58 Dead, 500 Plus Wounded

patrick jane

If a man is fearful that the Almighty would send someone to kill him then the man needs to ask why? I've questioned pastors that maintain the need to wear a concealed weapon behind the pulpit. Same question needs to be asked? If the Almighty wants a man dead then there is nothing available to save that man, nothing.
You think God chooses the death of every person?


Well-known member
I thought I heard two guns going at the same time.

It's absolutely plausible that you did hear two guns firing simultaneously.

The type of (some of the) guns he was using, and the fact that they were mounted on bi-pods, could easily have allowed him to fire one with each hand.


Amazing how people mange to assume that the murderer was a Democrat, A Liberal, or an atheist. He must have been somebody not like me.

And guns are a problem in the US.

By the way- anybody notice how Armed US Free Civilians all pulled out their weapons and stopped this guy cold?
Wasn't he 32 floors up? =320 feet? And the most armed anybody could have been was to have sneaked in a handgun. How accurate, roughly, would you say people are, even very well trained people, at hitting targets 320 feet away, elevated, in your experience, with a handgun?


It's absolutely plausible that you did hear two guns firing simultaneously.

The type of (some of the) guns he was using, and the fact that they were mounted on bi-pods, could easily have allowed him to fire one with each hand.
Sonic booms and echoes, maybe?


Canada has similar rates of gun ownership as the U.S. But they don't have the gun violence that we do. Why is that? Are their guns actually different? Do their guns not work when called upon to shoot into a crowd? Or is it something to do with people?


Just what is the rationale for spending literally $ billions annually on the military and homeland security, only to squander away American lives by allowing yet another "lone wolf" to legally obtain the kinds of weapons capable of killing 59 and wound over 500 in a matter of minutes?
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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Hi CM, I hope you are well?

First I don't think your assertion that Canada has similar gun rates is quite true. From why I have read the Canadian gun ownership rates are about 1/3 of that of the USA. What is interesting is that abut 90% of Canadian guns are rifles and shotguns as opposed to handguns which are the main guns used in crimes. Also carrying handguns in Canada is highly restricted.

However those differences would by no means account for the vast differences in Canadian and US gun crime stats.

An observation of mine is that countries with very high gun crime rate tend to have a number of factors, good access to guns, strong and obviously unjust inequalities of wealth, and significant gang/crime culture and drug issues.

I would suggest that the Canadian difference is a mix of these factors and better gun control. though i've not done any research on this but its a pattern which i've spotted when nosing through data.

All is well, thanks for asking.

First I don't think your assertion that Canada has similar gun rates is quite true. From why I have read the Canadian gun ownership rates are about 1/3 of that of the USA. What is interesting is that abut 90% of Canadian guns are rifles and shotguns as opposed to handguns which are the main guns used in crimes. Also carrying handguns in Canada is highly restricted.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

Bad idea. The people need to be armed similarly to the government. That is why the second amendment exists, so that we can rise up against our government should the need arise. HISTORY! History is important. Those who do not learn from it are doomed to repeat it.


Bad idea. The people need to be armed similarly to the government. That is why the second amendment exists, so that we can rise up against our government should the need arise. HISTORY! History is important. Those who do not learn from it are doomed to repeat it.


Speaking of history, the Confederate states attempted to assert their right to "rise up against our government should the need arise" - and we all know how that ended!

Even with the 2nd Amendment, private citizens will never be "armed similarly to the government" and in the 21stC that discrepancy favoring the government will only continue to increase!

There are many modern democracies throughout the world that, without the equivalent of the 2nd Amendment, have managed to retain their personal freedoms without the acquisition of private arsenals, often falling into the wrong hands!
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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

Speaking of history, the Confederate states attempted to assert their right to "rise up against our government should the need arise" - and we all know how that ended!
It was brutal, but it was a good ending.

Even with the 2nd Amendment, private citizens will never be "armed similarly to the government" and in the 21stC that discrepancy favoring the government will only continue to increase!
I said similar, not identical. Only a very few will ever own a fully automatic .50 cal machine gun. But, should the need arise, my lever action Henry and Winchester military grade assault rifles will be much more effective than the what the Germans had when Hitler moved in. Remember King George didn't want his citizens armed because that was how he maintained power. That is why we have the second amendment.

There are many modern democracies throughout the world that, without the equivalent of the 2nd Amendment, have managed to retain their personal freedoms without the acquisition of private arsenals, often falling into the wrong hands!
Yes, there are. We are not one of them. You can take away peoples guns but also take away their ability to defend their nation, their families and their friends and neighbors should that need arise. And it does arise. Do you think the Syrian's like living under ISIS?

It is not a gun problem, it is a people problem. It always will be.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Are there any actual official updates?
Most of what I have heard so far is that it is 'reported' that he might be ______ , but not yet confirmed.
They have not confirmed he is associated with ISIS.
They have not confirmed his beliefs.
They have not confirmed a motive.
They haven't even confirmed where he lived ('reported' he resided at an Retirement home, but again not confirmed).

While all these 'reported' things may turn out to be true, there is no confirmation of them yet, unless something was confirmed today that I have missed on the news.

And weren't fully automatic weapons banned for public sales back in 1986?
It's not like this guy just ran out and bought one at a public store.
Either this gunman;s weapon was purchased before 1986, or he modified another type weapon, or he found one on the black market, or the 'report' that it was a fully automatic weapon is just unconfirmed assumption.

The Barbarian

Yeah. 10 years? No way. More like 40 years.

Here's the quote:

Charles Gave, an economist, fund manager and political commentator, published his conclusions this month on the webpage of his think tank, Institute des Libertes. He writes of the “disappearance of the European populations” as native populations shrink and Muslims continue to exhibit a robust fertility rate.

Mr. Gave, president of Gavekal Research, acknowledges that his decidedly unpolitically correct view may bring him scorn and possibly censorship. The political left generally protects Islam from criticism. In the U.S., President Obama consistently defended Islam and mocked Christians for their criticism.

The paper, titled “The White Plague,” is dangerous, Mr. Gave said, “for my personal respectability and my chance to be heard in our beautiful democracy.”

The financier draws his conclusion from demographics. He assesses France’s white, or native, birthrate at 1.4 children per woman, compared with a Muslim rate of 3.4 to 4 children. France’s population today is 67 million. Unlike the U.S., France does not conduct a census on ethnic origin, but based on outside polling, some researchers, including Mr. Gave, believe the French population is already 10 percent Muslim, with 6.7 million people.

What he's missing is that it's true of all societies, that as income rises, people have fewer children. Even the great statistician Ronald Fisher fell for the same error. He predicted disaster for society as the underclass would rapidly out produce the "good people."

But somehow, it never happened.