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  1. ebenz47037

    Police: Stuart Man Told 6-Year-Old Son to Stab Mom

    Police: Stuart Man Told 6-Year-Old Son to Stab Mom I heard this on the radio this afternoon and had to find it online. This is terrible. Children are almost always brought into the middle of their parents' arguements (especially when the parents are separated). This is a very extreme case...
  2. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 12-5-03

    Crow made me do it! It's not my fault! Here for context. :thumb:
  3. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 12-2-03

    Here for context. My pick is what I emboldened. WTG, Agent Smith! :thumb:
  4. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 10-29-03

    Context. :first:
  5. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 10-16-03

  6. ebenz47037

    Courtship vs. Dating

    We've been seeing the terms "courtship" and "dating" tossed around a little bit lately. I figured that I would start a thread and give my two cents on the subject. :) To me, the main difference between courtship and dating is that courtship is more geared to future marriage while dating is...
  7. ebenz47037

    House Overwhelmingly Approves Parital-Birth Abortion Ban It's about time this is voted on! Sounds like some pretty good representatives to me! :thumb:
  8. ebenz47037

    Letters to God I think this is kind of cool. :) I've never mailed a letter to God. But, if I had known about this when I was younger, I probably would have done it. :)
  9. ebenz47037

    How many....

    How many homeschooling parents do we have on TOL? I homeschool my daughter. We've homeschooled for going on six years now.
  10. ebenz47037

    "Mental health" day

    I decided that we would take a "mental health" day today. :chuckle: Right now, Jess and I are not seeing eye-to-eye on everything. A lot of that has to do with the fact that we went to my mom's yesterday. But, I decided that I need a day off. Jess wants to make it up Saturday. We do that...
  11. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 9-23-03

    Here for context.
  12. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 9-21-03

    Here. :thumb:
  13. ebenz47037

    Mel Gibson's 'The Passion': Most offensive film ever made If this movie is true to the Gospels, it will offend a lot of people. But, the Jesus told us that the Gospel would be offensive to some. The Bible says, "And He went out from thence, and came into His own country; and His...
  14. ebenz47037

    Saving Love and Marriage This makes sense to me. I've watched over my lifetime as people tried to destroy marriage. I remember hearing, in my teenage years, feminists talking about how marriage was nothing but legalized slavery of women. Personally, I think they're...
  15. ebenz47037

    Governor Frank O' Bannon dies Governor Frank O' Bannon, governor of Indiana collapsed from a stroke, Monday, September 8, 2003. He passed away Sunday, Spetember 15, 2003.
  16. ebenz47037

    Idea for assignment for older child

    I got this idea from (newsgroup I read). I think it's a very good idea. I'm having Jessica do this because she's told me that she wants to work at Wal-Mart when she grows up. :) I worked there for a short time. I tried to tell her that if she's planning on having...
  17. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 9-13-03

    I want to show how proud we Rednecks are of having Tye Porter as one of our beloved brothers! He's made my pick of the day, even though it's really early in the day. He loves us! He really loves us! Crow made an excellent choice when she made Tye a Redneck! :thumb:
  18. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 9-11-03

    Here for context.
  19. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 9-3-03

    Here for context.
  20. ebenz47037

    First Day of School Today

    It went well (for a change). Jess finished today and tomorrow's math without my permission (IOW she did today's as assigned and finished tomorrow's before the time was up). She likes her history book this year (YAY!!!!!). This is coming from the child who for the last three years stated, "I...