How he manages to balance those two contradictory beliefs in his own mind, I can't even begin to guess. Well, Tazeoids have never been known for consistency.
Watch, he'll (a) ignore this, (b) reply with a distracting question or (c) say something about Darby. But he won't even try to explain how both can be true.
No one in 70 said it was the return of Christ, Spanky Taze Jr.
Christ Jesus told the Christians what to do when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by the Roman army.
The Christians fled to the hills, and the Christians in the country did not go to Judaea.
No one in 70 said it was the return of Christ, Spanky Taze Jr.
You got NOTHIN.
There was nothing invisible about it.
You got no more evidence for your doctrine re: the return of Christ than the SDA or JWs do for theirs.
They and you got NOTHIN.
Like I said earlier, you have no interest in learning the truth. That's why you start threads with fake photoshopped pictures. You only believe what you want to believe.
I have shown you Isaiah 19:1 over and over again. That explains exactly what happened in 70AD.
Everyone saw the destruction that God said was going to happen to Egypt. God said He was coming into Egypt on a swift cloud. Yet, God didn't physically enter into Egypt.
Therefore, God came into Egypt in a way that everyone saw Him do so, yet at the same time didn't physically enter into Egypt.
Same thing with Jesus and Jerusalem in 70AD.
You'll deny this because it's not what you want to hear, so you might as well go back to your fake pictures of women in Germany with photoshopped signs, and your fake videos from Egypt pretending to be in Germany.
It appears that critical thinking skills are not something you excel at.
You can't have God reigning down His wrath on the unbelieving Jews in Jerusalem in 70AD because God's wrath is not permitted duringyour time period called"Dispensation of Grace".
What would a visible but non-physical Jesus look like?
How would someone know it was Him if they saw Him?
Who in 70 claimed to have seen this visible, non-physical Jesus?
Since mysteryboy likes fake videos and fake photoshopped pictures:
Here you go mysteryboy, here's a photograph taken from Josephus' smart phone in Jerusalem in 70AD:
Now the punk redefines the second coming/"second time," as the results of this alleged coming, where an un-physical, alleged "Jesus" returned, and everyone saw this un-physical "Jesus."There was nothing invisible about it.
Over a million Jews were killed, and not one stone was left standing upon another. Jerusalem was laid to waste.
Can God pour out wrath and grace at the same time, on the same people?
Well it HAD to be either the Romans or the Jews in Jerusalem -- the only possible parties that might have seen this visible, non-physical Jesus. Problem is, neither of them was looking for Him in the first place, and neither of them received salvation in 70.Wait-it was the Roman army-they were looking for a Saviour!!!!
Hebrews 9:28 KJV
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
There was an overlap of the covenants.
There was..........spam.............