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  1. ok doser

    Trump's Election Foreshadowing the End Of The Corrupt, Evil Left

    However a Trump presidency will play out, whether Trump will be a great president, a forgettable mediocre president, or a horrible embarrassment of a president, this much is clear: 2016 spells the end of the Democratic Party :roses: now let's all roll up our sleeves and help President Trump...
  2. ok doser

    To The Left:

    (including those who posture as "moderates") You lost get over it that is all
  3. ok doser

    NASA launches GOZER

    she doesn't look too happy, does she?
  4. ok doser


  5. ok doser

    Rasmussen 1, FiveThirtyEight 0

    :mock: FiveThirtyEight
  6. ok doser

    Madam Loser Concedes

    sposed to be at 10:30 - they must be putting on the makeup with a putty knife youtube pulled it - copyright claim never seen a "streaming live" on youtube before here's another: scroll to 43:00
  7. ok doser

    The Long Nightmare Is Almost Over

    Time left until Obama leaves office 71 days 14 hours 03 minutes 27 seconds
  8. ok doser

    Stop Hillary Clinton Today!

    Vote Trump!
  9. ok doser

    Stop Hillary Clinton Tomorrow

    I know the one surefire way to achieve this If anybody has other suggestions, I'm all ears. Running Tally! 1. Trigger coughing spells with toast (pj) 2. Wash the demonic possession out of her (nonon) 3. Trigger massive earthquake at airport (pj)
  10. ok doser

    President Hillary Rodham Clinton

    kinda makes you want to punch someone, doesn't it?
  11. ok doser

    Hillary Is A Felon

    :p .
  12. ok doser

    On Consent

    story on the cbc this morning: The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa is launching an investigation into a dare-filled pub crawl after an exposé published by the school’s student newspaper – but not all students agree it was dangerous. The article was published in La Rotonde and...
  13. ok doser


    some recent reads - if you have any familiarity with them, chime in :) last night: Based on two decades of reporting, NBC’s chief foreign correspondent’s riveting story of the Middle East revolutions, the Arab Spring, war, and terrorism seen up-close—sometimes dangerously so. When he was...
  14. ok doser

    Success Is More Likely If You're White

    from the Brookings institute: Following the success sequence? Success is more likely if you’re white. Why are black Americans at greater risk of being poor? This is a complex and contested question, one that has exercised scholars and politicians for decades. One of the most sensitive issues...
  15. ok doser

    Impeaching The New President

    Do we have to wait for the election to start the process? i say no
  16. ok doser

    Is It "Sexual Assault" If Nobody Complains?

    The left (especially the CBC) has been portraying trump's foolish nonsense from eleven years ago as an admission of sexual assault but no women have come forward to complain, and trump's own boasting said “... when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.” is it...
  17. ok doser

    Hillary's emails, part 2

    Veteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server...
  18. ok doser

    Has All Been Fulfilled? Have Heaven and Earth Passed?

    Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Ran into one of these today: and they always stumble over thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not commit adultery, etc...
  19. ok doser

    Nobel Prize For President Trump!

    Bammy got one for doing nothing well, that's not totally accurate bammy got one for being black and for being not george bush what should president trump get his for? the choices: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace (aka being black and not george bush) Economic Sciences...
  20. ok doser

    The J-word

    At first I was thinking "jews"? :freak: but no :darwinsm: A Texas teacher named her class the j-word. Her racial slur defense: ignorance.