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  1. Nathon Detroit

    Article: Why Is Donald Trump Receiving So Much Support From Evangelicals?9

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  2. Nathon Detroit

    Article: Mexico says no wall

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  3. Nathon Detroit

    NFL 2016

    Well here we go folks!! What will be the stories of 2016 in the NFL?? Will Peyton ride off into the sunset? Will Johnny "Football" make it out of suicide watch? Can the Broncos defense propel them to a repeat championship? Will Carolina bounce-back? How about the Patriots, do they have...
  4. Nathon Detroit

    Liberals have it made in the 2016 election

    It's more than likely that liberals will have a candidate winning the nominations for both parties. rcUCLwWCihE
  5. Nathon Detroit

    Earth may have underground 'ocean' three times that on surface

    Interesting.... After decades of searching scientists have discovered that a vast reservoir of water, enough to fill the Earth’s oceans three times over, may be trapped hundreds of miles beneath the surface, potentially transforming our understanding of how the planet was formed. The water is...
  6. Nathon Detroit

    Happy New Year 2016!

    From our family to yours.... Have a safe and Happy New Year!! Tonight we enter TOL's 19th year online.
  7. Nathon Detroit

    GOP Sink America with Obama's ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ spending bill

    A funny thing happened on the way to the election this year. It seems with outsiders such as Trump, Cruz, Carson, etc. leading the polls over the establishment candidates, the GOP went full scale liberal on us. It's as if the Republican establishment is rebelling against the outsiders. Kinda...
  8. Nathon Detroit

    HALF OFF TOL Subscriptions - 6th annual Back Friday-Cyber Monday

    The 6th annual Back Friday-Cyber Monday starts now! Don't miss out on the "Black Friday sale" this year at This Thanksgiving weekend Friday thru Monday we will be offering ALL TOL premium memberships at half price! And yes this also applies to LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS! Friday...
  9. Nathon Detroit

    Is the King James Bible the Only Inspired Scripture on Earth Today? Battle Royale XIV

    Is the King James Bible the Only Inspired Scripture on Earth Today? Battle Royale XIV Will Kinney vs. Bob Enyart and Will Duffy Will Kinney will defend the proposition that the King James Bible is the only inspired Scripture on Earth today. Pastor Bob Enyart and Will Duffy of Denver Bible...
  10. Nathon Detroit

    Climate Alarmist admits it's really about destroying capitalism

    The man-made global warming hoax has such mass appeal to liberals they don't even care anymore about keeping their real motives a secret. World savers are anything but. They always have an unspoken motive. H.L. Mencken saw the self-appointed saviors for what they were almost a century ago, when...
  11. Nathon Detroit

    Creating pollution and killing animals: That's solar power for you.

    SOURCE.....Our new solar power plant has a POLLUTION problem! A BIG pollution problem. It cost taxpayers a fortune and was rammed through Despite concerns about its costs to tax-payers and effect on a fragile desert environment the “Ivanpah Solar Power Facility” was approved by the Obama...
  12. Nathon Detroit

    What happens when Muslims get fired for refusing to do their job?

    We all know what happens to you if you are a Christian baker and you decline to make a gay wedding cake. Or if you are a State clerk and refuse to hand out gay marriage certificates. The left-wing mafia comes down on you as well as the justice system. Heck you might even end up in jail. But...
  13. Nathon Detroit

    Battle Royale XIV discussion thread

    It's been a full seven years since the last Battle Royale on TOL. Well.... good news folks because Battle Royale XIV is heading your way and it's going to a fun one. What: Is the King James Bible the Only Inspired Scripture on Earth Today? Battle Royale XIV Who: This King James Only debate...
  14. Nathon Detroit

    Top physicist on climate change....

    So says one of the world’s greatest theoretical physicists, Dr Freeman Dyson, the British-born, naturalised American citizen who worked at Princeton University as a contemporary of Einstein and has advised the US government on a wide range of scientific and technical issues. In an interview...
  15. Nathon Detroit

    Music for Calvinists

    You can't make this stuff up.
  16. Nathon Detroit

    Oregon Community College Shooting - What law (if any) could have prevented it?

    A gunman opens fire and kills at least 10 at the Umpqua Community College in Oregon. President Obama made a statement saying congress should enact gun control laws. So I want to know.... What law could have prevented yesterday's tragedy?
  17. Nathon Detroit

    Ahmed Mohamed's clock bomb

    The media wants us to feel sorry for the boy who got arrested for building a "clock" that was mistaken for a bomb. All I can say is if any kid brought this device into my kids class I would hope the teachers would take action. (See attached)
  18. Nathon Detroit

    9th Annual TOL-A-THON Starts now!

    The 9th annual TOL-A-THON Starts now! Thank you in advance for any support you can offer! :up: We have two weeks to raise $3,000. Please consider giving a donation to help us reach our goal. Donations of any amount are welcome. CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION. Each and every year during the...
  19. Nathon Detroit

    9th Annual TOL-A-THON Starts Monday September 21st

    Get ready folks for the 2015 TOL-a-THON. The 9th annual TOL-a-THON will raise money to pay for our annual dedicated server fee as well as any upgrades and optimizations we may install in the next calendar year. Please consider setting aside some funds to help us reach our goal. The 9th annual...
  20. Nathon Detroit

    Planned Parenthood Videos show women took genocide to an all-new level of evil

    Men are told... we have no voice in the reproductive right's debate. After all, what could we know? We are men. In the recent series of undercover videos by The Center for Medical Progress there is one extremely strange theme running through every video. All of the people seem to be women. Men...