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  1. ok doser

    RIP Gene Wilder

  2. ok doser

    On America's "Justice" System

    Elsewhere, I asked: Philadelphia Man Exonerated After Nearly 25 Years Behind Bars for Rape, Murder what would be a just punishment for the judge and prosecutor who unjustly caused this man to be punished for a crime he didn't commit?
  3. ok doser

    On Shrines And Those Who Build Them To Themselves

    "Aren't you proud of me, Mommy?"
  4. ok doser

    For Naz

    Naz has been mia since January, but I was thinking of her this past weekend: Justin Trudeau, Canada's pretty boi prime minister, at the Toronto pride parade:
  5. ok doser

    Societally Acceptable Pedophila, On Its Way!

    regardless of what retards like artie and town have to say about it for example: A Texas middle school teacher is facing felony charges after reportedly admitting to having a sexual relationship with her 13-year-old pupil. Alexandria Vera says the boy's family approved of the affair and...
  6. ok doser

    Gorilla Lives Matter

    ....but do they matter more than black lives? imagine that you are the four year old black boy which one is scarier?
  7. ok doser

    Trolling The Trolls - Ken M

    This guy got some exposure on the CBC last night - looks hilarious Have you ever noticed a "good-hearted, super confident moron" named Ken M in online comment threads? If you wondered how he could possibly hold so many half-baked opinions, check in with his creator, Kenneth McCarthy. The...
  8. ok doser

    Odds and Ends

    just a thread for stuff I run across while looking for other stuff for instance, I have to fabricate a bearing retainer installation tool and I'm googling to get an idea of what the experts use and I ran across a site devoted to "Van Dieman cars" now, I'm fairly well versed in exotic cars...
  9. ok doser

    Black Girls Caught Lying!

    College students punished after claiming racial attack Two black New York college students who claimed they were victims of a racially charged assault on a public bus in January have reportedly been expelled. University at Albany President Robert Jones said in an email to the university...
  10. ok doser

    Rasmussen Puts Trump Ahead of Hillary; Chrys' Head Explodes

    Trump 41%, Clinton 39%
  11. ok doser

    On Victim Blaming

  12. ok doser

    Chrys will vote for Trump

  13. ok doser

    Chinese Homo Follies i played this without sound, but i had the benny hill theme song playing in my head :)
  14. ok doser

    Europe Meltdown While Bammy Courts Castro

  15. ok doser

    International Women's Day!
  16. ok doser

    Happy Birthday Patrick Jane!

    this thread has been reported for being disruptive
  17. ok doser

    Because.... Racism!

    credit to zoo for linking to these retards :mock: zoo, for not realizing they were retards
  18. ok doser

    Reasons To Be Embarrassed For Voting For Obama

    Reason #1: from here:
  19. ok doser

    On Seeking Attention And Posting On A Discussion Board

    if you weren't seeking attention, wouldn't you just send a pm? from here:
  20. ok doser

    On "Accusing" "Charging" and "Just Telling My Story" and...

    On "Accusing" "Charging" and "Just Telling My Story" and... ... how to tell the three apart and avoid looking like a retard