7th Grade Students Required to Write 'Allah Is the Only God' in Tennessee


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Your arrogance in believing you have the ability to read my mind, peer into my soul and guess at my motives is laughable.

Your words, remember? You just got finished telling us we have to eliminate parts of the Bible that do not meet your standards.

You are an inheritor of all that is tyrannical and violent in your own faith heritage.
And you've invented your own religion.

You are of the Pharaoh and of Caesar, part of the same powers and principalities who beat down the Hebrews and killed our Lord.
That's right. And you'll insist you are on God's side.

The difference is I confessed my status as part of the enemy and am now recognized by Christ's finished work, while you pretend to have the answer, which is of your own design.
You should take Jesus as your standard not elevate yourself to divine authority. Read what is in the Bible.

Don't get caught up in the later theology or the penchant for installing an idol called aikido up on a pedestal of your own making.

Get back to the source.



Your words, remember? You just got finished telling us we have to eliminate parts of the Bible that do not meet your standards.

And you've invented your own religion.

That's right. And you'll insist you are on God's side.

The difference is I confessed my status as part of the enemy and am now recognized by Christ's finished work, while you pretend to have the answer, which is of your own design.
You should take Jesus as your standard not elevate yourself to divine authority. Read what is in the Bible.

Don't get caught up in the later theology or the penchant for installing an idol called aikido up on a pedestal of your own making.

Get back to the source.
I have said over and over and over again that we ALL "cherry pick" the parts of the Bible we agree with.

When Jesus clearly says not to pray in public, you might choose to ignore his teachings on this point.

When Jesus says to love our enemies, you might be one of those who feels justified in rejecting the Iranian accord.

When Jesus admonishes us to give to everyone who begs of us, your idea of economics might feel to you as being challenged by Jesus.

When Jesus asked "Who made ME a judge" you may be one of those who likes to judge others and still claim you are a follower of Jesus.

I will continue to recognize and draw a clear difference between the Jesus of history and the Christ of the church. But that's just me, cherry-picking away at God's immensely infinite cherry orchard.



Your words, remember? You just got finished telling us we have to eliminate parts of the Bible that do not meet your standards.

And you've invented your own religion.

That's right. And you'll insist you are on God's side.

The difference is I confessed my status as part of the enemy and am now recognized by Christ's finished work, while you pretend to have the answer, which is of your own design.
You should take Jesus as your standard not elevate yourself to divine authority. Read what is in the Bible.

Don't get caught up in the later theology or the penchant for installing an idol called aikido up on a pedestal of your own making.

Get back to the source.

There are different traditions in the Bible and because they are actually IN the text, as a Christian I have to take them all seriously. Most of the time these various traditions are in contradiction. There are going to be discrepancies, simply because it was inspired men who wrote the Bible. It is the only thing that makes common sense. The idea of some sort of error-free channeling of God like an Ouija Board or something is ludicrous.

To help in my study, I try to get back to the actual unblemished words of Jesus--not the theology that grew up around him after his death.

So because of that, I believe in the more ancient tradition of a God of mercy who demands repentance--like both Jesus and John the Baptizer believed.

I do not accept the validity of a blood sacrifice for human sin. This is the path of Paul and John's gospel. But it is not the tradition of Jesus. As a Jew such a notion would have provoked disgust and disbelief for him.

The idea of blood needing to be spilled on the altar was the province of the Aaronite priests going back to Moses's day. They were quite clear in their wish to consolidate and hold on to their power.

Jesus is recorded as mounting an attack on the temple and its priests. All of the four gospels mention this so we can be fairly sure it goes back to a real historical event.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
We ALL "cherry pick" the parts of the Bible we agree with.
Nope. It's just you and the rest of the evolutionists.

When Jesus clearly says not to pray in public, you might choose to ignore his teachings on this point.
Exposing how little you know of the Bible isn't the way to convince people that you know better to be able to cherry pick what you are comfortable with.

Jesus never said not to pray in public.

When Jesus says to love our enemies, you might be one of those who feels justified in rejecting the Iranian accord.
It is not hateful to not sign a deal.

You know nothing of the Bible or reality.

When Jesus admonishes us to give to everyone who begs of us, your idea of economics might feel to you as being challenged by Jesus.
Again, Jesus never said to give to every beggar.

In baseball, you'd be out now. In a real sport, you'd be out after the first strike.

When Jesus asked "Who made ME a judge" you may be one of those who likes to judge others and still claim you are a follower of Jesus.
Yep. Because when Jesus said to judge with righteous judgement, I learned that I can look at what you have written, compare it with His words and call you an anti-Christian moron. :up:

There are ... discrepancies.
Nope. Just people who can't read.

I believe in ... tradition.
And I believe a risen savior.

I do not accept the validity of a blood sacrifice for human sin. This is the path of Paul and John's gospel. But it is not the tradition of Jesus. As a Jew such a notion would have provoked disgust and disbelief for him.
You can tell Him that when you meet Him, which will be just before He sends you to hell. :up:

The idea of blood needing to be spilled on the altar was the province of the Aaronite priests going back to Moses's day. They were quite clear in their wish to consolidate and hold on to their power.
Evolutionists love the genetic fallacy. I think they are fooled by the name. :chuckle:

Jesus is recorded as mounting an attack on the temple and its priests. All of the four gospels mention this so we can be fairly sure it goes back to a real historical event.
And you deny His salvific work.
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New member
One of my nieces in California has a young child in grade school. The child asked her mother "Why aren't they teaching us about 9/11?"
I hope parents are paying attention to what is being taught in their schools and also what isn't being taught!

My point exactly bybee.
So they can indoctrinate the children that Islam is a religion of peace (lie from the pit of hell).

I also hope parents are paying attention.
However, by the way I see things, they're not.
I have grandchildren and I can see what they are being taught.

Just day before yesterday I heard of a lawyer (mind you a lawyer) that cannot, cannot read or write cursive. When questioned, he said that he was never taught (I guess his parents didn't notice or didn't care).

We have teachers and professors that are UNABLE to read the Constitution in its original form and be able to compare it with their computerized form to ascertain that he/she is really reading the original Constitution.

I dislike Common Core to the core.
It is the dumb down of our children, especially the boys.
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New member
What they are, are historical myths. And as with all myths, they are not intended to accurately portray historical events, but to convey cultural ideals and truisms through the use of crafted story-telling. Just as are the stories of the Koran, and of other traditional religious myths throughout history.
Neither does the Koran. Except in the minds of those who do not understand the what myth is, or who refuse to accept their religious idols as the mythical artifacts that they are.

The Qur'an most certainly does call for death to the infidel by any means possible if they will not heed the message of Islam.


New member
By the way, neither Jesus or Mohammed advocated killing the unbeliever. This is not to say that their later chroniclers and followers did.

No, Mohammed just slaughtered a whole Jewish tribe all by his lonesome self as they were brought to him in batches.


Even Wikepedia:
Ibn Ishaq describes the killing of the Banu Qurayza men as follows:
“ Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina in the quarter of d. al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar. Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b. Asad their chief. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. As they were being taken out in batches to the apostle they asked Ka`b what he thought would be done with them. He replied, 'Will you never understand? Don't you see that the summoner never stops and those who are taken away do not return? By Allah it is death!' This went on until the apostle made an end of them. Huyayy was brought out wearing a flowered robe in which he had made holes about the size of the finger-tips in every part so that it should not be taken from him as spoil, with his hands bound to his neck by a rope. When he saw the apostle he said, 'By God, I do not blame myself for opposing you, but he who forsakes God will be forsaken.' Then he went to the men and said, 'God's command is right. A book and a decree, and massacre have been written against the Sons of Israel.' Then he sat down and his head was struck off.[46][47][59]


Well-known member
The Qur'an most certainly does call for death to the infidel by any means possible if they will not heed the message of Islam.
And the Bible certainly does call for the death of those who work on the sabbath. As well as for those who do all sorts of things that we, today, would not execute anyone for.

So you excuse the absurd calls to violence in the Bible, but you do not excuse them in the Koran. Why?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The Qur'an most certainly does call for death to the infidel by any means possible if they will not heed the message of Islam.
Just another futile religion of men that thinks it can set up a Utopian world.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
And the Bible certainly does call for the death of those who work on the sabbath. As well as for those who do all sorts of things that we, today, would not execute anyone for.

So you excuse the absurd calls to violence in the Bible, but you do not excuse them in the Koran. Why?
Because YHWH is the moral authority of the universe. Not the Allah of the Koran.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And the Bible certainly does call for the death of those who work on the sabbath. As well as for those who do all sorts of things that we, today, would not execute anyone for.

So you excuse the absurd calls to violence in the Bible, but you do not excuse them in the Koran. Why?

what makes you think they're absurd?

just because we don't honor them today?

that turning away from God thing - how's that been working out for us as a society?


Well-known member

Your words, remember? You just got finished telling us we have to eliminate parts of the Bible that do not meet your standards.

And you've invented your own religion.

That's right. And you'll insist you are on God's side.

The difference is I confessed my status as part of the enemy and am now recognized by Christ's finished work, while you pretend to have the answer, which is of your own design.
You should take Jesus as your standard not elevate yourself to divine authority. Read what is in the Bible.

Don't get caught up in the later theology or the penchant for installing an idol called aikido up on a pedestal of your own making.

Get back to the source.

2Cor 3:6, the letter is you're god, along with the system of commerce that you suckle from with that legal surname veil over those indoctrinated eyes.


New member
And the Bible certainly does call for the death of those who work on the sabbath. As well as for those who do all sorts of things that we, today, would not execute anyone for.

So you excuse the absurd calls to violence in the Bible, but you do not excuse them in the Koran. Why?

That I can find there is only one example in the Bible where someone was killed on the sabbath. (Numbers 15:32-36)

The first public offense against God's newly revealed law.
Essentially, it was being tested.
The severity of the punishment was demonstrated to all of Israel of the necessity of obeying God's Law.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
2Cor 3:6, the letter is you're god, along with the system of commerce that you suckle from with that legal surname veil over those indoctrinated eyes.


Who are you? :idunno:


Because YHWH is the moral authority of the universe. Not the Allah of the Koran.
Not quite.

Humankind's notion of the sacred and the holy is ALWAYS mediated through a particular culture.

Christianity calls this "God."
The Jews called it Yahweh.
The Muslims call it Allah.

This is common sense. The fact that many believers of all faiths are not yet able to think in these terms does not mean it is not true.


Because YHWH is the moral authority of the universe. Not the Allah of the Koran.

Are you just going to ignore the fact that both YHWH and Allah come from El (a Canaanite deity)? El and Elohim are used in the Bible as a name for God. That's the exact same name as the Canaanite god. Yet you have the gall to say Allah alone is a false name? Do yourself a favor and research things before you post next time please