‘Rape Melania’ sign at anti-Trump protest


Okay, then you should if you're capable of rational thought. You make these stereotypical associations with the y'all business that aren't sustained or achieved by any logic or objective data. You can put sentences together, so if you're not the actual troll I'm fairly certain you must be, then you can see precisely what I'm saying and understand exactly what you continue to not attempt

I gave up wasting my time going through exhaustive specifics with people who are no more than a recording of the agendas they are shackled to.

You'd have to do more than declare the first leg before you can advance another. You haven't made the case that differing profoundly with the outcome of an election wherein the majority of people (what is it, around a million and a half more now?) voted for a candidate who then wasn't declared the winner, where a lot of the people who feel robbed by that and who found and find the rhetoric of the loser-winner a thing to incite fear and concern, that their taking to the streets (the ones who have done so peacefully) and making their voices heard is somehow spoiled.

I don't think anyone is naturally capable of perceiving things the way those liberals do. They are repainted by the Leftist palette and that's when they are all of a sudden out on the street protesting things they hardly understand.
The fact is that they are all morons convicted by nonsense- one only needs approach them out there to know it.

Now had Trump lost both the popular and electoral vote and those people were right wingers declaring, as their candidate had alleged when even he thought he stood a good chance of losing, that the election was rigged...well, I can't imagine you'd be describing them as spoiled, let alone something worse.

Russia found the DNC to be rigging the election, and people merely became more concerned that Russia may be altering the election rather than actually seeing that the Left were doing just that.

They used pollsters to influence the race, among many other things including Hillary overstepping virtually every fair election rule.
It WAS rigged, the crook didn't even have a concession speech because she thought her handiwork sufficed- but Trump still won- and you all do what you do best and shift reality as something different.

I don't recall the outcome, though a racist enough quote attributed to him in a book by O'Donnel in that time span wasn't refuted by Trump.

Here's the quote: “ Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

Yeah, O' Donnel has displayed such objectivity :rolleyes:
I don't really trust the words of a lesbo liberal misandrist with an age old chip on her shoulder with Trump. I certainly don't trust those who go after Trump calling her a pig for her vile behavior.

Ah, the ol white victim card. It's mostly played by racists.

But only for white men- not women and minorities. No sexism or racism on their part,
just white men.

How you have yet to see the problem with you all is beyond me. Perhaps you have, and are just playing the same game they do.
Probably the latter :plain:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, that's now isn't it? We were talking about her run as VP. . . though my first thought was, "Azealiz who?"

Can you really use "major face" and MSNBC in the same sentence?

Not in my house, but I believe you. I don't think much of the left was threatened enough by her to respond that way. I mostly remember her being the butt of jokes, from SNL to the talk show circuit.

On the plus side, when asked a few hours ago about the Alt Right movement Trump said, "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn."

What is the Alt Right?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Moving forward still: Liberals are okay with even the vilest behavior towards non-liberal women. If you’re a liberal politician like Bill Clinton or a Hollywood director like Roman Polanski, liberals will even excuse a rape on your behalf. Ted Kennedy was loved by liberals even though he left a woman to drown to death and didn’t bother to get help until she was gone. Just in the last few days, rapper Azealia Banks called for Sarah Palin to be gang raped by black men. The price she’ll pay for that amongst liberals is zero because they are perfectly fine with the most disgusting, loathsome, violent and misogynistic threats being aimed at women they don’t like. This is what people in this thread like Town Heretic and Arthur Braindead defend.Never forget who you are dealing with in this forum.

Your catechism obviously means nothing to you as flagrantly lying is now your stock in trade. You at least proved what I'd already suspected, that you have nothing about you.

My comments on rape are on your very thread, in black and white.

You are a complete knob.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I gave up wasting my time going through exhaustive specifics with people who are no more than a recording of the agendas they are shackled to.

Gave up? You never even began. All you've done since your umpteenth incarnation on here is shout, rant on and talk a load of pubescent rubbish without a single shred of data to support it.

Shouting something doesn't make it true. Take at look at your dingbat compatriot CC on that one. In both your cases it seems to be a mix of deliberate lies, trolling and really not being very bright in the whole process.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I gave up wasting my time going through exhaustive specifics with people who are no more than a recording of the agendas they are shackled to.
You've run from calls to show data and make an argument of parts since the first time we ran into each other. I know you're bad with general history, but you'd think you could keep up with your own.

I don't think...
That summed your non-rebuttal of my answer. I'm not interested in declarations of belief you're willing to call thinking. I'm interested in argument and data, neither of which appear to be familiar ground to you.

Russia found the DNC to be rigging the election, and people merely became more concerned that Russia may be altering the election rather than actually seeing that the Left were doing just that.
It's interesting that you'd believe Russian propaganda that easily.

They used pollsters to influence the race, among many other things including Hillary overstepping virtually every fair election rule.
It WAS rigged, the crook didn't even have a concession speech because she thought her handiwork sufficed- but Trump still won- and you all do what you do best and shift reality as something different.
The Dem party worked to nominate. If there had been any real fraud in the general election your boy wouldn't be waiting in the wings, given how the popular vote turned out.

Yeah, O' Donnel has displayed such objectivity
Nice slight of hand. He quoted and Trump, when he wasn't running for anything, found it credible.

But only for white men- not women and minorities. No sexism or racism on their part,
just white men.
White nationalists tend to be white people...:plain: But your going to race is making more and more sense, considering this gem from earlier between us:

Also, the early American's didn't care one bit about feminist notions.The fact of the matter is that America was definitively, by the patriots and everyone else, a white man's country. Not women, immigrants- none of that. It was fought for, built, and ran by white men.

Well, they [slaves] were liberated from mud huts and brought Christianity, but that's too politically incorrect to even discuss with those as yourself

How you have yet to see the problem with you all is beyond me.
Oh, I'm getting a clear picture of the problem and I don't believe you've begun to grasp half of what's beyond you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
LOL. That's rich coming from a bald faced liar, baby-killing homo-loving freak like you.

What have I lied about? Pull up an example and if you can show me in a deliberate falsehood then ya got me. The floors yours. It certainly won't be about rape as I condemn that completely or in the inciting of it for anyone whatsoever either.

You should really read your own catechism and see what it says about bearing false witness, that's if you even care about the faith you supposedly profess? Or is that just for show?



Gave up? You never even began.

Dig up my beginning post history on the subject of women- you all who philosophized your way into seeing all that I spoke as sexist.
It was a double step into the bowels of absurdity how yall went about it. I recall AnnaBanana making a thread taking tallies on who and who didn't agree with me, among other things.
It's was ridiculous.

And you've all played the same old broken record since. Therefore, there is nothing to contend with. I simply just speak my mind and don't care about a more refined argument because it's all wasted on those like yourself :wave2:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Dig up my beginning post history on the subject of women- you all who philosophized your way into seeing all that I spoke as sexist.
It was a double step into the bowels of absurdity how yall went about it. I recall AnnaBanana making a thread taking tallies on who and who didn't agree with me, among other things.
It's was ridiculous.

And you've all played the same old broken record since. Therefore, there is nothing to contend with. I simply just speak my mind and don't care about a more refined argument because it's all wasted on those like yourself :wave2:

I'm not gonna do that as I'm not a masochist for a start. It was the very same puke laden vitriol back then and got you kicked into touch on here numerous times into the bargain. You've never had facts to support your impotent fist flailing as there simply aren't any.


You've run from calls to show data and make an argument of parts since the first time we ran into each other. I know you're bad with general history, but you'd think you could keep up with your own.

If a person doesn't know it or decided to never look upon such data, then they are every bit a presumptive hypocrite as any. Only in formal debate do I produce sources, I'm not going to spend my time on here trying to convince someone who has no desire to know.

It's interesting that you'd believe Russian propaganda that easily.

It's interesting that theirs is apparently more accurate than America's :chuckle:

White nationalists tend to be white people...:plain: But your going to race is making more and more sense, considering this gem from earlier between us:


Oh, I'm getting a clear picture of the problem and I don't believe you've begun to grasp half of what's beyond you.

Maybe I'll make the front page again :idunno:

You know, white/male privilege and all.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
If a person doesn't know it or decided to never look upon such data,
Not how it works. You make a claim, you provide evidence and argument or you're just making noise. I don't find most of your claims credible. I've routinely challenged you and you've routinely made up excuses or stepped around the challenge.

That's what two sorts of people do: trolls and those who can't back their own play.

Only in formal debate do I produce sources
Having never seen you do anything of the sort, there's literally no reason to believe you. Or, business as usual, Ken.

, I'm not going to spend my time on here trying to convince someone who has no desire to know.
Then why spend your time saying anything? You're not convincing anyone who isn't already with you.

I appreciate the admission that you're just killing time. :thumb:

On Cruc's willingness to embrace Russian propoganda.
It's interesting that theirs is apparently more accurate than America's :chuckle:
Just as funny the second time around, if not in the way you mean.

In response to my noting your leaning on the white male card:
Maybe I'll make the front page again
You know, white/male privilege and all.
Well, I know the difference between an answer and an evasion. . . and I bet at least some of the people who read your words and this bit do too.


Not how it works. You make a claim, you provide evidence and argument or you're just making noise. I don't find most of your claims credible. I've routinely challenged you and you've routinely made up excuses or stepped around the challenge.

That's because you don't have the capacity to concede anything.

That's what two sorts of people do: trolls and those who can't back their own play.

I don't need to back what needs no backup. All one needs to do is look out their window and behold, it may even give you a wave :wave2:

Then why spend your time saying anything? You're not convincing anyone who isn't already with you.

I think you all are in denial about many things, and so it's like convincing a wall that it's a wall.

On Cruc's willingness to embrace Russian propoganda.

I think the 1st World has used Russia as a means to conceal it's skeletons for far too long. I've lost all trust in the UK, the UN for that matter, and half of this country.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
That's because you don't have the capacity to concede anything.
With you there's nothing to concede. You said it. You don't provide support for your statements.

I don't need to back what needs no backup.
No one does. But that's not what we're talking about.

All one needs to do is look out their window and behold, it may even give you a wave
If looking out the window is how you determine any truth other than "what's outside my window" that explains a lot about the education you didn't get.

I think you all are in denial about many things, and so it's like convincing a wall that it's a wall.
You might think cheese is money, but it won't help you spend it.


I don't need to back what needs no backup. All one needs to do is look out their window and behold, it may even give you a wave :wave2:

If looking out the window is how you determine any truth other than "what's outside my window" that explains a lot about the education you didn't get.

WOW...classic conservative myopia!

You might think cheese is money, but it won't help you spend it.

Well, not necessarily so if Wisconsin is the view from your window.
Gotta love those cheeseheads!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
That's because you don't have the capacity to concede anything..........
You're right, because he's a jerk, and for that reason engaging him is pointless. He's a moron who thinks he smart, and he embraces evil thinking he is in the right. In short, he's a Democrat, the lowest form of life. And now back to the actual topic........

‘Rape Melania’ sign at anti-Trump protest draws strong rebuke, sparking Twitter trend

Some Twitter users saw “Rape Melania” in their trending-topics boxes Sunday after images of a person holding a sign bearing the phrase during a Saturday-night demonstration in the District circulated on the social network.

Photos of the chilling banner, taken at an anti-Trump rally outside the president-elect's new hotel in the nation's capital, drew strong condemnations from Trump supporters and opponents alike. The online conversation — almost all of it about the sign's inappropriateness — placed “Rape Melania” on a list of trending topics for some, but not all, Twitter users. Twitter customizes trending topics based on who users follow and where they are located

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're right, because he's a jerk, and for that reason engaging him is pointless. He's a moron who thinks he smart, and he embraces evil thinking he is in the right. In short, he's a Democrat, the lowest form of life. And now back to the actual topic........

Whereas blatantly lying about people supporting rape in any shape or form just exudes morality and would make the pope proud I'm sure.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Same goes for you little Yes-man.
Jeez you're pathetic. If your lips were planted any firmer on his butt you'd have to be surgically removed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Same goes for you little Yes-man.
Jeez you're pathetic. If your lips were planted any firmer on his butt you'd have to be surgically removed.

My argument has been firmly with you you moron. Whenever a putrid little windbag tries to argue that I or others would in any way defend rape - and not only that continues to try it after being set straight then you're gonna get called on it.

You don't even give a damn about your own church teachings. 'Catholics come home'? Why do you even pretend to be one?



supporting rape in any shape or form just exudes morality

The fact that people need to pass some sort of litmus with you people is why the election didn't go yall's way- too busy shoving platitudes down people's throats and calling everyone rapists and sexists anon anon.

That is not how you persuade people to your notions and ideas.
It something you should recognize and change since it obviously no longer has any effect it may have had :rolleyes:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You're right, because he's a jerk,
Get it out. Get it all out. You can't argue, but you can do this all day long, apparently, between bouts of getting just about everything relating to me spectacularly wrong.

and for that reason engaging him is pointless.
At least you can spell engage.

He's a moron who thinks he smart,
People who spend the sort of time you do estimating intelligence usually have issues with their own.

and he embraces evil thinking he is in the right.
He only says that because he has yet to evidence an understanding of my thinking on anything.

In short, he's a Democrat,
No, I'm not. I'm not a Republican either, though I'm registered as one.

the lowest form of life.
But that comment on Democrats really doubles down on a point I made with Must about how low the branches hang when you get out toward the end of them.

And now back to the actual topic........
Because, you know, he was forced into this post. :eek: