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  1. GFR7

    Why group marriage is the next horizon of social liberalism

    This article says it all, and speaks loudly to Justice Kennedy - and to the true nature of his reasoning and logical deductions. It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy Why group marriage is the next horizon of social liberalism. By FREDRIK DEBOER June 26, 2015 Read more...
  2. GFR7

    Millionaire gay couple is suing to force a church to hold their wedding

    Mayhap this UK couple will give American gays a bright idea? :think: Ya think? :jawdrop: Millionaire gay couple is suing to force a church to hold their wedding The Drewitt-Barlows, a millionaire couple from the U.K, stated, “We’ve launched a challenge to the government’s decision to...
  3. GFR7

    After ruling, U.S. Department of Education endorses gay marriage

    Wonder what this will mean? :think: Anyone care to venture a guess?
  4. GFR7

    After Scotus ruling, PA Newspaper Won’t Publish Op-Eds Opposing Gay Marriage

    Gives you an idea of how much the debate really is shut down now, and likely the way GOP candidates are going to view things: :think: “These unions are now the law of the land,” the newspaper editors wrote. “And we would not entertain such criticisms that these unions are morally wrong or...
  5. GFR7

    ‘Gays’ Admit They’re Not ‘Born that Way’

    Hat tip to the illustrious Musterion for this one :e4e: Of course if taken seriously, it would negate the scotus ruling :think: This is also a part of the gay "bait and switch" strategy: (even said openly, sans hidden camera by many now) Pull the public in with certain arguments, then...
  6. GFR7

    John Roberts’s full-throated gay marriage dissent: Constitution ‘had nothing to do wi

    He's right, but they will never admit it, even to themselves. :nono: "The Constitution had nothing to do with it": Roberts dissenting
  7. GFR7

    Breitbart : Take down the Fascist, Anti-Christian Gay Pride Flag

    What of the divisiveness and disunity caused by this flag, as well as the confederate flag? :think: From the piece: Under the banner of what is dishonestly called a gay pride or gay “rights” flag, hate, fascism, and intolerance has festered for years, specifically against Christians and...
  8. GFR7

    Bruce/Caitlin Jenner Effect

    So maybe Rachel Dolezal was "transitioning" to black? :think: our current culture the mind rules over matter and biology and natural law. Post - Jenner this trend will only grow more emboldened and more brazen: From the piece below: “A student is not free to override...
  9. GFR7

    NAACP leader outed as white

    Interesting. Her own parents outed her, and from her teen picture, we can see why.... :think: The problems of identity politics......
  10. GFR7

    The Trap That Ensnared Denny Hastert Could Be Set For Any of Us

    Interesting analysis from I actually have a friend who was entrapped and imprisoned over something far less serious and far more trivial: Lavrenti Beria, who ran Josef Stalin’s KGB, once commented on the ease with which the feared organization he headed could convict any...
  11. GFR7

    Follow Government guidelines for sex, or be labeled a rapist

    Who would have guessed that liberalism leads to fascism? :think: California's sexual re-education camps are coming soon .......every time two college students have sex they have to act like they've never met before and ask for approval for everything from the first kiss and touch through...
  12. GFR7

    Philadelphia Raises the Transgender Pride Flag for the First Time

    On the heels of the Bruce Jenner saga. A bit of public relations on the part of advocates :think: Philadelphia Raises the Transgender Pride Flag for the First Time Flying the trans pride flag in front of City Hall is a small gesture that sends a strong message, say organizers...
  13. GFR7

    Transsexual Warns Jenner: The Hangover is Coming

    Changing genders is short-term gain with long-term pain,” writes Heyer. “Its consequences include early mortality, regret, mental illness, and suicide.” Clinical studies would seem to confirm Heyer’s conclusions. A review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative...
  14. GFR7

    Petition calls for Caitlyn Jenner’s Olympic medals to be taken away

    What was for the gander cannot be for the goose: :think: But really, Jenner insists he always was a woman, so how could he compete in men's events?
  15. GFR7

    Coca Cola runs new ads: "We choose happiness over tradition"

    Coca Cola has been as American as apple pie; I guess it still is, as it's veering off in the postmodern direction America is going in:
  16. GFR7

    Religous Persecution: Russel Shaw says the worst is yet to come
  17. GFR7

    How the US engineered the Irish gay marriage vote

    The author says other nations will be next.....The facts for those who are interested, from MassResistance:
  18. GFR7

    American Thinker: Mad Max and the Dream-Work of Homosexuality

    For those who, like me, love to read, and to think. This is an exceptional piece; profound and timely: An excerpt, below: Like the urge to have intercourse, the urge to resist strange and...
  19. GFR7

    “No sex was used to produce this child!”

    For some people, third party reproduction is just another conquest of technology, like cellphones or Ipads. For others, it is a grave moral crisis.......and probably the biggest danger of the victory of same sex marriage.
  20. GFR7

    Organization has 7 year old explain sperm donors, etc.

    The organization Next Family has put out a video of a seven year old explaining how her 2 Moms had her. Some think this is charming; I find it vile and akin to child abuse. Any thoughts on this video?:think: