A Body Hast Thou Prepared Me

Ben Masada

New member
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
6. Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7. But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8.And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Philippians 2: 5-8

Jesus was not born in the form of God. If not for any other reason, The Lord Almighty has no form of man or woman or of any thing at all. (Deut. 4:15-20) To complete the thought of Deuteronomy, you can read Isaiah 46:5. The Lord cannot be compared with any thing at all.


New member
looking for prepared body's wasn't easy,
Un fortunately the prepared body doesn't have the same name as the first body done away with to make way for the new. Hos 3:5
Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.
A father becomes the son. that is why Jesus knows his fathers will, he is finishing his work.
christianity was conquered, the roman empire retrained the faith, they conquered the faith, directed it away from present souls rising, growing them up in the stall failed, witting strong on milk an honey failed, quickening to life to again catapulted hence to another time an area, defeating the promise of rising for the old world. theory, now a third prepared body must attend judgement delayed.
For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor.
Ecc 4:15
I considered all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that shall stand up in his stead.
bring back the key to Davids kingdom. let the heart fail, become as an army to one
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Well-known member
Jesus was not born in the form of God. If not for any other reason, The Lord Almighty has no form of man or woman or of any thing at all. (Deut. 4:15-20) To complete the thought of Deuteronomy, you can read Isaiah 46:5. The Lord cannot be compared with any thing at all.
Your right, Jesus is human, but the spirit in him was and is a form of God.

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New member
I disagree. The spirit son came down from heaven, Jesus did not. Only the spirit son has seen God.

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difficult- the body is made on earth, the manufacture is unable to exchange, for this reason,DNA crawls across the dust of the earth, and is able to choose and record the times, or lie about times past...
The King was the only one to be able to hear God. kingdoms grew, issues to be felt with grew, eventually governors were appointed over tribes, men that king believed could hear god. Now everyone hears God, and government doesn't have to.


Well-known member
difficult- the body is made on earth, the manufacture is unable to exchange, for this reason,DNA crawls across the dust of the earth, and is able to choose and record the times, or lie about times past...
The King was the only one to be able to hear God. kingdoms grew, issues to be felt with grew, eventually governors were appointed over tribes, men that king believed could hear god. Now everyone hears God, and government doesn't have to.

That's called progress.


New member
You still have not shown me any IMAGE that is not created.

The Son of God is an icon, a likeness, a representation ... a priest of the Most High.

This priest in the likeness of Melchizedek has come, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life.
(Hebrews 7:16)


Well-known member
The Son of God is an icon, a likeness, a representation ... a priest of the Most High.

This priest in the likeness of Melchizedek has come, not according to the law of a fleshly commandment, but according to the power of an endless life.
(Hebrews 7:16)
He is the express IMAGE of the most high. He is a creation. There is only one who is not created, YHWH, his God.

You will not learn that sitting in church for it destroys their Trinity fable.

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New member
That's called progress.

A baby vessel was created...three wise men preached the way for a baby that hadn't waxed strong enough to prove them right? many baby jewish vessels were destroyed that evening by hero rd's fear of a baby king being born..Many baby royal boys were hidden..in private un lightly homes, quickened later. seems the war over the throne has been twisted and twisted until it resembled evil for Goodness sake.


Well-known member
Everything was created by Christ..... everything includes YHWH.

So now the Son created the Father?
I suppose that is what happens when you ignore the difference between "by" and "through" . . .

My image in the mirror is not created.

When your image appears to speak is it the image that truly speaks or is it you?
Whatsoever you do, so likewise your image does too, but is your image you?


New member
So now the Son created the Father?
I suppose that is what happens when you ignore the difference between "by" and "through" . . .

When your image appears to speak is it the image that truly speaks or is it you?
Whatsoever you do, so likewise your image does too, but is your image you?

My image is a reflection of me. Christ didn't really create the Father. That was to get me keypurr head on straight. Neither were created because they are both the same "thing ".


Well-known member
My image is a reflection of me. Christ didn't really create the Father. That was to get me keypurr head on straight. Neither were created because they are both the same "thing ".

If you and your image are the same "thing" then how do I know which one I am talking with right now? Am I responding to you or your image? Does your image in the mirror often pray to you and call you father? Or does your image ever ask you for anything? or does it already know that you always hear its voice? Has your image ever asked you, saying, "Father, let this cup pass from me, if possible, but Thy will be done"? I am beside myself trying to figure out where you are coming from in your thinking. Are you so sure it is Keypurr who needs to keep his head on straight or do you suppose perhaps you should double check with your image in the mirror first? And what if we put your theory to the test from the scripture? Are we not created with minds designed to think logically or will you say that we should throw logic out the window and "just believe" what we have been spoon-fed? Do you ever send out your image of yourself to accomplish what you send it to do or would you actually just be sending out yourself with a different hat and name?

Zechariah 4:8-9 LXX-Septuagint (Brenton Translation)
8 And
the word [Logos] of the Lord [YHWH] came to me, saying,
9 The hands of Zorobabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his hands shall finish it: and thou shalt know that the Lord Almighty [YHWH Tsabaoth]
has sent me [the Logos] to thee.

patrick jane

Does your image in the mirror often pray to you and call you father? Or does your image ever ask you for anything? or does it already know that you always hear its voice? Has your image ever asked you, saying, "Father, let this cup pass from me, if possible, but Thy will be done"? I am beside myself trying to figure out where you are coming from in your thinking. Are you so sure it is Keypurr who needs to keep his head on straight or do you suppose perhaps you should double check with your image in the mirror first? .



New member
If you and your image are the same "thing" then how do I know which one I am talking with right now? Am I responding to you or your image? Does your image in the mirror often pray to you and call you father? Or does your image ever ask you for anything? or does it already know that you always hear its voice? Has your image ever asked you, saying, "Father, let this cup pass from me, if possible, but Thy will be done"? I am beside myself trying to figure out where you are coming from in your thinking. Are you so sure it is Keypurr who needs to keep his head on straight or do you suppose perhaps you should double check with your image in the mirror first? And what if we put your theory to the test from the scripture? Are we not created with minds designed to think logically or will you say that we should throw logic out the window and "just believe" what we have been spoon-fed? Do you ever send out your image of yourself to accomplish what you send it to do or would you actually just be sending out yourself with a different hat and name?

Zechariah 4:8-9 LXX-Septuagint (Brenton Translation)
8 And
the word [Logos] of the Lord [YHWH] came to me, saying,
9 The hands of Zorobabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his hands shall finish it: and thou shalt know that the Lord Almighty [YHWH Tsabaoth]
has sent me [the Logos] to thee.

Christ and the father are the same thing.