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  1. Eeset

    Recording T Troll

    I have decided to keep a continuing record of the Neg Reps I receive from Tambora in this thread. Since TOL only displays the most recent 25 reps received I can't unfortunately provide the historical record but at least I can provide it going forward.
  2. Eeset

    Grosnick versus Resurrected....the contest.

    Resurrected was once the undisputed post per day king with an average of over 50 posts per day. But now, due to his inactivity, Res has slipped to 39. Grosnick meanwhile has reached over 28 as an average. No one else is even close to either of them. This was brought to my attention by town who...
  3. Eeset

    For Knight, a TOL-A-Thon suggestion.

    As you know, in earlier times members could accumulate Rep Power much faster than they can these days. That leaves us more recent members at a great disadvantage. I believe that some newer members have been essentially chased off TOL by this disproportionate allocation of Rep Power. The...
  4. Eeset

    sky part I

    Sky I hope you have not abandoned TOL. Who will post garden pictures? Who will liven up the chat? They will come after me and, You know who they are. :nono::eek::angrymob::sozo2::listen::doh:
  5. Eeset

    When a thread degenerates into ad hominums.

    I find nothing Christian about interactions between members when a thread degenerates. It is best relegated to a dust bin.
  6. Eeset

    Dulcinea del Toboso's diary.

    Alonso Quijano was an idiot. Here in my diary all are welcome to relax and exchange banter without fear. Post whatever you like. Post whatever you don't like. If you can't decide which it is then post it anyway. And if you are still confused then ask Hawkeye, aka, Res (or SOD or whatever)...
  7. Eeset

    All alone. How strange.

    A few minutes ago around 12:30 a.m. I finished reading a news article and so I clicked on the tab where I had TOL open. I clicked on active threads and looked at the the first few titles. Then I scrolled down a bit further to see who else was active. Nada! It said 14 users active, 1 member and...
  8. Eeset

    Dear Mr. is time for more bannings.

    From experience comes understanding. There is a difference between knowledge and understanding. For example if you have never been in a car accident you may know a great deal about car accidents but you do not understand certain that happen. That frightful instant when you know its going to...
  9. Eeset


    I just found theologyonline. Where should I go to learn how to traverse various places? Is the chat restricted to paid memberships? I can see it but don't know how to post to the chat. Is there a way to see timestamps on the chat? I have a lot to learn about the functioning of this site.