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  1. ok doser

    Westboro Church Welcomes Refugees!

    Ottawa church fights racism with lawn signs welcoming refugees A church in Westboro is trying to use lawn signs to build community and combat negativity and racism being directed towards refugees in both Canada and the United States. First United Church printed 200 signs that read "No...
  2. ok doser

    Is Russia Our Enemy?

    I say no - they're a trading partner, europe is dependent on their energy supplies, and as long as they aren't expansionist (crimea doesn't count), they're no longer exporting communism, they're (at least nominally) a democracy, and they need to play an integrated role in destroying islam
  3. ok doser

    Oh, Those Wacky French and Their Lovable Mooslims

    ‘Accidental’ sodomy of young Muslim by French police spurs widespread rioting Clashes Break Out in France After Police Say Rape an ‘Accident’ Four police officers raped and roughed up a Black man but said the penetration and head injuries were “unintentional.” Police deployed tear gas on...
  4. ok doser

    Rockets and Ukies and Bluenosers, oh my!

    Rocket launch site to be built in Canso CANSO, N.S. — A small rural community on Nova Scotia’s eastern coast could soon be the launch site for satellite-carrying rockets. Maritime Launch Service Ltd., says it has committed to establishing a launch complex near Canso and Hazel Hill. The...
  5. ok doser

    Geert Gets A Boost From Recep!

    for those of you unfamiliar with the lovely (if odd) couple: Geert Wilders (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɣeːrt ˈʋɪldərs]; born 6 September 1963) is a Dutch politician who is the founder and leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid - PVV).[1][2] Wilders is the parliamentary group...
  6. ok doser

    Clearly A Drunk Can Consent

    This is getting lots of attention from the Canadian press at the moment: Complaints mount against judge in cab sex assault case who said 'a drunk can consent' Taxi driver Bassam Al-Rawi arrested in 2015 after a police officer found him with intoxicated female passenger Complaints are...
  7. ok doser

    Stupid Whites Tricks

    (CNN)A Georgia couple who rode with a Confederate flag-waving group that made armed threats against African-Americans at a child's birthday party were sentenced to prison Monday. Jose "Joe" Torres, was sentenced to 20 years, with 13 years in prison, after a jury convicted him on three counts of...
  8. ok doser

    Stuoid Whites Tricks

    (CNN)A Georgia couple who rode with a Confederate flag-waving group that made armed threats against African-Americans at a child's birthday party were sentenced to prison Monday. Jose "Joe" Torres, was sentenced to 20 years, with 13 years in prison, after a jury convicted him on three counts of...
  9. ok doser

    RIP Bill Paxton

    Bill Paxton Dead at 61 Due to Complications from Surgery
  10. ok doser

    No Hurt Fellings; I Was Offended

    This was offered in another thread by a poster who shall remain nameless as a defense for his actions in response to something that "offended" him, but didn't "hurt his feelings" - something that he feels should have offended "anyone" I see it as an illumination of the immature (aka...
  11. ok doser

    I'm Proud Of My Anglo-Saxon Heritage!

    Currently running on the CBC is an ad for an upcoming program - they put together snippets from other sources - one that stuck in my head is the host of the weekly show Cross Country Checkup, who is of indigenous stock - he says: "I'm proud of being Anishinaabe" it occurred to me that you...
  12. ok doser

    I Like Watermelon!

    I like fried chicken I like collard greens I like cornbread I like kool-aid and so do many of my black friends :)
  13. ok doser

    On Ignore

    from oxford: ignore verb [WITH OBJECT] 1 Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally: ‘he ignored her outraged question’ 1.1 Fail to consider (something significant): ‘the rules ignore one important principle of cricket’
  14. ok doser

    Immigrants, Rape, Censorship, Liberals

    3 Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook Welcome to our brave new digital world in which raping women is all fun and games: Police are reportedly investigating the suspected gang rape of a woman after the attack was live-streamed on Facebook. An online...
  15. ok doser

    What Are The Protesters "Fighting Back" Against?

    does anybody know? do they know?
  16. ok doser

    Mexican Rapists

    A refutation to the libs who claim that there are no mexican rapists:
  17. ok doser

    Russian Influence Campaign Details???

    I've seen a lot of vaguely worded assertions - has anybody seen any specific details on what the russians are supposed to have done?
  18. ok doser

    Community Organizer Fail

    Bloody Year in Chicago Continues with 12 Killings Over Christmas Weekend The bloody Christmas weekend comes toward the end of a record year of violence in the nation's third-largest city. More than 750 people have been killed in Chicago in 2016, marking the first time in nearly two decades that...
  19. ok doser

    Is Rape The Only Way To Exert Power/Dominance/Control Over Another?

    Looks like some are arguing that it is :idunno:
  20. ok doser

    Donald Trump Is A Bigger Liberal Than Hillary Clinton

    because......reasons discuss