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  1. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Inzl Kett

  2. Tambora

    My Father told me ....

    "Watch closely how a man treats his mother and sisters, and you will get a glimpse of how he will treat a wife." Reflecting on the relationships among your own family and friends, does this seem to have some truth to it? I have found that it does.
  3. Tambora

    Remote control cattle roundup

    My daughter sent this video to me. Said it looked like something I would do. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes!!!!!
  4. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Bob Enyart

  5. Tambora


    I was born and raised in south-central TEXAS, but now live in north-east TEXAS in a town called Greenville. This sign hung across the main street as you entered the downtown area. It hung there until the 60's. What would be your reaction if you drove into a town and saw this sign?
  6. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Dan P.

  7. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, ebenz47037

  8. Tambora

    Neighborhood watch patrol

    Now, this is what I call a top-notch neighborhood watch patrol! Burglary victims catch suspects, hold them for authorities
  9. Tambora

    A book and it's cover

    This is probably old news to some who watch the show, but this was one of my favorite moments on the show. Susan Boyle auditions for Britain's Got Talent (an offshoot of American Idol). She is a frumpy spinster in her 40's who has never been kissed and lives with her cats. She is rather clumsy...
  10. Tambora

    Oh STEKO ... Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday! :the_wave::the_wave::the_wave:
  11. Tambora

    Make me laugh

    I just love those moments when you see or hear something that makes you laugh so hard that you cannot finish your sentence. This sign was one of those moments for me:
  12. Tambora


    Now this is funny! Squirrel gets head stuck in Halloween decoration and runs around neighborhood.
  13. Tambora

    Delmar BINGOS!

    Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!
  14. Tambora

    Happy Birthday FellowServant!

    Happy Birthday! :the_wave::the_wave:
  15. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Drbrumley!

    Happy Birthday! :the_wave::the_wave:
  16. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Glorydaz!

    Happy Birthday! :the_wave::the_wave:
  17. Tambora

    Coca Cola stuff

    Cleaning out a shed. Found some old Coca Cola stuff. Gonna post pics of what I've found so far.
  18. Tambora

    Happy Birthday nikolai_42

    Happy Birthday Nikolai_42! :the_wave::the_wave::the_wave:
  19. Tambora

    Heir smacks some truth

    I just love this place, with all the folks that can rightly divide and recognize the details of scriptures! Bravo, Heir! You are a great asset to this site.
  20. Tambora

    Steko shuts down Apostolic succession

    One of our resident Truth Smackers, Steko, buries Apostolic succession dead in it's tracks!