$2 bill

Word based mystic

New member
when i usually hire laborers I usually pay them $15 to $20 per hour.
But it is hard work. And i pay for them to absolutely be there when I ask.

i am amazed how few in the generation actually want to work hard.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

You plan on being alive and trading old currency 300 years from now? It isn't like it is desirable the way Texas money is. Meaning their short independence.

Although it has more value than all of my Saddam Hussein money.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
yeah like ppl who think they own there house... or have rights... i laugh all the time..

wait,,ur not laughin..

You have a FryDaddy for those cats? I like them with standard batter, beer, dill pickles and onions. I also like hot sauce with the tarter.

Word based mystic

New member


have you hired any mexicans?

yup when necessary.

i will answer your next questions.

yes I pay them the same.

They work harder than most and are thankful.

Often i will be on a jobsite and prior workers years later will say Hi.

I hire them when no locals in my town are available.

They give me their numbers for me to call. But i only use extra labor occasionally.


New member
You have a FryDaddy for those cats? I like them with standard batter, beer, dill pickles and onions. I also like hot sauce with the tarter.

oh yes, my best times are with my kids,,on the side of the lake with grease n flour..or bass over the fire till it flakes off..

Word based mystic

New member
i dont ask them if they are legal or not. unless i have a job that needs e-verfy

If i was in a latin american country and couldn't provide for my family I would make the trip.

they like prior immigrants risk all to better their lives.
Lucky to have them? Yes.

Do i want to pay for their medical care while they are here through my taxes NO
Do i want my taxes to pay for the ones that come here and file for food assistance.
Should they receive earned income credit filing taxes while they are illegal
Once anyone gets used to welfare and entitlement programs the next generation usually embraces the entitlement mentality.

companies should work with the feds in working out reasonable immigration policies.

They know the risks of deportation when they come here.

However those that work and contribute to taxes would be of great benefit as citizens.
proof over years of productivity and trustworthiness as non-criminals would be a good start toward citizenship.

fully close the borders so we do not increase the problem.
then find a sensible path to citizenship.
give priority to legal immigrants that are doing it the legal way.

The Berean

Well-known member
No. And the best part about the rare $2 bill is its worth. $2, and nothing more.

It's actually not that rare. The U.S. Mill still prints them. I recently had a $2 bill that was printed in 2006 which was the last year they were printed.
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The Berean

Well-known member
I wonder how many would also think the Susan B. Anthony $1 coin is fake?

View attachment 19250

I remember those as a kid! I thought they were neat except for the fact that they were almost the same size as the quarter and easily confused. According to the Internet they were coined in 1979-81 and again in 1999.

Do you like the the Sacagawea dollar coin?


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I't actually not that rare.

I meant rare in a slightly sarcastic way. My bad. But that is why I put up the picture of the stack of bills, which is worth exactly twice that of a stack of $1 bills. Yes, they are still put out there. I have golden dollars also. A local car wash had them in their change collector so I snagged a handful.


Well-known member
nah most of the fast food places i visit know me well

they get an occasional tip from me even when Their is no policy for it.

most of the counter workers know me by name.

and sometimes sit with me and chat.

small town.

chrysostom thinks i am a beast. He doesnt understand I get more of a hard time from the counter workers than i give them.

humor type hard time.

The managers give me updates on their families and I often get a chance to pray for them.

I guess i better not be lighthearted joking around Chrysostom.


Don't apologize and pay the Catholics here no mind. They're all humorless drones. Wait until you come across Cruciform, if you haven't already. He's fully automated.