Search results

  1. Poly

    Great practice tests

    Here's a great link if you are interested in taking various practice tests. This was a big help to my son in preparing for the ACT this year.
  2. Poly

    Saved from what, exactly?

    Many Christians, when witnessing, ask the question "Are you saved?" but saved from what? Vote on how how you feel this question is best answered and feel free to expand if you voted "other".
  3. Poly

    Poly's fruitcake POTD

    :doh: :freak: :kookoo: :hammer: (Way to expose him, Lucky!) :thumb: context
  4. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-03-04

    :first: Great post! And great job in your comparison, exposing the NIV! :thumb: context
  5. Poly

    If we bought groceries the way we buy public education

    Here's a thought provoking article on public education.
  6. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-02-04

    :first: context
  7. Poly

    Homeschool magazine link

    A link to nation wide homeschooling news-
  8. Poly

    Poly's most laughable POTD/ 02-20-04

    :darwinsm: :darwinsm: :darwinsm: Skeptic thinks somebody else's decision to have kids or the number of kids one chooses to have is actually any of his business. This is just too much. And to think some people around here actually feel that Skeptic shouldn't be here. Why? We can use him...
  9. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-17-04

    :first: context
  10. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-11-04

    AWWWW! :first:
  11. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-06-04

    :first: Check it out! :thumb:
  12. Poly

    Smilie Story competition

    It's competition time! :bannana: Enter your story :cattyfan: creatively using as many smilies :jump: as you can. They can be used in place of words or just to emphasize words or ideas. :thumb:. Your story will be judged :Poly: on creativity as well as, the best and most frequent use of...
  13. Poly

    Poly's pick 01-21-04

  14. Poly

    Is Name calling and mocking ever warranted from a Christian?

    Do situations ever arise where we as Christians should mock or call people names? Please give your reasoning and scriptures for your answer.
  15. Poly

    Poly's pick 01-12-04

    :first: context
  16. Poly

    Does Calvinism limit God?

    I touched on this on another thread but I want to get other views on this. Does Calvinism limit God? Those that believe God predestined everything must admit one of 2 things. Either God was not powerful enough to give man a true freewill or He was powerful enough but instead chose to...
  17. Poly

    Congratulations Bob Enyart-TOL's Poster of the Year/2003

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Congratulations Bob Enyart! You have been voted TOL's Poster of the Year for 2003. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :BRAVO: :BRAVO: :BRAVO:
  18. Poly

    Vote: TOL Poster of the Year/2003

    These are the members who were nominated here by fellow TOL members. Who do you think should should be TOL poster of the year for 2003?
  19. Poly

    Poly's top 10 posts of 2003

    10th Lucky 9th Elaine 8th rfburnhertz 7th Zakath 6th Knight 5th *Acts9_12Out* 4th Mr.5020 :third: SOTK4ever :second: Crow :first: Nineveh
  20. Poly

    Poly's pick 01-01-04
