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  1. Eeset

    Is TOL slow for you too?

    Lately the response time on TOL has ground almost to a halt on my computer. I'm not experiencing problems with any other site I visit.
  2. Eeset

    Infraction Jubilee ...

    It is time to reset all infractions. Expire all outstanding infractions and reset the system so that new infractions expire in months, not years. Why? Because there are members who have become so burdened by past transgressions they now resemble the Greek debt crisis. They can not escape. When...
  3. Eeset

    If you don't believe in the trinity...

    Then you can not worship Jesus.
  4. Eeset

    People are fed up with lying politicians and that is why ....

    Bernie Sanders will win the democrats nomination and Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination. Mainstream media hasn't yet realized that it is irrelevant in the 2016 election. People who actually vote are going to respond to the honesty of Trump and Sanders. And that's a good thing. Why...
  5. Eeset

    Infractions for old posts?

    Squeaky just received an infraction for a reply made in February! That is a 4 month old reply! I am shocked. I think there should be a time limit for handing out infractions. 24 hours seems about right.
  6. Eeset

    Thought Policing

    Words like "In my opinion" and "I think" used to be safe harbors. They clearly delineated between a bald assertion such as "you are" and an expressed opinion. Under the protection of speech which entitles everyone to an opinion it was not considered offensive to express one. Evidently times have...
  7. Eeset

    A respectful request to Sherman for tolerance in moderation.

    Dear Sherm, you just gave an infraction to Stuu for expressing his atheism. I request that you reverse the infraction. In the alternative you could just go ahead and ban all atheists. I think that would effectively reduce TOL to a parody of what it once was.
  8. Eeset

    Kentucky Derby 2015

    The 141st run for the roses will happen Saturday May 2, 2015. I pick Dortmund 1st, followed by War Story and American Pharoah in third. I expect them to be very close together at the finish. If the track is fast they may push each other to a time just shy of Secretariat's record pace.
  9. Eeset

    Favorite sand witch....

    Slice of bread covered thickly with peanut butter Layer on slices of banana add slice of Swiss cheese add some sliced dill pickles Finish with top slice slathered with Miracle Whip
  10. Eeset

    Alabama Holidays.

    Know when the holidays fall before you plan out the year. 2015 Alabama Holidays Below you will find a list of the 2015 Alabama state holidays. The Heart of Dixie is the heart of the south and has some of the most southern holiday celebrations in the country. Be sure...
  11. Eeset

    Monday is Robert E. Lee day in Alabama.

    Also in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi.
  12. Eeset

    The new Non-HOFer thread.

    This thread is only open to those peons who do not have the elitist hof patch. How are you doing non-hofers?
  13. Eeset

    Sleeping wasps.

    Did you know wasps sleep? I had no idea. Last night I was looking for something out in a shed on my property and as I entered the shed my flashlight shined on a huge wasp nest. It was covered with sleeping wasps. My first instinct was to flee because I do not like to get stung. But then...
  14. Eeset

    Why men should not discuss rape.

    1. They are men. 2. Most men have neither raped nor been a rape victim. 3. Men think no means not now.
  15. Eeset

    Who will have the last word, Rusha or Nang?

    This tit for tat has been going on all evening.
  16. Eeset

    How long will they be gone....

    1 point - no time off but a beginning 2 points - 1 day off 3,4,or 5 points - 3,4 or 5 days off 6 points gets you a week 7 points - 2 weeks 8 points - a month 9 points - 3 months 10 points - 6 months 11 points - a year 50 points - perma banned. Mods can over rule the auto system and impose other...
  17. Eeset

    CULT Threads ...

    No, not that kind. Continuously Updated Locked Threads. A cult is nothing more than a blog represented as something its not. On a discussion forum they are abusive.
  18. Eeset

    Did zoo defect or ...

    was he captured? I do hope he is OK physically.
  19. Eeset

    Welcome back.

    Members get banned for various reasons. I think it is important to welcome them back once the ban expires. This is the thread for doing that. My first welcome back goes out to meshak. Welcome back dear lady. :)
  20. Eeset

    I am a stupid expert.

    According to Tambora in another thread I am intent on being stupid or something to that effect. I agree. You see I marvel at the intellect, knowledge, sophistication and sheer brilliance of everyone I come into contact with. I am humbled by the insights, wisdom and analytic abilities of those...