‘Rape Melania’ sign at anti-Trump protest


Still no illustration, quote, anything but additional self-serving, unsupported declaration. I'm sure if you look hard enough, long enough, you'll find lies aplenty, left or right. But that doesn't establish the rule, let alone isolate the problem to the extent it exists, my trollish friend.

A shorter list would be what liberals don't lie about :rolleyes:

This is what the Left has produced:


They do it through manipulating healthy minds into seeing lies as reality. If you think Trump is racist, you have simply been brainwashed by liberals. If you think that any majority of Trump supporters are racist, then you have been brainwashed by liberals.
If you believe one in five women are sexually assaulted, you have been

I don't understand how anyone could watch liberal media and not be maddened by how absurd they are. I really don't, even with liberals themselves- how does one even stomach that nonsense :plain:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Typical liberal response, deny deny deny, then hate hate hate. Reality has no meaning to the liberal, only the ideology of hate and destruction. TH cannot, or rather will not, admit that the man holding the sign is all to typical of people on his sign. Hate and Lies are their stock and trade.

As I just said:

Of course this all harkens back to Palin Derangement Syndrome. The Left’s obsessive hatred of Sarah Palin was accompanied by violent rhetoric.
(1) Foul-mouthed comedian Sandra Bernhard warned Palin she would be “gang-raped by my big black brothers” if she tried coming to New York.
(2) Another New Hampshire Democrat, Timothy Horrigan resigned from the state legislature after writing this gem on Facebook: “Well a dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one . . . she is all about her myth & if she was dead she couldn’t commit any more gaffes”
(3) Keith Halloran, a New Hampshire Democratic candidate, said on a Facebook thread that he wished Palin had been aboard the Alaska plane that crashed, killing five including Sen. Ted Stevens;

And yet your guy is the one holding the sign advocating Rape. YOU are less than nothing.

He is not 'my guy', in any way, shape or form. Now listen up you piece of pond scum, I do not advocate anyone endorsing rape be it for real, "shock value" or anything else. Considering I've seen the effects of such a vile attack on my own family I condemn it outright no matter what, and I'm not going to reduce the horror of it to some half witted attempt to turn it into a political game of point scoring. If you really are a Catholic and you take any of your Catechism and church teachings seriously then you would drop this right now and if you had anything about you you'd apologize for your bile filled lies on here as well.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Typical liberal response,
So you don't want to answer a factual rebuttal on your point, but you're comfortable wading into another conversation with a lie, while ostensibly claiming a moral highground you can't even begin to see from your gutter.


deny, then hate hate hate.
I'm not a liberal and I don't hate anyone. Not even liars, though I'm not fond of them.

Reality has no meaning to the liberal, only the ideology of hate and destruction.
Complete nonsense, but I'm not here to speak for liberals any more than you're a spokesman for honest difference and rationality.

TH cannot, or rather will not, admit that the man holding the sign is all to typical of people on his sign.
I've said the sign is indicative of an extremist mindset, one found on both sides of the aisle and a mindset I repudiate.

Hate and Lies are their stock and trade.
Ironically, you're rhetoric is reflective of anger and you're absolutely lying about me...so there's that irony.

As I just said:

Of course this all harkens back to Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Worst person the Republican party ran for high office until Trump. In her case it was mostly a lack of qualification. I think she'd be a good neighbor to have.

The Left’s obsessive hatred of Sarah Palin was accompanied by violent rhetoric.
Such as? I recall people charging that the whole "Take our country back" and "Don't retreat, reload" rhetoric she was so fond of (along with the actual use of cross hairs) may have set the plate for violence against some to her left, like Gabrielle Giffords, the Democrat from Arizona. I recall Palin being the butt of many a joke. I don't recall people making threats of violence against her. I'm sure it happened. Again, extremism has a way of doing that.

(1) Foul-mouthed comedian Sandra Bernhard warned Palin she would be “gang-raped by my big black brothers” if she tried coming to New York.
Bernhard is an odious doofus, though I doubt she was organizing the event.

(2) Another New Hampshire Democrat, Timothy Horrigan resigned from the state legislature after writing this gem on Facebook: “Well a dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one . . . she is all about her myth & if she was dead she couldn’t commit any more gaffes”
Good. He shouldn't be in office with that evidenced level of stupidity, even if he isn't actually calling for her to be killed. Same goes for Palin's rhetoric and use of crosshairs.

(3) Keith Halloran, a New Hampshire Democratic candidate, said on a Facebook thread that he wished Palin had been aboard the Alaska plane that crashed, killing five including Sen. Ted Stevens;

And yet your guy is the one holding the sign advocating Rape.
And there you go again, lying. He's not my guy. He's not AB's guy. You just let your emotional immaturity rule you.

YOU are less than nothing.
No, but you are less than rational. Now wipe off that spittle, try to calm down and think next time before you hit "post", if only for the novelty.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ladies and Gentlemen... ....and Liberals.... ....the Left's fake support of women has always been a lie at best. Let's take for example the disarming of women. Unless you happen to be Ronda Rousey or some other female mixed martial arts fighter, a woman is not going to be able to stand up to a man in a fight. The average criminal man can rape, beat or slowly squeeze the life out of the average woman at will in a hand-to-hand fight. On the other hand, no matter how strong the man is, he’s not as dangerous as a trained woman with a gun. That’s why the best friend robbers, rapists and violent thugs have are liberals who want to forcibly disarm law abiding women. Just like blacks and Latinos, liberals also want women weak and dependent. That attitude probably lies somewhere inside of the Rape-advocating Democrat.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
A shorter list would be what liberals don't lie about
All sorts of things, I'd imagine. Just like right wingers.

This is what the Left has produced:
If it was an accurate representation (and it isn't) it would still be anecdote, not rule. But you know that.

They do it through manipulating healthy minds into seeing lies as reality.
No, but it's like you to declare that sort of thing, while completely ignoring the example of right wing extremism I noted prior in underscoring the dangers of extremist thinking. Thinking you're evidencing and encouraging. But you know that.

If you think Trump is racist, you have simply been brainwashed by liberals.
I think it's a complicated problem. He is of an age and generation that had notions we shake our heads at today.

“If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.”

Is that reliance on a stereotype indicate racism? It certainly illustrates a mindset that wouldn't surprise anyone if it moved a bit further along that line.

Is claiming rulings that went against his interest issued by a judge of Mexican heritage was because the fellow was in Trump's words, "A Mexican" racist or just grossly mistaken? Republican Paul Ryan thought it was, though as with many who questioned Trump's character, he stayed on board.

Is having to settle racial discrimination suits for a company you run proof you're a racist? No, not even though different terms, prices and conditions were being quoted to blacks who wanted to rent from him in 1973. But you have to believe Trump didn't authorize and/or support those policies. . . and maybe you're willing to do that.

Was his trouble in the 90s over removing black employees at the request of big rollers racist or just indifference?

Is his habit of using "the" before minority particulars evidence of stereotypical thinking or something worse? Everyone has an opinion. I don't believe anyone knows, though wondering isn't unreasonable.

If you think that any majority of Trump supporters are racist, then you have been brainwashed by liberals.
I don't think racism motivates many to most Trump supporters, but there's a loud, vile contingent that doesn't feel rejected or put off by the candidate, which is worrisome enough.

If you believe one in five women are sexually assaulted, you have been brainwashed by liberals.
That's a lie I've already answered with a link to the DOJ numbers establishing it. But you know that. You just moved the goal posts to try something that may seem clever to you...or you're really the troll I think you are following a pattern of declaration and avoidance on a few hot topics.

The stat and support is actually:
AAU surveyed over 150,000 students across 27 colleges and universities. The findings support a controversial and often-disputed report from the National Institute of Justice that was published in 2007 — one cited by the White House’s “It’s On Us” campaign to prevent sexual assault on college campuses — that one in five women are sexually assaulted during their time in college.

Link to USA Today article.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ladies and Gentlemen... ....and Liberals.... ....the Left's fake support of women has always been a lie at best. Let's take for example the disarming of women. Unless you happen to be Ronda Rousey or some other female mixed martial arts fighter, a woman is not going to be able to stand up to a man in a fight. The average criminal man can rape, beat or slowly squeeze the life out of the average woman at will in a hand-to-hand fight. On the other hand, no matter how strong the man is, he’s not as dangerous as a trained woman with a gun. That’s why the best friend robbers, rapists and violent thugs have are liberals who want to forcibly disarm law abiding women. Just like blacks and Latinos, liberals also want women weak and dependent. That attitude probably lies somewhere inside of the Rape-advocating Democrat.

Continuing on, let's remember how half of the Infanticide called "Abortion" affect women. More than 25 million female babies have been killed via abortion. That’s more human beings than the Nazis killed during the Holocaust. Liberals have become so cynical about the mounds of human bodies their polices leave in their wake that they almost universally supported Planned Parenthood even after we found out that organization was literally selling the parts of the children they ripped to pieces. But of course, the people in this forum who voted for the Queen of Infanticide, Hillary, don't care about any of that.


No, but it's like you to declare that sort of thing, while completely ignoring the example of right wing extremism I noted prior in underscoring the dangers of extremist thinking. Thinking you're evidencing and encouraging. But you know that.

Right wing extremism is [this] big, Left wing extremism is [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[this]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] big. It was about to dissolve this country into the capitol of a globalist agenda.

Yall try to claim hypocrisy of others, and it fails because you all are hypocrisy savants.

I think it's a complicated problem. He is of an age and generation that had notions we shake our heads at today.

Yes, according to the Left, every soul on the planet between 4004BC and 2008AD were either racist or sexist.

Is having to settle racial discrimination suits for a company you run proof you're a racist?

Funny how Trump wasn't branded a racist until he ran for president, much like how he wasn't a sexual assaulter until these liberal women magically came out the woodwork at the peak of it.
It's funny how these things just fall to the wayside once he was elected.. all of a sudden we just forget about them rather then examine them for the shams they were.

And with the 1 in 5 woman stat- when you have a liberal in office, you are going to get what liberals endorse. If you blieve 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted, you go completely against the fact that men are twice as likely to be assaulted than women. That is what the agenda was rigged to do- I provided a source which tells about how it is a myth that has been repeatedly debunked much like the 'wage gap' nonsense, and just like the media.. you JUST CAN'T ACCEPT IT because you are shackled to their bias :rolleyes:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So when Melania Trump was posing nude for various magazines, would that be considered feminism and a rebellion against God's authority?

With all of the pain that Donald Trump has inflicted on various women over the years and not so much as uttered a word of heartfelt apology, I'm having difficulty mustering up an ounce of sympathy for his porn model 3rd wife.

So, are you saying you wouldn't feel "really bad" if that terrible crime occurred to President Trumps Wife?


Says the guy who's more likely to hold a woman 'responsible' for being raped. Your opinion means less than nothing.

'Less than nothing'
Well it obviously means something if you feel the need to say something about it, brofessor.

I think we live in an age where everybody wants to avoid accountability and, when they can, dump it on white men and inanimate objects. I think this is the only reason you all get off on spamming 'rapists are the reason women get raped', for what has seemed like a century, to avoid any further discussion on how to realistically tackle the issue. Blaming is the agenda, not solving- as with everything else, it's the same old bullcrap.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
ACW hates President Trump, his wife, and all of the Gays. I recognize that Homosexuality is a sin of the flesh and in the Old Testament God thought it was an abomination. However, today we are living in the Dispensation of the Grace of God, as the Apostle Paul calls it. Even Gays can hear the Gospel and place their faith in Christ and become a member of the Body of Christ. It, like all other sins, is forgivable.

The way ACW rants and raves about the Gays, you'd think he'd rather Gays be accused of an unforgivable sin? ACWs hatred for President Trump and his wife is beyond the pale! One might ponder, who else ACW HATES? His heart and mind is filled with hatred, therefore, I can't understand why he pretends to be a child of God?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Right wing extremism is [this] big, Left wing extremism is [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[this]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] big.
Nah, which is why you'll declare it but never in any objectively verifiable way illustrate it.

It was about to dissolve this country into the capitol of a globalist agenda.
I've heard that bit of paranoia before. It one of your new flags?

Yall try to claim hypocrisy of others
I'm a me, not a y'all and I don't try to claim, I illustrate it when I see it the way you don't as you declare it.

, and it fails because you all are hypocrisy savants.
A lie on a couple of levels, but you know that.

Yes, according to the Left, every soul on the planet between 4004BC and 2008AD were either racist or sexist.
The left isn't nearly as monolithic in its thinking as the right, which is why I made the joke about Democrats making a two party system superfluous back when Obama and the Dems rode into control of Congress and immediately began fighting among themselves.

Funny how Trump wasn't branded a racist until he ran for president
No, he was being branded as far back as 73, as I noted discussing the discrimination lawsuit against one of the properties he was running. There were additional allegations in the 90s relating to his practices in the casino properties. It's not a new claim and it precedes the presidential run by a long stretch.

, much like how he wasn't a sexual assaulter until these liberal women magically came out the woodwork at the peak of it.
Ah, the woman hating bit. Well, again, as with your last claim, that's not true. I've cited to his being sued a long time ago on the same charges. That more women came forward after the tape of his admissions relating to personal conduct was made public isn't surprising. Women who wouldn't want to try to take on a vengeful billionaire with a he said/she said contest had some corroboration. Naturally they came forward. Many of them had told others who vouch safe for their narratives being more than recent concoctions.

As I said the last time you tried this, we can believe that every woman and everyone they have noting the timeline are involved in a conspiracy and that the things Trump said he did never really happened, that he was just talking...or we can believe what he said to Bush was true and that now and again he tried that with someone who wanted no part of it.

It's funny how these things just fall to the wayside once he was elected.. all of a sudden we just forget about them rather then examine them for the shams they were.
None of that is true either, but you know it. You're being dishonest, which isn't surprising. I've related and linked on this with you before.

And with the 1 in 5 woman stat...If you blieve 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted
It isn't a question of belief, except that one can believe in verifiable facts (See: the link in my last).

, you go completely against the fact that men are twice as likely to be assaulted than women.
I answered you on this bit of slight of hand too. Men are more likely to be the victims of and to commit physical assault. That's not sexual assault for the most part. Men are dramatically less likely to suffer sexual assault and rape.

That is what the agenda was rigged to do- I provided a source which tells about how it is a myth that has been repeatedly debunked much like the 'wage gap' nonsense, and just like the media.. you JUST CAN'T ACCEPT IT because you are shackled to their bias
You set out that lie the last time, also without support. It's part of why I think you're just trolling, that all of this is a pretense with you. Otherwise, you're either imbalanced or essentially dishonest.

None of it helps advance your narrative.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ladies and Gentlemen... ....and Liberals.... ....the Left's fake support of women has always been a lie at best. Let's take for example the disarming of women. Unless you happen to be Ronda Rousey or some other female mixed martial arts fighter, a woman is not going to be able to stand up to a man in a fight. The average criminal man can rape, beat or slowly squeeze the life out of the average woman at will in a hand-to-hand fight. On the other hand, no matter how strong the man is, he’s not as dangerous as a trained woman with a gun. That’s why the best friend robbers, rapists and violent thugs have are liberals who want to forcibly disarm law abiding women. Just like blacks and Latinos, liberals also want women weak and dependent. That attitude probably lies somewhere inside of the Rape-advocating Democrat.
Continuing on, let's remember how half of the Infanticide called "Abortion" affect women. More than 25 million female babies have been killed via abortion. That’s more human beings than the Nazis killed during the Holocaust. Liberals have become so cynical about the mounds of human bodies their polices leave in their wake that they almost universally supported Planned Parenthood even after we found out that organization was literally selling the parts of the children they ripped to pieces. But of course, the people in this forum who voted for the Queen of Infanticide, Hillary, don't care about any of that.

Moving forward still: Liberals are okay with even the vilest behavior towards non-liberal women. If you’re a liberal politician like Bill Clinton or a Hollywood director like Roman Polanski, liberals will even excuse a rape on your behalf. Ted Kennedy was loved by liberals even though he left a woman to drown to death and didn’t bother to get help until she was gone. Just in the last few days, rapper Azealia Banks called for Sarah Palin to be gang raped by black men. The price she’ll pay for that amongst liberals is zero because they are perfectly fine with the most disgusting, loathsome, violent and misogynistic threats being aimed at women they don’t like. This is what people in this thread like Town Heretic and Arthur Braindead defend.Never forget who you are dealing with in this forum.


I've heard that bit of paranoia before. It one of your new flags?

The UN doesn't like Trump because he's not going to play into their pocket, their borderless empire, or their overstepping.

I'm a me, not a y'all and I don't try to claim, I illustrate it when I see it the way you don't as you declare it.

You'd make a great Dr. Suess book.

A lie on a couple of levels, but you know that.

No, I don't know that :idunno:
I've pretty much assumed at this point that liberal arts professors teach hypocrisy as a political weapon. There's only so far one can stretch the idea that they are just 'spoiled college students' until you are forced to consider something more.

the Dems rode into control of Congress and immediately began fighting among themselves.

About how to sell out a country without taking the blame for it :chuckle:

No, he was being branded as far back as 73, as I noted discussing the discrimination lawsuit against one of the properties he was running. There were additional allegations in the 90s relating to his practices in the casino properties. It's not a new claim and it precedes the presidential run by a long stretch.

He was accused of it in 73', and it didn't follow. In the 90's, he was accused, and it didn't follow.
You see, that's because most people weren't under the influence of liberal lunacy.

Ah, the woman hating bit.

Women hate men in that they know these statistics are nonsense and still perpetuate them. It's misandry- something you don't seem to grasp. The liberal part of your brain tells you that one ought to be able to launch an attack on others and still be treated as neutral or friendly.

Until a white man does it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I recall Palin being the butt of many a joke. I don't recall people making threats of violence against her. I'm sure it happened. Again, extremism has a way of doing that.

Azealia Banks wanted Palin gang raped;

In one she wrote: “Honestly… Let’s find the biggest burliest blackest negroes and let them run a train on her. Film it and put it on worldstar.”

And Martin Bashir had to resign from MSNBC after he said someone should **** in her mouth;

That's a pretty big deal.
Martin Bashir was a major face.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You'd make a great Dr. Suess book.
I wonder if you can make an argument.

No, I don't know that :idunno:
Okay, then you should if you're capable of rational thought. You make these stereotypical associations with the y'all business that aren't sustained or achieved by any logic or objective data. You can put sentences together, so if you're not the actual troll I'm fairly certain you must be, then you can see precisely what I'm saying and understand exactly what you continue to not attempt.

I've pretty much assumed at this point that liberal arts professors teach hypocrisy as a political weapon.
I'd say it's in keeping with the persona you've created, but that it's prima facie nonsense.

There's only so far one can stretch the idea that they are just 'spoiled college students' until you are forced to consider something more.
You'd have to do more than declare the first leg before you can advance another. You haven't made the case that differing profoundly with the outcome of an election wherein the majority of people (what is it, around a million and a half more now?) voted for a candidate who then wasn't declared the winner, where a lot of the people who feel robbed by that and who found and find the rhetoric of the loser-winner a thing to incite fear and concern, that their taking to the streets (the ones who have done so peacefully) and making their voices heard is somehow spoiled.

Now had Trump lost both the popular and electoral vote and those people were right wingers declaring, as their candidate had alleged when even he thought he stood a good chance of losing, that the election was rigged...well, I can't imagine you'd be describing them as spoiled, let alone something worse.

About how to sell out a country without taking the blame for it
No, but it's trollish of you to say so.

He was accused of it in 73', and it didn't follow.
Rather, he settled because the case was a loser. The DOJ went after him to force the issue. Trump's counter suit was dismissed by a judge

In the 90's, he was accused, and it didn't follow.
I don't recall the outcome, though a racist enough quote attributed to him in a book by O'Donnel in that time span wasn't refuted by Trump.

Here's the quote: [FONT=&quot]“ Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

In 1997, while being interviewed Trump said of the quote that it was, "Probably true." (See: http://fortune.com/2016/06/07/donald-trump-racism-quotes/). A couple of years later, when he was running for president as an independent, he changed his tune and denied it. Sounds familiar.

Women hate men in that
The irrational angry bias of that is its own rebuttal and doesn't require more than notice.

The liberal part of your brain tells you that one ought to be able to launch an attack on others and still be treated as neutral or friendly.
I'm still no more liberal than you are honest---okay, no one could be that far removed from liberality, but you understand the point. I'm friendly to friends. I'm civil to those who approach an issue civilly and I whack the rest with a funny stick.
Until a white man does it.
Ah, the ol white victim card. It's mostly played by racists. I can see the appeal on the troll front, but do you really want to start moving toward Trad and pax this early in your game?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I wonder if you can make an argument.........
You say that in every post, yet you are the lowlife who supports the scum holding that sign, and he supports you, and you both support the same filthy candidates who promote vile extremist policies.

Making an argument is what lawyers do who get rapists and murderers off in trials. Its no wonder that is your focus, because you do the same: Make pointy-headed argujents to defend infanticide, defend criminality, sexual perversion, and oppressive government. If you were actually a person of any importance you might be dangerous.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You say that in every post,
I don't, but it's like you to say something that exaggerated and demonstrably false.

yet you are the lowlife who supports the scum holding that sign
Well, no. Though you're the guy who talks about how liberals hate, declares me a liberal and then uses loving words like lowlife to associate me with someone I've been completely clear in reviling.

, and he supports you, and you both support the same filthy candidates who promote vile extremist policies.
Another lie and a willful one, given we've walked down that road a few times. I mostly vote conservatively, I'm simply not in bed with either party. I roundly rejected both candidates for the office of president this election and called upon people of conscience (letting you off the hook, apparently) to do likewise, to reject doing what so many of us have for so long, choosing a lesser evil.

Making an argument is what lawyers do who get rapists and murderers off in trials.
Actually, juries and judges decide the issue. What lawyers do is argue in defense of rights. The defense attorney does it and the prosecutor does it. If they both do their jobs effectively, justice should be (and mostly is) served. Most of the cases where men are convicted stand up on appeal.

Its no wonder that is your focus, because you do the same: Make pointy-headed argujents to defend infanticide
Actually I've been against abortion for as long as I've had an opinion on it, long before my conversion to Christianity. It's a blight on the nation, our latest moral and ethical tragedy and I've never defended the practice or confused it with a right. It is an abrogation of right.

defend criminality,
Another lie and a stupid, willful one.

sexual perversion,
No, only your right as an adult to mind your own business and stay out of the next person's, within an understanding of compelling state interest and the infringement of right. What you don't have a right to do is to compel someone to agree and act in accord with your religious principles, any more than your Muslim neighbor should be allowed to compel you.

and oppressive government.
That's like beauty. Who knows what it means to someone like you.

If you were actually a person of any importance you might be dangerous.
There are only two people I need to be important to and that works for me. If I was a person of any particular importance you'd never have a moment with me. :)

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ladies and Gentlemen... ....and Liberals.... ....the Left's fake support of women has always been a lie at best. Let's take for example the disarming of women. Unless you happen to be Ronda Rousey or some other female mixed martial arts fighter, a woman is not going to be able to stand up to a man in a fight. The average criminal man can rape, beat or slowly squeeze the life out of the average woman at will in a hand-to-hand fight. On the other hand, no matter how strong the man is, he’s not as dangerous as a trained woman with a gun. That’s why the best friend robbers, rapists and violent thugs have are liberals who want to forcibly disarm law abiding women. Just like blacks and Latinos, liberals also want women weak and dependent. That attitude probably lies somewhere inside of the Rape-advocating Democrat.
Continuing on, let's remember how half of the Infanticide called "Abortion" affect women. More than 25 million female babies have been killed via abortion. That’s more human beings than the Nazis killed during the Holocaust. Liberals have become so cynical about the mounds of human bodies their polices leave in their wake that they almost universally supported Planned Parenthood even after we found out that organization was literally selling the parts of the children they ripped to pieces. But of course, the people in this forum who voted for the Queen of Infanticide, Hillary, don't care about any of that.
Moving forward still: Liberals are okay with even the vilest behavior towards non-liberal women. If you’re a liberal politician like Bill Clinton or a Hollywood director like Roman Polanski, liberals will even excuse a rape on your behalf. Ted Kennedy was loved by liberals even though he left a woman to drown to death and didn’t bother to get help until she was gone. Just in the last few days, rapper Azealia Banks called for Sarah Palin to be gang raped by black men. The price she’ll pay for that amongst liberals is zero because they are perfectly fine with the most disgusting, loathsome, violent and misogynistic threats being aimed at women they don’t like. This is what people in this thread like Town Heretic and Arthur Braindead defend.Never forget who you are dealing with in this forum.

And still moving ever forward: They want to force women to share their bathrooms with men! Nowe if a man went into a woman's bathroom normally he'd be rightfully run out and maybe slapped. But when Democrats say it must be so, then you had better fallin line ladies. But children!! My God! Who in their right mind thinks an 8 year old girl should be using the bathroom next to a grown man who “feels like a woman?” How do you say you care about women when you want to force them to undress next to some guy wearing a sundress? It’s ridiculous and it’s potentially dangerous because it gives perverts and sexual predators a free pass to use the women’s bathroom.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well, that's now isn't it? We were talking about her run as VP. . . though my first thought was, "Azealiz who?"

And Martin Bashir had to resign from MSNBC after he said someone should **** in her mouth;

That's a pretty big deal. Martin Bashir was a major face.
Can you really use "major face" and MSNBC in the same sentence?

Not in my house, but I believe you. I don't think much of the left was threatened enough by her to respond that way. I mostly remember her being the butt of jokes, from SNL to the talk show circuit.

On the plus side, when asked a few hours ago about the Alt Right movement Trump said, "I condemn them. I disavow, and I condemn."