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  1. Nang

    ECT Jesus Warns Pharisees

    The following warning from Jesus to the Pharisees is applicable to the MADists, in their state of delusion: John 9:39-41
  2. Nang

    ECT Similarities between MADists and Marcionites.

    There is nothing new under the sun . . . Back in the early days of the 2nd century church, Gnosticism manifested with many faces; one of which was the teachings of a false teacher by the name of Marcion, in Rome. This Gnostic also denied the spiritual import of the O.T. Scriptures which were...
  3. Nang

    Tulipbees POTD on 1-14-2015

    "The Arminian view of Christ’s atonement not only contradicts the biblical definition of Christ’s redemptive work, but also contradicts itself. An examination of three options regarding Christ’s death will prove that Arminianism is irrational. Jesus Christ paid the price and endured God’s wrath...
  4. Nang

    Nick M's awesome lack of vocabulary

    Nick M's vocabulary consists of only three words: 1. Go 2. To 3. Hell yuk, yuk . . . what a smart guy he is not!
  5. Nang

    Nang's SPOTD is Tet's Hit Out of the Park!

    Tet hits a home run out of the park against the false teachings of Dispensationalism, here: "Some facts about the church of satan: 1) It was founded by Anton LaVey 2) Anton LaVey was a follower of Aleister Crowley 3) Aleister Crowley grew up in the Plymouth Brethern 4) Aleister...
  6. Nang

    Nang's SPOTD to nikolai_42

    This post from nickolai_42 on the "Wot's YOUR Favourite Disaster thread, gives some thoughtful perspective upon catastrophes, for sure: "I don't know that I have a "favorite" disaster (the term favorite doesn't associate with catastrophes in my mind) but many of them do call to my mind the...
  7. Nang

    Theology Club: "Christendom" Defined

    Where in the N.T. is "Christendom" defined? Or is it? What is the Dispensational definition of "Christendom?" Nang
  8. Nang

    Do you tend to answer posters or subjects?

    Just curious, Do most of you tend to respond to your friends' posts, or are most of you interested in theological subject matter? Nang
  9. Nang

    Prostituting TOL

    It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God. Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year. Nang
  10. Nang

    Favorite Stew Recipes

    Winter is coming and I love to cook stews. Please share your favorite recipes; I am especially interested in Truster's "Traditional Welsh Stew!"
  11. Nang

    PneumaPsucheSoma Post of the Day

    Nang's pick of POTD: "Service is the result of true religion. The doing will come from the being. Be to do, not do to be. Huge difference. It's the difference between pistis (faith) and hamartia (sin). Many such acts of service as a "what" aren't the "how" of faith, and are sin. Sin is...
  12. Nang

    Theology Club: Dynamic Omniscience

    Here is themuzicman's (an Open Theist) view of Dynamic Omniscience, which is a core belief held by OT'ers. I understand it a bit differently, and since I have received a neg rep from godrulz telling me I do not know anything about it, I am wondering of all the Open Theists agree with...
  13. Nang

    Knight's Good Advice

    Knight's good advice to his own question . . . "I have heard the President and a dozen media reporters all say... "go home and hug your children." And while that's never bad advice you shouldn't stop there. Hug your children and tell them... - That life is sacred. - Tell them they are not...
  14. Nang

    Theology Club: Imputation of Christ's Righteousness

    Do Open Theists rely by faith in Christ's imputed righteousness for their salvation? If so, do Open Theists consider the imputed righteousness that saves, as being eternally SETTLED? Nang
  15. Nang

    Nang's POTD 1-17-12

    Demolition of a false witness against Luther made by Robert Pate AMR correcting and providing the actual beliefs of Martin Luther! :first:
  16. Nang

    Nang's POTD 1-26-12

    Posted by Eddy L here.
  17. Nang

    Is Quincy the best or what?

    :drum: Look what the dear lad had to say about us old ladies! Love ya, forever Quincy! Nang
  18. Nang

    Grandstand discussion: "Ghost's Views on The Nature of Christ"

    This thread is made available for members' opinions and comments regarding the new One on One Debate between AMR and Ghost entitled "Ghost's Views on The Nature of Christ." The debate can be found here.
  19. Nang

    Nang's POTD Firon Emphasizes Salvation By Grace Alone

    Wow! Five jam-packed sentences full of truth! Well said, friend! :first: Nang
  20. Nang

    Nang's SPOTD 4-9-08

    AMR's post on the "Initial Justication" Thread here: