i dont ask them if they are legal or not. unless i have a job that needs e-verfy
If i was in a latin american country and couldn't provide for my family I would make the trip.
they like prior immigrants risk all to better their lives.
Lucky to have them? Yes.
Do i want to pay for their medical care while they are here through my taxes NO
Do i want my taxes to pay for the ones that come here and file for food assistance.
Should they receive earned income credit filing taxes while they are illegal
Once anyone gets used to welfare and entitlement programs the next generation usually embraces the entitlement mentality.
companies should work with the feds in working out reasonable immigration policies.
They know the risks of deportation when they come here.
However those that work and contribute to taxes would be of great benefit as citizens.
proof over years of productivity and trustworthiness as non-criminals would be a good start toward citizenship.
fully close the borders so we do not increase the problem.
then find a sensible path to citizenship.
give priority to legal immigrants that are doing it the legal way.