Search results

  1. Poly

    Awesome debates

    I've been seeing some really great debates going on at TOL in the last several days. For those that are relunctant to participate, jump in!! We encourage participation. That's what TOL is all about.
  2. Poly

    Poly's pick for 1-29-03

    I certainly hope Post of the day's are also reserved for the most absurd!
  3. Poly

    Poly's pick 1-28-03

  4. Poly

    The Prince of Peace was a Warrior, Too

    The Prince of Peace Was a Warrior, Too By JOSEPH LOCONTE WASHINGTON Everyone, it seems, wants Jesus on his side. Nutritionists publish books with titles like "What Would Jesus Eat?" Environmentalists issue policy statements asking "What Would Jesus Drive?" With talk of war, we're now hearing...
  5. Poly

    How's homeschooling going?

    I was just wondering how school is going for the homeschoolers? It's been a pretty good year for us thus far. This is our 10th year and my first with 4 kids in school. My oldest is in the 10th grade and my youngest is in Kindergarten. I have enjoyed getting into creative writing with my kids...
  6. Poly

    How do you pronounce Yxboom's name?

    I just don't think you get picked on nearly as much as you deserve. I'm just trying to correct that.