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  1. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Maximeee

  2. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Ps82

  3. Tambora


    I found some rain and thunder videos that you can listen to as you fall asleep. Some sound better than others. Some just sound like static. Here's a good one:
  4. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Bob Enyart

  5. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Foxfire

  6. Tambora

    Watch out!

    Heating system went out for the house. Called a repair man and he said the unit was shot and would have to be replaced. :shocked: An old neighbor stopped by and looked at it. He fixed it with a $152 sensor. I don't know if the repair man just didn't know what he was doing, or if he was trying...
  7. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Greg Jennings

  8. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Genuineoriginal

  9. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Nori

  10. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Freelight

  11. Tambora

    TOL Tabloid

    Here's what I heard .... Dear LoneStar We don't have Dear Abby to give out advice. But we do have Dear LoneStar!!! Send LoneStar a PM with your question, and wait for his advice to appear in the next issue. You can sign your own username, or sign with anonymity like: Lost in London...
  12. Tambora

    Happy Birthday, Quincy

  13. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Hilston

  14. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Steko

  15. Tambora

    Happy Birthday Ktoyou

  16. Tambora

    Rape victims

    How should they be treated? With compassion or blame?
  17. Tambora

    Happy Birthday SeraphimsCherub

  18. Tambora

    Making Thanksgiving memories

    I will be with all my children and grandchildren. Twelve of us spending the weekend in a 3 bedroom, 1 bath, house. But I am blessed to have loving, caring, neighbors that offer their homes for accommodations (their extra beds, and an additional bathroom to use). We party at Thanksgiving. We...
  19. Tambora

    ECT Oikonomia (dispensation/stewardship) of Grace

    The meaning of Oikonomia For the time being let's suspend using any English terms for defining the Greek word Oikonomia. As we dig into the etymology (or origin) of the word "Oikonomia" it is important to realize that this word was a really important "concept" word in Paul's time and in THAT...
  20. Tambora

    Happy Birthday LetsArgue
