8/6 Republican Debate Thread


One in the same.

The Bermudians don't care for Perot by the way.


Were you a fan of Sodom and Gomorrah, too (Ge 13:13). :rolleyes:
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was inhospitality if you read the text with a critical eye.

The gang rape had to do with phallic aggression, not gay sex. It was something that happened a lot in ancient times. It was between masters and slaves and between warriors in battle.

It was an act of power and "putting someone in their place."


I think it's a little hard to state what Trump is really focused on. The only thing I've heard him say about crony capitalism is at once a rebuke and an endorsement of it.
That could reflect his ambivalence about it. But not being an effective mind-reader, I can't say for sure.

As far as Nader goes, I actually find him to be very entitled. He ran for President under the Green Party banner, unwilling to succumb to major party endorsement games, and ended up deciding the election of 2000 in favor of probably the least qualified candidate in several generations.
Since I have been concerned about corporate plutocracy in our country for years, I voted for Ralph because he was the only candidate who was talking about the issue. Subsequently he has pointed out the broad agreements between the left and the right. He is no dummy. But I did realize I was basically throwing my vote away by supporting him.
And that's how third-party and independent candidates are under our system of elections. They can't win under normal circumstances, but they can spoil things for their nearest ideological peers. It takes a lot of ego to really believe that it was worth the statement that it makes to garner a few percent of the votes. Nowadays, he writes silly books like Return to Sender.
I can certainly cop to having a big ego. But I like to stand for principle as well so it's kind of a complicated thing. I also was headed for prison (Rawlins Penitentiary in Wyoming) for claiming a conscientious objector status during the Viet Nam War.

So my head can understandably be said to be a bit "in the clouds."

Can't help being that way at times. It must be in my DNA.

Paying her what was, by his own description, a bride, does, however.
I can't disagree.

Why? He gives loud and obnoxious a bad name, which is actually something of an accomplishment.
Like I said, many in America are obnoxious because they are frustrated they are not listened to. They admire Trump, like it or not.

Along the way, he mistreats women, and either fails to see or ignores the damage he does as he goes. And it's not like he is a self-made man. His father gave him a bunch of money to start out, which is really just an illustration of what is to come for this country: a future where vast inherited fortunes dominate our political and social institutions.
Sexism is inexcusable. I don't agree with putting others down, so I am on your side about this. Christianity and Islam are not unique in their treatment of the female sex, either. But at this stage in our development, humanity has to live with this--and try to change it.

That wasn't my point, and I couldn't take Trumps word for granted if I wanted to, because I can't figure out what it is from one moment to the next.
I think his attitude and his bluster are what are attractive to his followers. They don't really follow the issues and think critically about them. They feel rather than reason things out critically.

Win the Presidency? What on earth for? So that we can listen to more of his retrograde opinions about women and how great it is to be rich and how his wealth proves that he's just better than the rest of us? More snide comments about Rosie O'Donnell in a completely inappropriate forum?

I probably will never justify my views in your eye. But I still understand where you are coming from here. He has definitely broken the mold. His anger at the status quo seems real, whether it really is or not.


New member
That could reflect his ambivalence about it. But not being an effective mind-reader, I can't say for sure.

It's loud ambivalence, if that's what it is. I think the issues don't matter to him, and this is a vanity project. Just like slapping his name on everything he can. And hosting a TV show where B-grade celebrities have to grovel before him. The man survives on a constant diet of supplication, which actually probably explains his attitude toward women.

Since I have been concerned about corporate plutocracy in our country for years, I voted for Ralph because he was the only candidate who was talking about the issue. Subsequently he has pointed out the broad agreements between the left and the right. He is no dummy. But I did realize I was basically throwing my vote away by supporting him. I can certainly cop to having a big ego. But I like to stand for principle as well so it's kind of a complicated thing. I also was headed for prison (Rawlins Penitentiary in Wyoming) for claiming a conscientious objector status during the Viet Nam War.

I agree that he's no dummy. But what he should have done is run a subversive outsider's campaign for office within one of the established parties. That could have made a real difference. But that's where his ego got in the way.

Sexism is inexcusable. I don't agree with putting others down, so I am on your side about this. Christianity and Islam are not unique in their treatment of the female sex, either. But at this stage in our development, humanity has to live with this--and try to change it.

I consider it disqualifying, even if you ignore the other stupid things that come from his mouth. So I'd say we're not on the same side. You are willing to ignore it...for some reason. And I reject the notion that we have to live with it. That just provides cover for it.

I think his attitude and his bluster are what are attractive to his followers. They don't really follow the issues and think critically about them. They feel rather than reason things out critically.

Like moths to a flame. I don't find ignorant rage to be useful or productive as you seem to think it is. It is the engine of the Tea Party.

I probably will never justify my views in your eye. But I still understand where you are coming from here. He has definitely broken the mold. His anger at the status quo seems real, whether it really is or not.

He can break the mold all he wants, though I think that's pretty overstated as well, but I don't want him to break the world. He's as temperamental and thin-skinned as a toddler, he sues people who criticise him, and giving him the nuclear codes, or even the power to call in drone strikes, seems like a bad idea to me. Everything he does is about his ego, and that's a volatile situation.


It's loud ambivalence, if that's what it is. I think the issues don't matter to him, and this is a vanity project. Just like slapping his name on everything he can.

I agree that he's no dummy. But what he should have done is run a subversive outsider's campaign for office within one of the established parties. That could have made a real difference. But that's where his ego got in the way.

I consider it disqualifying, even if you ignore the other stupid things that come from his mouth. So I'd say we're not on the same side. You are willing to ignore it...for some reason. And I reject the notion that we have to live with it. That just provides cover for it.

Like moths to a flame. I don't find ignorant rage to be useful or productive as you seem to think it is. It is the engine of the Tea Party.

He can break the mold all he wants, though I think that's pretty overstated as well, but I don't want him to break the world. He's as temperamental and thin-skinned as a toddler, he sues people who criticise him, and giving him the nuclear codes, or even the power to call in drone strikes, seems like a bad idea to me. Everything he does is about his ego, and that's a volatile situation.
Again, I think your criticisms are helpful and accurate.

But it doesn't matter, in my opinion, because it all depends on how this bluster and rudeness comes across to others. And clearly it is doing that with a sizable portion of citizens.


New member
Again, I think your criticisms are helpful and accurate.

So...now you don't want him to win?

But it doesn't matter, in my opinion, because it all depends on how this bluster and rudeness comes across to others. And clearly it is doing that with a sizable portion of citizens.

I think his popularity is being overestimated. He comes out on top because he has a lot of name recognition, and because there are so many others in the race. As I said before, he's not going to win the Presidency with 20% of the GOP vote. The sorts of people who support his rhetoric have always been a part of the GOP base, the people who shout out "He's a Muslim" about Barack Obama at a McCain rally, but it's a minority of a minority of the overall public. If he has 20% GOP support, that amounts to about 7% of the general public or less, and I really don't see him winning over a lot of the middle the way he's going.


Well-known member
The Rules of PC

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Donald, never forget:

1) As a member of the key devil group, white males, you can never be right.

2) A member of an angel group, even if powerful, famous, well-to-do, and seeking to slit your throat on national tv, can never be questioned, let alone made fun of.

3) Telling the truth makes you more of a villain.


like marbles on glass
The Rules of PC

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Donald, never forget:

1) As a member of the key devil group, white males, you can never be right.

2) A member of an angel group, even if powerful, famous, well-to-do, and seeking to slit your throat on national tv, can never be questioned, let alone made fun of.

3) Telling the truth makes you more of a villain.

So you're basically telling Trump that it's okay to be as obnoxious as he wants because he can blame it on false premises #1, 2, and/or 3.


like marbles on glass
He speaks to the angry base. And that base consists of well-meaning Americans who are alarmed at the modern world we find ourselves trying to navigate through.

He speaks to the lowest common denominator, because he is the lowest common denominator.

He has a LOT of support, as I see it. He's not polite and does not mince words. I am sure those who sit captivated by FOX "News" and ideological Internet and printed sources are less-than-polite themselves when they are in private or among the like-minded.
None of them will be sitting in the Oval Office. And seriously, would you want him sitting in the Oval Office? I can't believe I'm even having this conversation.

This guy boasts of using his money to buy favors, and no one seems to care. It's crazy.


Well-known member
The Rules of PC

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Donald, never forget:

1) As a member of the key devil group, white males, you can never be right.

2) A member of an angel group, even if powerful, famous, well-to-do, and seeking to slit your throat on national tv, can never be questioned, let alone made fun of.

3) Telling the truth makes you more of a villain.

That's nothing but unadulterated hyperbola. Sour grapes.


like marbles on glass
The most I could possibly say of Trump is that he'd be a good adviser when it comes to trade/economic issues.

I came across this today:

''When I build something for somebody, I always add $50 million or $60 million onto the price. My guys come in, they say it's going to cost $75 million. I say it's going to cost $125 million, and I build it for $100 million. Basically, I did a lousy job. But they think I did a great job.''

--Donald Trump



like marbles on glass
Where's the false premises?

Because they're false for anyone who doesn't hold them. You can't generalize to a population any of those three as being held true, it's not possible, and they're poorly stated besides. Not to mention they're a really weak attempt to make Trump look like a victim, which would be kind of humorous if it wasn't so disturbing.

Mocking You

New member
I came across this today:

''When I build something for somebody, I always add $50 million or $60 million onto the price. My guys come in, they say it's going to cost $75 million. I say it's going to cost $125 million, and I build it for $100 million. Basically, I did a lousy job. But they think I did a great job.''

--Donald Trump


Hilarious. The author of "The Art of the Deal" is admitting that in negotiations he splits the difference. What a fraud.


If what "the Donald" really meant by the comments he directed at Megyn Kelly can create a national controversy, what misunderstandings could he create on an international scale with America's friends and enemies if he were in the White House?

North Korea, Iran and Russia are all potential hot spots were a misinterpreted comment from the White House could trigger a conflict.

Trump is a baffoon - but the conservatives could make him a dangerous baffoon.
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If what "the Donald" really meant by the comments he directed at Megyn Kelly can create a national controversy, what misunderstandings could he create on an international scale with America's friends and enemies if he were in the White House?...

Perhaps Kelly should ask non reality TV questions next time? :idunno: How is Fox News different from MethNBC?

The debate was supposed to be about the candidates not the anchors. :plain: