I'm almost certain the Morning After Pill is a different thing from RU486. I'm almost certain Ron Paul supports the morning after pill being legal while he supports RU486 not being legal.
gcthomas has shown here why the Morning After Pill is an abortifacient:
RU486 can be used as a contraceptive when taken daily, or to prevent fertilisation when taken as as a 'morning after' pill, as described in the Wikipedia entry:
Mifepristone as a regular contraceptive at 2 mg daily prevents ovulation (1 mg daily does not). A single preovulatory 10 mg dose of mifepristone delays ovulation by 3 to 4 days and is as effective an emergency contraceptive as a single 1.5 mg dose of the progestin levonorgestrel.[12]
It can be used in larger doses as a first trimester abortifactant.
So, even if they are not the same exact thing any pill taken the morning after copulation is intended to prevent fertilization, but will prevent implantation if fertilization has already taken place.
Ask PP; they'll be more than happy to tell you why personhood would ban the pill [any and all].
So, out of curiosity, if there were an amendment that would ban the abortion of any children, but did NOT also ban the pill, would you oppose it?
Because the pill is an abortifacient I don't see any complete abortion ban not also effectively banning the pill.
If it were not that would be a different story. But I do still oppose contraceptives in general.
It couldn't be enforced without draconian measures, anymore so than the drug laws can be,
It wouldn't be sold through legitimate retailers, or made by legitimate druggists. So it can be enforced to that point.
And would you really want to take a pill made in someone's garage or trailer?
Well, except for the fact that in most cases, the pill is taken, chronologically, BEFORE conception occurs.
It's supposed to be taken a certain amount of days before ovulation occurs in order to be effective in preventing it, so fertilization cannot take place. And failing that if it is taken enough time before copulation I assume it is intended to destroy the ovum so as to make fertilization impossible.
Anything taken after the fact, however, is more than likely going to prevent the implantation of an already extant zygote.
OK so you don't actually have any scriptural evidence.
The story of the rich man and Lazarus is the evidence for the existence of Abraham's Bosom, aka Paradise. It is where the thief was going to be with Jesus, [Jesus]"...this day..."[/Jesus]
Now, what other conclusion could one make if they did not believe in individual predestination? To believe one must make a decision, one must believe that those making said decision must be cognizant enough to make said decision, to understand it fully.