Search results

  1. ebenz47037

    Anyone working on next year's schedule yet?

    Man! This is a pain! In Indiana, we have to keep attendance for 180 days. We take off from the day before Thanksgiving to the first weekday after :jessilu:'s birthday (Jan. 3) for our winter break and a week and a day for Easter. So, I'm at the point where we either have to do 6 days of...
  2. ebenz47037

    Problems with TOL?

    Almost every other link I click on the "Active" page won't come up. Are we having an unusual amount of traffic on the site today?
  3. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 5-14-04

    Context. Good one, lighthouse! :chuckle: :first:
  4. ebenz47037

    Islamic website shows beheading of American

    From, there is a link to WorldNetDaily story about this and a link to the video of it. It is very disturbing stuff. So, now, when the libs in Washington and on the news complain about our use of force against the people who did this, what are we going to say? Story . Video.
  5. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 5-11-04

  6. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 5-10-04

    Context. Great post, Melody! :first:
  7. ebenz47037

    Nori's Pick 5-5-04

  8. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 4/9/04

  9. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 3-20-04

    Here for context. Welcome back, Shaun! :thumb:
  10. ebenz47037

    Recipe Contest Winners

    I have decided on three winners! They are: :first: Jabez :second: Crytahvn :third: cattyfan Their prizes will be announced as soon as I hear from Crytahvn. I have to make an honorable mention of several recipes that I didn't choose as winners because they're too close to my own...
  11. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 3/4/04

    Here for context. :first: Color change done to tell what catty was answering. It's much easier this way for me. :chuckle:
  12. ebenz47037

    Bragging on my kid (again!)

    In her spare time, today, :jessilu: wrote a poem. Since she hates writing with a passion, this is a very big step for her. She asked me to post it on TOL for her. The Storm I feel the wind; it caresses my face The rolling clouds take an ominous form The leaves are turning The birds are...
  13. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 2-10-04

    My pick: :darwinsm:
  14. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 1-19-04

    Here for context. Good post, Living4Him! :thumb:
  15. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 1-16-04

    Here for context: :first:
  16. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 1-10-04

    Brother Willi responds calmly to Leo Volent's maiacal ravings: Way to go, Brother Willi!
  17. ebenz47037

    ebenz's POTD 1-8-04

  18. ebenz47037

    Start digging out your best recipes...

    ...for our next recipe contest! Details are here. Have fun with this one. Basically, I want to warm my house with my oven instead of propane. :chuckle:
  19. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 1-4-04

    Here for context. :thumb:
  20. ebenz47037

    ebenz's POSTS OF THE YEAR 2003

    15th best post of the year: Behira 14th best post of the year: Zenya 13th best post of the year: Nineveh 12th best post of the year: One-Eyed Jack 11th best post of the year: MalcolmX196? (I know. But, I had to slip a Malcolm post in here. :chuckle: ) 10th best post of the year: Crow...