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  1. ok doser

    Poster Child for Stupid

    With an expectation that as the race for the presidency grows increasingly heated, opportunities for stupidity will abound. And no one does stupid better than this dolt:
  2. ok doser

    New York State's Congresswoman: Young, Attractive, Female, Ignored

    Harvard grad, Bush staff worker, Upon her first House election in 2014, Stefanik, then aged 30, became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress at the time. She is the youngest Republican woman ever elected to Congress. A three term Representative, accomplished, intelligent, with a record of...
  3. ok doser

    Go Bernie!

    Trump urges South Carolina Republicans to vote for Bernie Sanders By Steven Nelson February 28, 2020 | 9:39pm Enlarge Image President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally today. AP More On: 2020 presidential election Bernie Sanders' telling fetish for giving...
  4. ok doser

    The Insanity Of The Progressive Liberal Feminist

    Ran across this while researching something for my Victim Blaming thread and thought it worth starting a new thread: Teaching Women Self-Defense Is Not “Victim-Blaming” Posted on 21 June, 2018 by Phil Elmore Recently, comedienne Eurydice Dixon was walking home after a performance in...
  5. ok doser

    Victim Blaming

    I was perusing some old threads the other day and ran across this: it prompted me to respond (in another thread) with this: When I was in third grade, eight years old, I would ride my bike to school. I would lock it at the bike rack and ride home in the afternoon. One day I forgot to lock it...
  6. ok doser

    Chicken Little Might Be Wrong?

    Of course, it's far too late for a generation of retards who have been raised to believe the sky is falling, like Greta We’re Getting a Clearer Picture of the Climate Future — and It’s Not as Bad as It Once Looked...
  7. ok doser

    Space Force!

    Anybody following this?
  8. ok doser

    Black Friday!

    Rebecca Black, that is! :bananana :
  9. ok doser

    OK Boomer

    Yes, it's a thing, a dismissive rebuttal by the generation of emotional childish response and thought to reasoned argumentation from those who are educated and experienced . And here's a perfect rebuttal: I Took ‘Adulting Classes’ for Millennials Inside the curious cottage industry...
  10. ok doser

    Alabama: No, You May NOT Murder Your Child

    Thanks to President Donald Trump:
  11. ok doser

    Justin Trudeau: I'm Going To Put A Homo In Every Child's Pants

    ... pocket I give you - the gay loonie: and the push-back, which doesn't matter in Canada:
  12. ok doser

    Notre-Dame Burns; Hunchbacks Claim Discrimination

    Anybody following this?
  13. ok doser

    Empathy and Compassion for Mass Murderers, Rapists, Child Molesters

    Should a Christian have empathy and compassion for murderers, rapists, child molesters? I say no, that they deserve justice, that their victims deserve justice discuss from here
  14. ok doser

    Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White

    James Baldwin, best known for Notes Of A Native Son an interesting look at justifying bigotry, i ran across this looking for info on european attitudes toward jews in the period before Hitler
  15. ok doser

    More Nutty News From Alabama!

    Sutton also questioned whether the KKK is violent, saying it "didn't kill but a few people." :darwinsm:
  16. ok doser

    Is It Racism?

    in my early post secondary experiences in what has become a lifetime of learning, i was heavily into STEM - Chemistry, Physics, Engineering - and lots and lots of high level math - past the three semesters of calc, past the diff eq and into the rarefied atmosphere of classes where only the math...
  17. ok doser

    Arrested For Refusing The Pledge?

    that's what the headline reads at Vox: it would be understandable at this point in the story if you thought the child was arrested for refusing to say the pledge of allegiance, right? oh, how about that - not a single thing in there about refusing to say the pledge of allegiance oh well...
  18. ok doser

    ECT 1 Corinthians 8:6 (KJV)

    what do you make of the following parallels? one God/one Lord of whom/by whom we in him/we by him i'm weak in eschatological historicity - what is the source of the passage? What language was originally used? What are the oldest extant examples? How good is the KJV translation?
  19. ok doser

    On Socialism

    The topic has come up a lot lately, i ran across this today and thought it worth starting a new thread the whole thing is worth listening to, i'll note a few high points 3:19 on education and school choice