) if we shouldn't believe the OT, why have it? If it is a stumbling block, why use it at all? Also, Jesus kept the laws of the OT, and he even told people to keep the laws.
Furthermore, if God of the OT isn't the same God as in Christ, then Christ was a liar. Especially since he constantly called the God of Abraham/Moses "the Father."
5.) human reason and logic is what allows us to have faith. Logic aligns with Scripture. Logic aligns with the existence of Christ, God, Heaven, Hell, Angels, etc. To dismiss logic and reason is to dismiss a gift that God has given.
God is the author of logic and reason.
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