ECT A further MAD error 2

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Hi Tet,

In another MAD thread, I mentioned some of the more current preachers of dispensation, such as John Hagee, Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins.

How much influence do you think these men have?

Oh, and Hal Lindsey and Jack Van Impe
None of these people are good Bible teachers at all and to NOT represent the dispensational teaching that exist in the Word of God.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All of these men's teachings come from John Nelson Darby.

Whose teachings should we follow, punk? Yours? Are you not a man? Women? Aliens?

You have "God's teachings," do you, Sparky?

You deceitful punk, spamming this "men's teachings" satanic "argument," on every thread, as your "Hail Mary," deceitful sophistry.

Go ahead and assert that you don't "follow men."


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Dispensationalists like heir are in denial.

heir pretends she doesn't know who John Nelson Darby was.

She's embarrassed to be associated with Darby, and all the "end times" Dispensational nut jobs out there.

Yet, she believes the same things they do re: the "secret rapture" and all the other crap Darby invented.

You are in denial. You lie when you assert that you don't follow AD 70/Preterist teachers. I caught you in this lie, for over 3 years, punk.

Preterism is "invented."

So there, sweetie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, and neither are Jews

So, you just judged them, and lied when you said that only God knows.

Another lie, by the punk.

I have never told anyone who claims to be a Christian, that he or she isn't saved.

Observe, the deception. Anyone who claims to be Christian, he will not judge, regardless of what they preach . But he will judge Muslims.


A JW, Catholic, to Tet: We must work to be saved!!!

Tet: Right on!! I won't judge your salvation!!! Only God knows!!

A Muslim, to Tet.:We must work to be saved!!!

Tet: You are lost.

You actor, satanic clown, so much of a man pleaser, and wimp, you won't expose any perverter, as long as they are "non MAD/dispie."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why don't you enlighten us Johnny?

Please tell us what the Apostle Paul meant when he told us to "test ourselves" to see whether we are in the faith?

First answer my questions, Wimpy. And I already answered it om TOL, you loser. You were busy attending your satanic Preterist conferences, at the "new heaven" we are in, according to you, sweetie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

You guys deny the New Covenant, and you guys claim that one day in the future there is once again going to be animal sacrifices for sin atonement.

Tet. asserts that anyone can "deny the New Covenant" is in effect today, which denies the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet be saved, embracing this belief.

Correct-you "preach" satanic "doctrine."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Once again you prove my point.

It's indisputable that John Nelson Darby invented Dispensationalism.

However, I have asked over and over again for someone to show me who indisputably is responsible for preterism.

And, no one has ever been able to show me.

It's indisputable that satan invented AD 70-ism/Preterism.

We've shown you. But your father the devil tells you to deny it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You want us to believe that 2 Tim 2:2 didn't come into play until the mid 1800's.

You want us to believe that for 1,800 years not one person in all of Christendom taught the tenets of Dispensationalism, but then after Darby invented it, 2 Tim 2:2 came into play.

As I have said over and over again, you guys are in denial.

He agrees.

2. Tet. denies that there is a teaching ministry in the boc, asserting that this scripture, should not be in the bible:

2 Timothy 2:2 KJV
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You want us to believe that 2 Tim 2:2 didn't come into play until the mid 1800's.

You want us to believe that for 1,800 years not one person in all of Christendom taught the tenets of Dispensationalism, but then after Darby invented it, 2 Tim 2:2 came into play.

As I have said over and over again, you guys are in denial.

You assert that the world was flat at one time, and that the Lord Jesus Christ was not God, until you discovered it, and that God did not have a sacred name, until Moses "discovered"-on record-again.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul preached the New Covenant. All of Paul's teachings that deal with the NC are for us.

Paul told the Thessalonians that the rebellion had to happen before the resurrection. Therefore, since the rebellion already happened, Paul's teaching to the Thessalonians about the rebellion isn't directly written to us (even though you Dispensationalists misunderstand it)

"Paul's teachings that deal with the NC are for us."-Wimpy

Specfically, name them. That's vague, punk. Which books? Which of Paul's teachings are not for us?l And why?Specifics, punk.


None of these people are good Bible teachers at all and to NOT represent the dispensational teaching that exist in the Word of God.

They preach the same things you preach.

They preach a rapture, a 7 year Trib, a 1,000 year millennium, and they claim there is a distinction between Jews and church age believers.

They claim one day Jesus is going to sit on a man made throne in the Middle East and rule over the Jews.

They preach the same things you preach.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They preach the same things you preach.

They preach a rapture, a 7 year Trib, a 1,000 year millennium, and they claim there is a distinction between Jews and church age believers.

They claim one day Jesus is going to sit on a man made throne in the Middle East and rule over the Jews.

They preach the same things you preach.

Tet. learned the above from the pope, whom he claims is one of his infallible teachers.

Ask him.

Right, sweetie?

"They claim one day Jesus is going to sit on a man made throne in the Middle East and rule over the Jews.'=he spams this on every thread

Man made, eh Wimpy?

Tet hates the cross of Christ, as it was "man made."

You satanic punk-even you know it. Sophistry.

Tell us, Wimpy-is the "church," or temple, that you attend, "man made?"


Anyone who claims to be Christian, he will not judge, regardless of what they preach .

C'mon Johnny try and pay attention.

I said that I have never told anyone who said they were a Christian that he or she wasn't saved.

But he will judge Muslims.

No, I don't judge Muslims.

Non-believers are not for me to judge. Non-believers should be taught the Gospel of Christ Jesus, not judged.

(1 Cor 5:12) What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

Do the math Johnny.


Tell us, Wimpy-is the "church," ot temple, that you attend, "man made?"

(Heb 9:24) For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence.

Man made, eh Wimpy?

That's what you claim, not me.


"Paul's teachings that deal with the NC are for us."-Wimpy

Specfically, name them. That's vague, punk. Which books? Which of Paul's teachings are not for us?l And why?Specifics, punk.

Which part about the Thessalonians and the Great Jewish Revolt did you not understand?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
C'mon Johnny try and pay attention.

I said that I have never told anyone who said they were a Christian that he or she wasn't saved.

No, I don't judge Muslims.

Non-believers are not for me to judge. Non-believers should be taught the Gospel of Christ Jesus, not judged.

(1 Cor 5:12) What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

Do the math Johnny.

Pay attention, Wimpy.

You assert that anyone who preaches false doctrine, such as a Catholic, JW........who claims that they are Christian, you will not claim as being lost, even though they pervert the gospel of Christ, with "works based salvation" belief system. But if a Muslim preaches the same, they are lost.

JW, Cathlic, to Tet: You must have good works to be saved.

You: Right on!!! I will not judge you!!! Only God knows!!

A Muslim to you:You must have good works to be saved.

You: You are lost.

Satanic. Your father the devil taught you that, fat wimp.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
C'mon Johnny try and pay attention.

I said that I have never told anyone who said they were a Christian that he or she wasn't saved.

No, I don't judge Muslims.

Non-believers are not for me to judge. Non-believers should be taught the Gospel of Christ Jesus, not judged.

(1 Cor 5:12) What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

Do the math Johnny.

Caught, in another lie:

"But he will judge Muslims."-me, referring to Tet. judging Muslims

"No, I don't judge Muslims."-Tet.

Vs. on this thread:

"Are Muslims saved, spineless one?"-me, to Tet.

"No, and neither are Jews."-Tet

You habitual liar-you can't keep your satanic story straight.

And the punk, being the wimp that he is, will not judge Muslims. Then why are you here, punk?

Watch his spin forthcoming. I quoted his own words. Watch him try and spin it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
(Heb 9:24) For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence.

That's what you claim, not me.

Did the wimp, address the question:

Tell us, Wimpy-is the "church," ot temple, that you attend, "man made?"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
(Heb 9:24) For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence.

That's what you claim, not me.

I already addressed Hebrews 9:24 KJV, punk, and you, with your satanic "spam one verse in isolation" ploy, does not fool anyone, punk.