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  1. ok doser

    Kamala Harris, Rape Apologist

  2. ok doser

    Pence/Kamala - anybody watching?

    Lots of references to bammy
  3. ok doser

    Bidens Big Day!

    Today's the ....thing
  4. ok doser

    Joe Biden - Then and Now

  5. ok doser

    Non-Americans Suffering From TDS

    A curious phenomenon that I can only attribute to the power that the MSM holds over those of low intelligence. For example: Woman suspected of mailing ricin to White House arrested at U.S.-Canada border Letter with poison sent to White House possibly mailed from Canada: RCMP The RCMP is...
  6. ok doser

    President Donald J Trump, Nobel Prize Nominee ..... Twice

    First time: US President Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian lawmaker A far-right Norwegian lawmaker said Wednesday that he has nominated U.S. President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the Middle East. Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the...
  7. ok doser

    New Mutants, a GOT reboot?

    Arya Stark, turning into a wolf Hot chick with a fire breathing dragon on her shoulder Anything else?
  8. ok doser

    President Harris?

    Nobody expects senile Joe to last a full term, including Joe and Kamala: Joe Biden Calls His White House Bid The ‘Harris-Biden Administration’ and Harris added: “A Harris administration together with Joe Biden ..."
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    Black Lives That Didn't Matter

    Secoriea Turner, murdered
  10. ok doser

    Muslims Killed Us On 911

    Never forget
  11. ok doser

    Anonymous Unimpeachable Fraud

    Evidence piles up that the phony Atlantic story about Trump and troops was a slime job to boost Biden By Monica Showalter To get a sense of how low the Biden campaign is going to go in its quest to oust President Trump, the Atlantic hit job from Thursday is a pretty good indicator. The...
  12. ok doser

    Countdown To President Trump Re-election

    Two months. 61 days. :)
  13. ok doser

    The Insanity Of The Left

    We see it here everyday from anna, from artie, from eider, from rusha But they're a brief look at what's happening in the rest of the online world. This is what passes for reason in the feminist world on Facebook for example:
  14. ok doser

    Pedophile Central - Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters

    If you support Antifa, you just might be a pedophile If you support BLM, you just might be a pedophile If you have an irrational hatred for our curret president, you just might be a pedophile If you think it's unfair that a child being attacked by a registered pedophile turns around and...
  15. ok doser

    The Case For (and against) White Supremacy

    I'll come back and fill this in after I go in swimming. Hold off on responding please, But think about it This is the definition (from wiki) I'll be working with: "white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them" There are two parts to this definition White...
  16. ok doser

    CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS - Corrupt Tools Of The Democrat Party

    NBC, ABC, CBS, andCNNshow zero results for reports on the 5-year-old white child allegedly executed by black 25-year-old neighbor Four major news networks have not reported on a story of a 5-year-old white child who was allegedly shot in the head at point-blank range by a 25-year-old black man...
  17. ok doser

    Justice for George Floyd

    Cannon Hinnant, five, shot in the head by his neighbor.
  18. ok doser

    George Floyd Body Cam - You Make The Call!

    Video from the police officers' body cams showing first contact with George Floyd up to the point where they put him on the ground. Put yourself in the officers' shoes and describe exactly how YOU would have proceeded with dealing with George Floyd based on this new video evidence.
  19. ok doser

    Obama and Hillary: Guilty of Treason

    So here's the REAL story: Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission. Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador...
  20. ok doser

    All Lives Matter? Nope

    A commonly heard rebuttal to the incredibly inane chant of "Black Lives Matter" is "All Lives Matter". That is demonstrably false. For us white Western citizens of the world, whether American or British or whatever, there are many lives that don't matter. The most obvious that come to mind are...