Who is on the Lord's side? Not abortionists, not sodomites, not atheists, not communists, not Marxists, not hedonists, not evolutionists, not Muslims, not unsaved religionists, not false accusers, not murderers, not cop haters, not traitors, not seditionists, not anarchists, and more.
Don't ever forget who it is that wants to rob you of your earnings, take away your freedoms, and force you to comply with every imperialistic mandate that comes down the democrat pike. It is the unAmerican rabble-rousing socialists, communists, Marxists, leftists, Muslims, and fascists.
Democrats, leftists, Marxists, communists, anarchists, hedonists, globalists, liberals, and compromised republicans effectively control the US government in a loose consortium that God calls "the world."
Every baker in America has a right to serve anyone or no one as he chooses, especially Christians who do business as Christians with morals, values, and consciences. If atheists, hedonists, savages, and barbarians do not like what a Christian baker offers then let them go elsewhere for their...