Search results

  1. Lon

    Liberals Are Psychotic, not Conservatives Like We Thought -Study correction says

    Except they got it exactly backwards, here is what the correction is today: Embarrassingly, this study has been cited by liberals who will now have to live with themselves and in this case, the three-fingers pointing back exponentially are all liberal so the fourth finger has to become an...
  2. Lon

    ECT What is wrong with homosexuality - a primer for Christians and response

    A little long with scriptures, but they are how we live as Spiritually indwelled beings. I've given commentary to tie them together for my reasoning and defense of our Christian view and understanding. I pray this post and the thread serve well for difficult days of needed discussion and...
  3. Lon

    Wrestling: Civic responsiblities and Christian mandates

    Lot of scriptures on this. I'll start: Mat 5:38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' Mat 5:39 But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Mat 5:40 And if anyone would...
  4. Lon

    Being politically correct harms Transgenders?

    As if to be a voice of reason among the avalanche of public support, one medical doctor and psychologists comes out to say that transgender impulses are always more harmful than good, without bias as far as I can tell. Dr. Paul McHugh reports in...
  5. Lon

    ECT Addiction/habitual sin Salvation Hope? No Hope?

    Addiction/habitual sin Salvation Hope? No Hope? These may not be all the options, but I'm looking to answer this question on how I'd counsel a brother or sister and so appreciate the input. I left the vote multiple so that checking all that apply could be done and I also didn't make it...
  6. Lon

    Another tally of anti-trinitarian threads

    The last time I tallied these, the number was well over 130 threads against a Trinitarian view. After all of them were deleted, it is surprising to see how quickly they are rejuvenated. This is not a 'debate the trinity' thread. It is a thread specifically about the number of threads and...
  7. Lon

    Logic/Pattern Puzzles

    First one (add others you come across if you like): 6 + 4 = 210 9 + 2 = 711 8 + 5 = 313 5 + 2 = 37 7 + 6 = 113 9 + 8 = 117 10 + 6 = 416 15 + 3 = 1218 What is the pattern/logic? Place your answer in {spoiler][/spoiler} (change the {} to [])
  8. Lon

    Copywrite infringement (or what if TOL were a TV show)

    "Copyright Infringement" I wondered for awhile, What if TOL was placed in a television show. Any come to mind for you? This, I think, comes pretty close: SvQYBZ7_i9w You can almost name the TOL counterparts :chuckle:
  9. Lon

    Town Heretic hands down the law

    In this important post, TH sums up the attack upon American values and culture as well as our history with the following: My vote for POTY too btw. It is incredibly important regarding our nation and what it will be with the changing landscape. We must stop selfish people from attacking...
  10. Lon

    Christmas Music

  11. Lon

    Vets, thank you for your service

    Psa 144:1 Of David. Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; Psa 144:2 he is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. Psa 144:3 O LORD, what is man that...
  12. Lon

    ECT Examine yourself whether you are in the Faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5

    I observed another imature, rude, childish response on TOL. "Imature" and "childish" are synonymous, but I'm trying to ensure that the perpetrator of this immaturity understands the Biblical term and rightly hones in on self-introspection from a scripture perspective (should they happen to read...
  13. Lon

    ECT IDW's 'Supposed' 'gifted' 'Free'will

    Moved to here so his own thread doesn't derail any further. I believe a will is not really free other than 'free from God' as sinners, nor that such is a gift from God, but from our fallen ancestor Adam: LOTS of discussion on this specific that will likely take us on a long journey away from...
  14. Lon

    Business will not allow Grant to faith-based chariities

    I found this fascinating. For a long time, the Federal Government would not offer grants to Christian Foodbanks or other Faith-based charities seeking to serve and help the community. The Federal Government saw this not as 'separation of church and state" but bias and unfair to organizations...
  15. Lon

    Hard-to-find Classic (Oldies) Contemporary Christian Music

    Between the 70's and late 80's there is a lot of Christian music that isn't available on CD and so is hard to find. Some of this is still very hard to find so I thought I'd start a thread. A lot of you won't relate, I understand that, but maybe you'll appreciate some of it anyway...
  16. Lon

    SCOPER - a Godly Response

    STOP COUNT TO TEN PRAY EXHALE RESPOND I'm not sure if I can consistently do it, this is a test. I'll be sharing along the way.... If you like double-dog dares, let me know if you can and what results/effect. Also, if you have a few verses etc. Post them. AND if you test...
  17. Lon

    Physics Games (online, arcade style)

    First the website: Physics Games (absolutely free) Please add your own (reason for this thread) as well as comments as to why you like a particular game. There are a lot of fun games on Physics games. My current favorite is "Ice-Breaker." If you are into Angry birds, Soduku, or...
  18. Lon

    Muslims kill another Christian family instead of paying them for work

    Because Christians in Muslim countries have few rights and because it is increasingly acceptable to kill Christians in these countries, a Muslim business owner lied about a young couple to incite a Muslims crowd to cooperate in killing them so he didn't have to pay them for working for him for 4...
  19. Lon

    Isis beheads 21 Christians

    "Convert or die"
  20. Lon

    AnnaB: "MANLY men!"

    f82x0PF3gd8 Sometimes a caveman is just a caveman, grunts and all. "Should there be cavemen today?" :idunno: What if he calls me a girl, though? What does a girl do when she's called a "Tomboy?" Well I was thinking "dumb as a brick" or "Cavemanish." Not sure if that was the combination...