Search results

  1. ebenz47037

    Homeschooling Opponents

    I am a member of several homeschooling e-mail loops and one newsgroup, (mehsc). Lately, on mehsc, we've had a few homeschooling opponents. One in particular is a "professional educator," in Australia. He claims that he's not against homeschooling in...
  2. ebenz47037

    My top 10 lists of 2005

    Top ten threads: 10. Jesse Jackson - "Bush would have left Jesus homeless." 9. PETA urges Carter: Stop Fishing 8. What Qualifies as an Insult 7. Does the Bible Teach Socialism? 6. Effective Welfare 5. Sacrificing to the god of Convenience 4. Who is responsible for your safety...
  3. ebenz47037

    And, the winner is....

    ... :drum: .... Jujubee with the following recipe: Jujubee, please contact me to tell me whether you want a one-year bronze subscription, an item from the TOL store (up to $30 in value), or a smilie (up to $30 in value). Honorable mention goes to: I loved them all (except for the...
  4. ebenz47037

    Nori's auction thread

    ***Note: Do not post in this thread except to bid on my box of goodies, described in this thread.*** Bidding begins at $10. DearDelmar already bid $10, so go on from there. Bidding starts at 8:00 AM, Monday, November 28, and ends at 5:00 PM, Thursday, December 1. I will contact the winner...
  5. ebenz47037

    My Christmas gift to TOL!

    Starting Monday, I will put a box of different goodies (all homemade) up for auction on TOL. There will be a quart jar of hot cocoa mix, a batch of brownies, a loaf of pumpkin bread, a dozen each of sugar, walnut-chocolate chip, and peanut butter cookies, a batch of fudge, a jar of cake mix...
  6. ebenz47037

    Turkey or ham?

    What are you having for dinner tomorrow? We're having :troy:. :chuckle:
  7. ebenz47037

    "Dear Abby" for Homeschoolers

    A friend provided me with a link that she found extremely helpful: She said that they answered pretty much any question she could think of for her first year homeschooling her kids.
  8. ebenz47037

    Beheading of Christian Schoolgirls Sparks Concerns About Religious Strife

    Beheading of Christian Schoolgirls Sparks Concerns About Religious Strife Patrick Goodenough International Editor ( - Indonesian security forces remained on high alert and religious leaders appealed for calm in the nation's Central Sulawesi province following the beheading of three...
  9. ebenz47037

    Recipes Grandma Made

    Today's the day! Recipe contest starts today. Post your recipes at this link. Have fun!
  10. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 10-10-05

    Here it is:
  11. ebenz47037

    *Announcement* Upcoming Recipe Contest *Announcement*

    Recipe Contest Remember when Grandma made.....? That's right, folks! We have a new recipe contest coming up. So, dig through your files for "Grandma's favorite recipes." I want things that you remember going to Grandma's house for. I'll give you examples of my own favorites from my...
  12. ebenz47037

    Snake vs. gator: It's a dead heat

    From Yahoo! News: When nature goes awry? People need to stop getting pets they can't take care of (pythons) and then releasing them into the wild.
  13. ebenz47037

    Trixie Belden series of books

    This is mostly aimed at women around my age and older (36 and older), although my daughter now enjoys this series of books. Did any of you read the Trixie Belden series of books when you were pre-teens or teenagers? My Aunt Mary got me most of the books (there are 39 of them) for my 12th...
  14. ebenz47037

    Winter Storm Dumps Snow Across Plains

    Winter Storm Dumps Snow Across Plains From Yahoo News: Ouch! This is an early storm.
  15. ebenz47037

    History of the tomato

    Yesterday, :jessilu: and I were looking at our history outline book and came upon the fact that the tomato was introduced to Europeans in the 1600s. I remembered some facts about the tomato, that I learned when I was in the FFA (Future Farmers of America) when I was a teen. 1. The tomato was...
  16. ebenz47037

    Kinda-Sorta want ads

    If anyone wants my curriculum from last year, please PM me. I have (all Bob Jones University Press) algebra student text, literature student text, English teacher text, geography teacher text, and earth science teacher text. If you give me your address, I will find out how much the postage is...
  17. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 9-11-05

    Read this thread for context.
  18. ebenz47037

    Poll for 16 & 17 year old homeschoolers and their parents

    Okay all. Here's the scoop. I have a friend who wants to arrange a scholarship for college/trade school-bound homeschoolers. He asked me to ask homeschoolers and their parents if they'd be willing to accept a two to four year scholarship under the following conditions: 1. The student can...
  19. ebenz47037

    Christopher Walken for President?

    From I remember this guy from The Deer Hunter and SNL. :chuckle: Just what we need: another actor running for president; especially one who believes "that voters should vote based on the candidates' platforms, not their party affiliation. At this early stage, we...
  20. ebenz47037

    Nori's pick 8-3-05

    Sad pick of the day I'll miss the old place. :(