10,000 Reasons…


Well-known member
594. I thank You, glorious Father, that you have put people like Robert Pate in this world. These people fiercely and sorely exercise your saints; they teach us and train us to give a reason for the hope that is in us and they teach us and train us to defend the faith that was once for all given to the saints. I thank You, my Father, that regardless of what he thinks or says, he is reading the truth. I pray You will open his eyes and his heart to the truth he reads and that it will incline his heart to thee. Have mercy on him Lord for he knows not what he is doing. Thank you for the opportunity to stand for and testify to You and our Lord and Your inscrutable Sovereignty.


Well-known member
596. the glorious liberty of the children of God
597. the Truth that makes us free
598. we have been saved from our sins
599. we are free to love
600. we are free to praise
601. we are free to worship
602. we are free to give
603. we are free to pray
604. we are free to forgive
605. we are free to live


Well-known member
627. Thank You Lord for taking care of me. I have a home, good food, I get a good night's sleep every night, I have heat and air, I am not imprisoned or afflicted or oppressed, You hear and answer my prayers, You are faithful when I am not, my family is in good health, my parents are still alive and You are changing my heart and my perspective.
628. Thank You for godly and wise friends.
629. Thank You for the path You have given me to walk and for the Light which guides me on this path.
630. Thank You for the authors, pastors and teachers You have set before me as a feast for my soul.
631. Thank You for giving me Your Word; to read and grow and treasure. It is changing my life.
632. Thank You for being mindful of man.