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  1. Tambora

    Happy Birthday kiwimacahau

  2. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Knight

  3. Tambora

    ECT Created

    Did God create out of nothing, or did God create with what was within Himself? Like Eve was from within Adam. I heard this question asked and thought it was a good one. Does scripture make it plain one way or the other?
  4. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Chair

  5. Tambora

    ECT Feasts of the Lord

    All 7 of the feasts (appointed times) are said to be a memorial, a remembrance of when God brought Israel out of Egypt. In other words, each of the feasts were to be a celebration of what already occurred --- God bringing Israel out of Egypt. All 7 of them, even the fall feasts. Leviticus 23...
  6. Tambora

    Happy Birthday TeeJay

  7. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Buzzword

  8. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Stripe!

  9. Tambora

    Happy Birthday TheBerean

  10. Tambora

    ECT The Cross Has Made You Flawless

    Sing it from the rooftops!!!!!!!!! IoOPsGDZdnM
  11. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Mr.5020

  12. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Morpheus

  13. Tambora

    Happy Birthday IntoJoy

  14. Tambora

    How would you react?

    This is interesting! What if forums didn't show who posted a post? In other words, what if you only saw the post, but not who posted it? Someone tried this, and low and behold, it cut down on back-biting and trivial spiffs because no one knew exactly who they were responding to, and could only...
  15. Tambora

    Favorite Song Versions

    This thread is for those songs that have been sung by more than one artist. Tell which version is your favorite, and why. I'll start off: Mama Told Me Not to Come By The Animals tH47sJIFK0U By Three Dog Night By Randy Newman zUmLAGEHB0U
  16. Tambora

    Happy Birthday NarrowWay

    Last activity was in January. But he might drop back in and see this.
  17. Tambora

    King Cobra strikes!

  18. Tambora

    Name a song with "mama" in the title

    Mama, Mother, Mommy, Ma, etc. Moma Told Me Not To Come - by Three Dog Night JEKOKfmgx0g
  19. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Aimiel

  20. Tambora

    ECT Sell all you have

    Sell all you have Was this to be done in accordance with the law concerning the selling of property? The law says that the Israelites were not to sell the land, permanently. - Lev 25:23. In other words, any sell would only be temporary, akin to leasing rather than an outright sell. Because any...