C'mon Johnny try and pay attention.
I said that I have never told anyone who said they were a Christian that he or she wasn't saved.
No, I don't judge Muslims.
Non-believers are not for me to judge. Non-believers should be taught the Gospel of Christ Jesus, not judged.
(1 Cor 5:12) What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?
Do the math Johnny.
Pay attention, Wimpy.
You assert that anyone who preaches false doctrine, such as a Catholic, JW........who claims that they are Christian, you will not claim as being lost, even though they pervert the gospel of Christ, with "works based salvation" belief system. But if a Muslim preaches the same, they are lost.
JW, Cathlic, to Tet: You must have good works to be saved.
You: Right on!!! I will not judge you!!! Only God knows!!
A Muslim to you:You must have good works to be saved.
You: You are lost.
Satanic. Your father the devil taught you that, fat wimp.