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  1. Ktoyou

    I really do not understand nuns!

    I really do not understand nuns! This is why. They say they are married to Christ, but that is not really true, but a metaphor for loving Christ, which is the good part about them. The trouble is they never mate with a man, have babies and a family. It seems other nuns become their family...
  2. Ktoyou

    Locked out

    Kat locked out? I have a high setting firewall on the browser, but was blocked on my usual one I use fir forms? Myybe I will play sock it to yah sometime? :p
  3. Ktoyou

    How many hours of sleep

    How many hours of sleep do you get at night. Do you go to bed early and wake early, or stay up late and sleep in? Do you often go with little sleep? New studies seem to say we need more sleep than most of us get. It seems more sleep helps our overall state of health. Some persons have serious...
  4. Ktoyou

    Heat Pumps Are Garbage

    My house up here in Alabama has a heat pump and setting at 82 degrees, it feels as cold as my refrigerator. The only way to get it to put out heat is set it very high and get the electric coils to come on. I had it checked and it does have a slow leak, but I had it charged up last week. They...
  5. Ktoyou

    The opiate addiction myth

    I do not believe a regular good guy would buy dirty powders and then cook it in a spoon and inject that potentially diseased substance into their vein. No, never did I think any moral and normal person would do that! I do understand having a severe pain condition and needing so much pain...
  6. Ktoyou

    At What Age Is One Too Old To Go Trick-or-Treating?

    Going out on Halloween, door to door Trick-or-treating, when is someone likely too old to go house to house for treats?
  7. Ktoyou

    Getting a Little Tired of TOL

    Maybe it is me, and maybe it is a change in membership? I remember when I had my best debate within the theological constructs of basic Christian Doctrine, meaning debate in the confines of the Trinity understanding, where debate centered on good biblical exegeses. Debated on the difference of...
  8. Ktoyou

    Post Count Thread IV

  9. Ktoyou

    Obamacare will fall by Corporate Disapprovaal

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.13% broke through 23,000 for the first time in intraday trade Tuesday, and remained in positive territory in midday trade, but broader market internal readings are decidedly negative. The number of declining stocks outnumbered advancers by a...
  10. Ktoyou

    Healthcare for the elderly

    Someone explain this to me. How does any health care plan change effect one who is already on Medicare, and has a Medi-Gap plan? Young people do not have these plans, loss of their income on premiums seems to mean nothing, a far as I see to those over 65, so, how would it affect me? What about...
  11. Ktoyou

    Trump Tax Cut Bill.

    Again, I am disappointed with Donald Trump. :sigh: I believe the bill should have been one factor this time, to reduce corporate taxes. The most agreed upon tax cut is that corporate taxes are not good for American businesses. The rate is too high and could be a reason for big tech companies...
  12. Ktoyou

    Hurricane Harvey Thread

    Now Hurricane Harvey is a category four!:mad: Please put you responses to the hurricane here, so we have all on topic in one place.
  13. Ktoyou

    Trump’s lack of leadership becomes an excuse for a big sell

    Overbought markets look for an excuse to sell off. Trump’s leadership skills are coming into question after he lost the backing of U.S. company CEOs. Trump dissolved two business councils, though it was more like the executives abandoned him. The market is counting on former Goldman Sachs...
  14. Ktoyou

    Gulf 'T' Thread

    I played 18 holes today and walked the whole course. Adamantly, it was not a large gulf course, just a small-town country club player course. I had to lay down in the grass two times to make it, but without using a riding gulf cart, it was some record walk. An older man played through and...
  15. Ktoyou

    My Many Trips to Walmart

    I had to pick up some medicine at Walmart today. While shopping there and finding no fresh Atlantic Salmon fish marked down, and some good boneless pork chops on sale, I picked to two packs and some bananas. One item I believe all should buy is Yoplait yogurt. Another product you need is...
  16. Ktoyou

    Delmar on Animal Rights and Eating Dogs

    Animal Rights: Every animal has the right to be hunted, killed, cooked, and eaten. Defend animal rights! Ktoyou:".....for some conventional reasons, doggie stew is usually off the menu. Perhaps the idea of eating man’s best friend is offensive to many people, including me. Now cats, well, I...
  17. Ktoyou

    Man Manhandled of United Airlines Flight

    This is one video about the man who was dragged of United Airlines Flight. My question is, was he too disagreeable, or maybe a bit off? I wonder? Why not work this out before he was dragged off the plane? I am sure United was wrong talking this it such a violent extent. It does not seem...
  18. Ktoyou

    Planning on Living Old Folks Life

    Thinking this summer, to sell my home and move full-time into ‘adult only’ condo. They have all I need: swimming pool, gulf course, shuffleboard, bingo and bridge. What’s more, they are very close to Walmart, my favorite shopping. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Piggly Wiggly and Winn-Dixie, but...
  19. Ktoyou

    The Republican health-care bill, oppressing the poor again?

    :kookoo: Washington Post seems to think all the government cares to do is malign poor people the proposed legislation would repeal virtually all of the taxes created by Congress in 2010 to finance the ACA as of 2018. The ACA imposed taxes on insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers and...
  20. Ktoyou

    Kat's POD